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Russian jets in Syrian skies

Both Russians and Americans want the same thing, killing of Syrian people, so they can take over Syria. Whether Russians do the killing, or Americans do the killing, the end result is the same, deaths of Syrian people. Heck, Syrian people even help them out by killing each other. The Crusaders are coming! The Crusaders are coming! :nana: Russia's goal is to restore Syria to being a Christian country as it had been before the Muslim conquest.

You do know that all it takes for you to get banned again is me creating a thread on the GH section? I often find myself laughing at your points and a part of me does not want to miss that but slow done on the idiotic trolling @Superboy .

P.S. The crusaders were dealt with. Russian involvement in Syria will be fatal. Not as fatal as their involvement in Afghanistan which helped end their commie empire (USSR) but less can do it.

The actor who played Salah ad-Din is a Syrian Arab.

Ghassan Massoud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quite fitting.

Invaders in the Arab world always end up getting defeated.
Bombing coming soon.:flame:


That's truly beautiful.
This actor, he is pro Assad?

Doubt it. They won't have any casualties. They do bombing, and let SAA do the grunt work. SAA is 200,000 strong.

I don't know and quite frankly it does not interest me. Regardless of his political views he is an excellent actor which he has showed on numerous occasions.

If they won't suffer any casualties it will mean that their involvement will be negligible at best. When that is the case you won't change the fundamentals on the ground. It's a lost cause for anyone backing the Al-Assad regime. You just prolong the inevitable. Once he dies (whether tomorrow or in 30 years) the system his clan has kept alive for 40 years will collapse as well. Just like in Iraq with Saddam.

The Al-Assad regime's mercenaries are nowhere as big as that. Hence the need for them to import 1000's of foreigners to fight for them/alongside them. So much for an national army. Either that or forcefully recruiting teenagers and old men.

Russia is making an mistake which is a bad thing as Arab-Russian relations have an enormous potential if both parties find a common ground. No rivalry either or historical grievances. I talked about this earlier with an Russian user and we both agreed.

Let us see what the future will bring.
If they won't suffer any casualties it will mean that their involvement will be negligible at best.

Not exactly. NATO did not suffer any casualty in the Libya war, yet their air power enabled rebels to take over Libya. Russian air power is a tip of the balance, if you will. It is extremely demoralizing when there are planes over their heads. It is difficult to concentrate. If Assad recaptures Idlib with the help of Russian air power, then rebels would be completely demoralized, since they don't hold any big cities with the exception of Idlib and Raqqah.
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Not exactly. NATO did not suffer any casualty in the Libya war, yet their air power enabled rebels to take over Libya. Russian air power is a tip of the balance, if you will. It is extremely demoralizing for rebels when there are planes over their heads. It is difficult to concentrate.

Libya is a totally different case and not comparable with Syria. The opposition in Libya already controlled almost all of Cyrenaica before the NATO bombardments started. We saw very quickly that Gaddafi's support and even strongholds were not faithful to him and his regime. Unlike the situation in Syria where demographics play a much bigger role and where the diversity is much greater.

The Al-Assad regime has almost full support among the Alawis and substantial support among other minorities (Christian Arabs and Druze) while many Syrian Arabs are Arab nationalists and hence tend to side with the regime.

A few Russian air bombardments here and there won't change much on the ground just like we have seen with much more severe US, UK, France, Arab and Turkish bombardments of ISIS in Syria and Iraq. The real battles are won and lost on the battlefront by foot soldiers.

Also as I wrote already, increased Russian involvement in Syria will likely result in increased support for the Syrian opposition by the anti-Assad regime camp. So at least it will balance out on this front.

It's very naive to think that any battle has been won. I still doubt that Russia will go all in in Syria considering their political isolation, horrible economy and a much more important conflict next door (Ukraine) and signs of a growing insurgency in the Caucasus.

Whatever happens it is clear that NATO will automatically go against Russia and vice versa so we just have to sit back and see what will occur. It's correct that the Syrians are the biggest victims regardless of the camp that they belong to.
A few Russian air bombardments here and there

I would imagine it won't be here and there. They'll concentrate on Idlib first. Since rebels only have two capitals, namely Idlib and Raqqah, taking Idlib would almost certainly break the morale of rebels.

Also as I wrote already, increased Russian involvement in Syria will likely result in increased support for the Syrian opposition by the anti-Assad regime camp. So at least it will balance out on this front.

I would imagine Russian intervention boosts SAA morale since they'll have advanced jets bombing rebels day and night.
I would imagine it won't be here and there. They'll concentrate on Idlib first. Since rebels only have two capitals, namely Idlib and Raqqah, taking Idlib would almost certainly break the moral of rebels.

Have you looked at a recent map of Syria and who controls what? The opposition against the Al-Assad regime is not solely composed of FSA, the Islamic Front, Jabhat al-Shamiyya etc. You forgot the Kurds, ISIS and an increasing number of Druze in the South which until recently were crucial for the Al-Assad regime in the Jabal al-Druze region.

Nothing will break the moral of those people. They have nothing to lose. If that happens Al-Assad will suffer setbacks in other regions as he has always done whenever his mercenaries have had any success in one place.

A war of arbitration will only have one winner. The Syrian opposition. Also don't forget that the pockets of the anti-Assad camp are endless nor is there a lack of supply in terms of men whether local or foreign.

I am 100% sure that at least the GCC is with the Syrian opposition until they will eventually prevail.
Have you looked at a recent map of Syria and who controls what? The opposition against the Al-Assad regime is not solely composed of FSA, the Islamic Front, Jabhat al-Shamiyya etc. You forgot the Kurds, ISIS and an increasing number of Druze in the South which until recently were crucial for the Al-Assad regime in the Jabal al-Druze region.

Nothing will break the moral of those people. They have nothing to lose. If that happens Al-Assad will suffer setbacks in other regions as he has always done whenever his mercenaries have had any success in one place.

A war of arbitration will only have one winner. The Syrian opposition. Also don't forget that the pockets of the anti-Assad camp are endless nor is there a lack of supply in terms of men whether local or foreign.

I am 100% sure that at least the GCC is with the Syrian opposition until they will eventually prevail.

I have the map. I count Idlib and Raqqah as the only capitals held by rebels. Same situation in Ukraine where rebels hold the capitals Donetsk and Lugansk. It is also worth noting the population of Damascus is 8 million up from 1.7 million in 2010 because of influx from elsewhere.

Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first target will be Idlib. The second target will be Aleppo. The third target will be Douma.
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The time of the absolute rulers in the MENA region (and everywhere else) is coming to an end whether they or their supporters like it or not. You can't prevent time from doing it's thing.
This is the best you have ever said.

Again Al saud working hard against this to come true.
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