"The Ukrainian heavy artillery, which marked the targets with Bayraktar Tb2, finished the job." This indicates that Ukrainian artillery units have now achieved fully integrated operational capability with tactical drones. A very important talent acquisition for the Ukrainian army.
"It is understood from the Russian radio conversations that the 6th Armored Regiment was almost destroyed and its commander(Colonel Zakharov ) was also killed." Another disgraceful event for the Russian army. How can the entire convoy be lost together with the regiment commander... the explanation for ignoring such a tactical error/technical defect is something that needs to be clarified with a military investigation.
Russian radio record:
- 6th Regiment, I can't report right now, there are too many casualties, they are waiting, we were ambushed, the Regimental Commander died, I'm looking at the rest.
-Now get everyone together and then you're reporting to me, got it?
-They shoot from there with Artillery, Tank, UCAV, as far as I understand Bayraktar is flying.
Ukrainian intelligence anouncment about their ambush:
"The 6th Armored Regiment of the 90th Tank Division advancing in the direction of Borvary was largely destroyed. The commander of the regiment, Colonel Zakharov, was killed. The 256th Mechanized Infantry regiment suffered heavy losses. Russian troops withdrew."