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Russia will not agree to any curbs on transfer of sensitive technologies to India!

No one risks while building a nuclear submarine reactor for the first time, We are not as scientifically advanced like pakistan is, we are trying to catch up with pakistan.... Are you happy now... :rofl:

Just trying to separate fact from BS.

No, Its Not a backroom Diplomatic Haggling..... We have signed a pact with russia, USA cannot come in between and force russia to take necessary action... But China will be under pressure if it does anything to pakistan, all it can do join with pakistan to build a thing, cannot exchange technologies... anyway the chinese do not have any sensitive technologies as most of there technical knowledge is from Russia

No, dear, it's called setting a precedent.
But you can believe whatever makes you sleep better at night.
Just trying to separate fact from BS.

So you come to say that Pakistan is scientifically advanced than India? Keep it the way if You are happy with that..

No, dear, it's called setting a precedent.
But you can believe whatever makes you sleep better at night.

We dont have to believe is something which is not, I shared facts with you, its upto u to take it or throw it..
Yes, Absolutely right. India knows how to create simple Nuclear Reactors and not the complex. It may include reactor for INS Arihant. But who knows ?

Exactly, but now, we have the tecnology to build a complex one ...
It indeed is, but I dont take it as a tool to belittle anyone as many in here do...

Sorry, but you had posted some strong anti-Muslim comments in another thread.
So, perhaps you can point to me where I claimed that Pakistani nuclear technology is superior to India's.
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Fair enough. India knows how to build some types of nuclear reactors, but not others. And it needs foreign help with those technologies.

India-IAEA sign inspection pact,India and the World, News Analysis, India News Online

Russia and France have come forward with attractive offers for their advanced light water reactor designs

Negotiations with France are on for six light water reactors of the most advanced design and bigger capacity — 1600 MWe.

My point stands. It will make it easier for Pakistan to obtain civilian nuclear tech.

My dear good fellow that is not the point! The sustenance of nuclear power generation in India depends on imported nuclear fuel (till the time we are able to master AHWRs) and not on imported technologies. We can very easily achieve our target of generating 20 GWe of nuclear power with indigenous PHWR/FBR/AHWR technologies provided we get enough fuel from some other source!

India has been living in nuclear isolation right from the time when the world realized that we had ambitions of developing nuclear weapons. Those sanctions were fully and strictly imposed the day we exploded a nuclear bomb in 74. Under these sanctions we were not allowed to do nuclear trade with any country in the world. The US ensured that we don’t get any technology that will remotely assist us in building nuclear reactors. Under these circumstances it was decided that we should develop our own civilian reactors. Now the problem was that we didn’t have enough high quality uranium that could be enriched to HEU standards (one of the reasons why our warheads are based on Pu). PWRs and LWRs require HEU as fuel. Hence we realized long back that it would be untenable for us to develop LWRs & PWRS. Hence, all our efforts, resources, R&D, finances etc. was mobilized into developing certain types of reactors that would allow us to utilize domestically available fuel optimally. Indian PHWRs use ‘natural Uranium’ as fuel, the FBRs use plutonium-uranium oxide as fuel and AHWRs will use thorium as fuel (India possesses the largest reserves of thorium in the world). PWRs/LWRs never featured in our plans right from the time we set out to develop indigenous reactors.

The decision to import LWRs & PWRs is purely commercial. Countries like France, Russia & US have abundant resources of Uranium. Hence, they build LWRs & PWRs. When US agreed to lift sanctions on India and allow nuclear trade, they set a precondition that India would have to import nuclear reactors too if it needed access to imported fuel. India would have been more than happy if the US decided to give us only fuel for our own indigenous reactors but that was not be and US imposed such a condition on us to maximize their own profits.

My point being, India is not importing reactors because the reactors are superior to what we have developed ourselves. We are importing reactors because we have no other choice if we need fuel. Also, it allows us to achieve our target of 20 GWe by 2020 as multiple suppliers will be developing their reactors at various sites simultaneously as opposed only one country trying to develop all reactors individually.

lil busy now. I l comeback some time later and prove to you just how advanced Indian indigenous civilian nuclear capabilities are.

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Precedent like the AQ Khans nuclear blackmartket??:hang2:

No. Precedent like transfer of nuclear reactor technology.

Pressurised heavy water reactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) has built and operates 13 PHWR units. Initially these indigenously built reactors were reverse-engineered from the CANDU design, but later models have diverged significantly

Focus, people, stay on topic. I know you can do it!
Pakistan does have indigenous reactor at Khushab but it's only used for creating weapons grade fuel and it is too small unlike US reactors which can offer very high output..Khushab Reactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia PAEC has asked government to provide more funding and approval for more nuclear reactors some with help from China.AFAIK one is being built at Chasma.
That's probably why you are paying 1.2 billion dollars to US firms to build two new nuclear reactors.

Just to import fuel. Uh huh.

I dont think the deal with the US building reactors in India is going to materialise. I have read it somewhere, that the US is planning to forego the option of building reactors in India so that it can maintain the high moral ground to single mindedly pursue the non proliferation goals of the Obama administration. I shall try to locate the article and post it.

Of course that is not likely to affect the deals India has struck with Russia and France.
I dont think the deal with the US building reactors in India is going to materialise. I have read it somewhere, that the US is planning to forego the option of building reactors in India so that it can maintain the high moral ground to single mindedly pursue the non proliferation goals of the Obama administration. I shall try to locate the article and post it.

Of course that is not likely to affect the deals India has struck with Russia and France.

Maybe they are getting signals that they will not get the MRCA deal.
Hillary Clinton seemed to suggest that the two were linked.

In anycase, India has Russia and France, so no big loss.

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