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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Hold on, I thought Putin is fighting "Nazis" not "Jewry"?

Israel is the elephant in the room. People may see it but no one wants to discuss it.

I would suggest that if people don’t understand the total control of Jews/Israel over the US they will never understand anything going on in the world.

US policy is Israeli policy. When the US does something we need to ask what Israel’s objective is.

Jews have a hatred for Russia going back to the time of the czars. The Bolshevik revolution resulted in them killing off the royal family and taking over the country.

After the end of the USSR the bulk of Russian resources were stolen by the Jewish oligarchs. When Putin threw them out they moved to Israel.

Then Putin got them angrier by getting involved in Syria and Iran, targets of Israeli regime change.

The bulk of supremacistsright wingers, white supremacists in the West are on Israeli payroll. That explains why nationalist European politicians mainly target Muslims, never Jews. Traditional nazis obviously hated Jews, but very few of them exist now. The neo-nazis in Ukraine were working under a Jewish President and Prime Minister, so obviously they didn’t have a problem with Jews.

This war is an Israeli declaration of war on Russia. Nothing short of the collapse of Russia will be tolerated. Putin has to go and a government friendly to Israel has to be installed. They want a penis-piano-playing guy like Jewlensky running Russia. That’s the objective. If Putin survives then Zion will be in a lot of trouble.
Agree with first part. Russia thought war would be easy, however initial failures does not mean war is lost.

One thing for sure, this war cannot be won. There are inlaws behind every tree in north Ukraine, and land army is Russian military biggest element.

Iranians took grievous losses, but fought until Saddam had no option, but to give up or risk running out of military to police its own cities.

Both sides waved the religion flag, but Iranian were clearly the ones who followed on it with true fanatical zeal, and Iraqis not. This was a morale defeat for the Iraqis who started poking jokes at Saddam, and their leadership at large suddenly becoming religious after years of following Baathism ideology, and crushing religion.
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I think Iranian-Iraqi war is the best comparison. Both countries had serious modern armies from hardware standpoint. And one side attacked another on assumption of a "walk in the park" war.

I think it's reasonable to think now that Russia after this will turn into a new Iraq, than a new North Korea.
You have the sides mixed up. Another case of factual incorrectness with absolutely zero shame.

Ukraine started attacking Donetsk and Lugansk first. So Russia might be the new Iran (isolated oil producer) but it is actually Ukraine being the new Iraq.
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One thing for sure, this war cannot be won. There are inlaws behind every tree in north Ukraine, and land army is Russian military biggest element.

Iranians took grievous losses, but fought until Saddam had no option, but to give up or risk running out of military to police its own cities.

Both sides waved the religion flag, but Iranian were clearly the ones who followed on it with true fanatical zeal, and Iraqis not. This greatly demoralised the Iraqis who started poking jokes at Saddam, and their leadership at large suddenly becoming religious after years of following Baathism ideology, and crushing religion.
another factual inaccuracy. Russia is a federal democracy that doesn't need far right paramilitaries like Azov Battalion to police its own cities. There are no Russian paramilitaries or militias like Azov Battalion.

"The Ukrainian heavy artillery, which marked the targets with Bayraktar Tb2, finished the job." This indicates that Ukrainian artillery units have now achieved fully integrated operational capability with tactical drones. A very important talent acquisition for the Ukrainian army.

"It is understood from the Russian radio conversations that the 6th Armored Regiment was almost destroyed and its commander(Colonel Zakharov ) was also killed." Another disgraceful event for the Russian army. How can the entire convoy be lost together with the regiment commander... the explanation for ignoring such a tactical error/technical defect is something that needs to be clarified with a military investigation.

Russian radio record:
- 6th Regiment, I can't report right now, there are too many casualties, they are waiting, we were ambushed, the Regimental Commander died, I'm looking at the rest.
-Now get everyone together and then you're reporting to me, got it?
-They shoot from there with Artillery, Tank, UCAV, as far as I understand Bayraktar is flying.

Ukrainian intelligence anouncment about their ambush:
"The 6th Armored Regiment of the 90th Tank Division advancing in the direction of Borvary was largely destroyed. The commander of the regiment, Colonel Zakharov, was killed. The 256th Mechanized Infantry regiment suffered heavy losses. Russian troops withdrew."
another factual inaccuracy. Russia is a federal democracy that doesn't need far right paramilitaries like Azov Battalion to police its own cities. There are no Russian paramilitaries or militias like Azov Battalion.
Sadly for you they using them... wagner grup and whole donetsk/lugansk republik its a right wing paramilitarie sponsored by russia ...

