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Russia Warns Bulgaria Against Servicing MiG-29 Fighter Jets in Poland

Lol,Quoted for truth
The ther half of the truth is Chinese has developed its own system that needs no other people permission. The VLS onboard Type054A frigate can fired ASROC and SAMwhich I couldn't remember any Russian weapon system similar.
Russia has a very hard time finding good allies in the Balkans. After "liberating" these brads they have gotten all unthankful. I'm playing devils' advocate but if I was Russia I would do the same. Balkan countries can't be trusted, both the Europeans and Russians know this. Bulgaria can do whatever they want with these jets but Russia can do whatever they want and not sell spare parts. What about that? It is not rocket science. And I wondered why Russia cancelled the pipeline going through Bulgaria.
Russia has a very hard time finding good allies in the Balkans. After "liberating" these brads they have gotten all unthankful. I'm playing devils' advocate but if I was Russia I would do the same. Balkan countries can't be trusted, both the Europeans and Russians know this. Bulgaria can do whatever they want with these jets but Russia can do whatever they want and not sell spare parts. What about that? It is not rocket science. And I wondered why Russia cancelled the pipeline going through Bulgaria.
In the first place, russian is the one occupied them. Why shall they be grateful to occupier when they attain their freedom.
They did not give the planes on loan or like gift which Pakistan F16 received, Everyone paid their hard earned money.... So it is a plane which Russia manufactured and owned by Bulgaria!

Naturally Bulgaria should go to Russia instead of third party! You cannot warn your customers like this... If you do they would go to your competitor!

Then it is a different game altogether! Why it is not covered in the news? Can you give credible proof?

Meh,they also warned Romania in the 90's not to upgrade MIG 21's without Russian asistance but we ignored them.Bulgaria should do the same.

Yes,but they were bought and paid,they're Bulgarian now.
Yeep, me absolutely wanted to tell the story but you've made ahead :).
After all, bulgarians could do whatever they want (they definately could upgrade/modify THEIR jets themselfs), - when jets start to crash (which what was happening to those self-"modernised" romanian mig-21s), then never say rubbish about Russian jets're bad... blah blah ..
cheers :)

In the first place, russian is the one occupied them. Why shall they be grateful to occupier when they attain their freedom.
Russia occupied balkans? LOL
They were supplied by Russia. It's Russian technology.
Its Soviet technology... and like many say when there a crime from Soviet times Russia is not Soviet so same goes with tech before 1990
Bcs US want that.Yesterday the minister said that Russia can steal the engines from the planes, yes he said it, its not a joke...

Steal the engines? Why not the whole plane?:rofl:

Poland is offering a price 30% cheaper than Russia to service the planes.

There lies the answer

Luckily we're all fluent in Bulgarian in here...

Are you saying the minister never said that. Could you post the translation?
here whats google god translates:

Ненчев: Русия може да ни открадне двигателите на изтребителите МиГ-29

Има много голям риск да изпратим 10 или 14 двигателя за ремонт в Русия и да не си ги получим заради санкциите и обтегнатите отношения между Европейския съюз и Русия. Това заяви пред предаването на Нова телевизия „Здравей, България” военният министър Николай Ненчев, коментирайки избора Полша да ремонтира част от изтребителите Миг-29.

"Nenchev : Russia may steal the engines of fighter MiG -29

There are many great risk to send 10 or 14 engine repair in Russia and did not receive them because of sanctions and strained relations between the European Union and Russia. It told Nova TV transmission of "Hello , Bulgaria " Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev commenting choosing Poland to repair part of the MiG -29 .

and here one sorce Ненчев: Русия може да ни открадне двигателите на изтребителите МиГ-29 | The Bulgarian Times
It doesn't matter,they're Bulgarian property and they could do whatever they want with them unless there was a special clause in the early 90's contract when they were delivered.And i think such a clause doesn't exist.The Poles are servicing their own Migs,Romanians the same.No biggie

They can surely do that, but the Russians are also very much in their right to oppose this move. After all, the Russians/Soviets (who cares) are the ones who delivered these aircraft. Too bad for Bulgaria though. They won't be getting any Russian goodies any more.
Russians/Soviets (who cares
belive me many care becose it could get russian drown in many lawsuits and soviet was not just russia there where many countries inside them... but who cares yee...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
They were supplied by Russia. It's Russian technology.

it doesn't matter , the only possible reason Russian can voice a concern is if Bulgaria decided to sell their Migs to Poland

it's like saying you can only service your car at the one and only dealership.
it doesn't matter , the only possible reason Russian can voice a concern is if Bulgaria decided to sell their Migs to Poland

it's like saying you can only service your car at the one and only dealership.

There is a stark difference between a car and a fighter jet. Russia is the main producer of these fighters. It only makes sense to refurbish these planes through the main producer. Of course, Bulgaria can go ahead, but it won't be appreciated by Russia. Like I said, it won't do the defence relations any good.
...blah blah .. junks're comming to the forum and spread their rubbish talks which me not commenting (like dat scrap with .pl aaaalways're comming about tech/mil development etc ... and guess what .. they start talking about how eveyone should feel pitty for them .. as of their histoty and they still suffer (every morning LOL).. omg .. ridiculous people).
About the main thing = simple - you have a peace of machinery - you handle it the way you want (there's a rules/aggrements, but thing is in those ... countries (? not really) they don't respect all that stuff, so whatever, you cannot agree to them relying upon their mind/sences of reality ), so as usual : "warranty removed upon inproper usage/influence ..."
...blah blah .. junks're comming to the forum and spread their rubbish talks which me not commenting (like dat scrap with .pl aaaalways're comming about tech/mil development etc ... and guess what .. they start talking about how eveyone should feel pitty for them .. as of their histoty and they still suffer (every morning LOL).. omg .. ridiculous people).
About the main thing = simple - you have a peace of machinery - you handle it the way you want (there's a rules/aggrements, but thing is in those ... countries (? not really) they don't respect all that stuff, so whatever, you cannot agree to them relying upon their mind/sences of reality ), so as usual : "warranty removed upon inproper usage/influence ..."

I could say the same... comes a Russan troll to troll about tech and history bla bla bla its the best you can do...
Forgot you guys dont know whats reality and whats fantasy but it your country choice. I know is hard when somone is stating the truth it hurts isnt it?
And you forgot who is crying about this deal i will give you hint you got this country flag in your profile ...
I could say the same... comes a Russan troll to troll about tech and history bla bla bla its the best you can do...
Forgot you guys dont know whats reality and whats fantasy but it your country choice. I know is hard when somone is stating the truth it hurts isnt it?
And you forgot who is crying about this deal i will give you hint you got this country flag in your profile ...

- "Самдурак" (С)
I got your answer, buddy! ("truth it hurts isnt it ... forgot who is crying about this deal" - ooo my... we see Poets are comming out, geeeee :) )
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