"The Ukrainian heavy artillery, which marked the targets with Bayraktar Tb2, finished the job." This indicates that Ukrainian artillery units have now achieved fully integrated operational capability with tactical drones. A very important talent acquisition for the Ukrainian army.

"It is understood from the Russian radio conversations that the 6th Armored Regiment was almost destroyed and its commander(Colonel Zakharov ) was also killed." Another disgraceful event for the Russian army. How can the entire convoy be lost together with the regiment commander... the explanation for ignoring such a tactical error/technical defect is something that needs to be clarified with a military investigation.

Russian radio record:
- 6th Regiment, I can't report right now, there are too many casualties, they are waiting, we were ambushed, the Regimental Commander died, I'm looking at the rest.
-Now get everyone together and then you're reporting to me, got it?
-They shoot from there with Artillery, Tank, UCAV, as far as I understand Bayraktar is flying.

Ukrainian intelligence anouncment about their ambush:
"The 6th Armored Regiment of the 90th Tank Division advancing in the direction of Borvary was largely destroyed. The commander of the regiment, Colonel Zakharov, was killed. The 256th Mechanized Infantry regiment suffered heavy losses. Russian troops withdrew."

Just confirming our previous conclusions that drones made conventional light artillery so much more deadly even without any smart munitions. UAVs take out ends of the column, and artillery delivers firepower using UAV feeds for fire direction, and correction.

I feel old 122mm SPGs will be a very well selling item around the world after this war.
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The lifeless body of a young girl lay wrapped in a blanket - found among the rubble in donets village.

A stark reminder for all those cheerleading for conflict that war tends to take away the future of nations.

"Yes but if it could have been avoided if Ukraine surrendered and accepted Russian demands!!". Yes it could have been avoided at the first place if Russia didn't invade Ukraine with the most absurds casus belli ever.

As always,those who romanticize war aren't those who are losing family members in conflicts,have never seen real combat and are sitting comfortably behind their computer,their only real combat experience being battlefield or call of duty.

(Just some humor for a bit of a change)

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I dont know. That is why i did not offer any numbers about losses of russian or ukrain side. And that also is why i asked him if he believes the numbers he gave. And the link he gave was from the german "Tagesschau", a state TV and propaganda mouth pipe of the criminal and corrupt german gov. And at least this "Tagesschau" tells a statement from some ukrainien who came up with this numbers. So...

To make it clear: I dont care about such numbers, wether it is from russia or it is from ukrain. I only care about the progress or degress on the ground. Thats my way to get a small picture about what is happen there.
I see.

There is ample evidence of the fact that Russian forces have suffered heavy losses in this war on the ground by now. Russians have lost two very senior military officials in this war as well. @dBSPL is providing good insight from time-to-time.

This is not to say that Russians are finished in Ukraine - 190,000 Russian troops are involved in Ukraine in the present. Additional forces include Belarusian troops, Wagner mercenaries, and Chechens. This force will not diminish anytime soon.

But Ukrainians look determined to fight back and inflicting losses left, right and center. This is surprising and admirable.

another factual inaccuracy. Russia is a federal democracy that doesn't need far right paramilitaries like Azov Battalion to police its own cities. There are no Russian paramilitaries or militias like Azov Battalion.

Russians have called in Belarusian troops, Wagner mercenaries, and Chechens to fight in Ukraine. This war is stress-testing Russia unlike any other in its history since 1992.
  1. Third World War: According to the predictions, a great world war will be started between Two “Alifs” and Two “Geems”. Russia would attack on Western “Alif” and then it would surrender in front of China. Upon the destruction, Russia would ask the mercy from China. Later on One Geem would make alliance with Russia and China against rest of the “Alif”. Most lethal and Massive destructive weapons will wipe majority of the people from the earth. Finally the “Alif” against which alliance was made will totally be wiped out from the map of the world and its name will only persist in the books of History.
  2. View attachment 822564
is it going to happen ???????????

It's true!

There will be the great war as mentioned above.

But it's just saying about one war.

While actually there are two wars that are going to happen.

The first big war, as what happened today, will be ended with a big bang.

Then there will be the second great war not long after.

If the first war is the start of the great tribulation.

The second war is the end of the tribulation.

We are going to live and see it!
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