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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Anyone who is interested on US NED involvement in Ukraine should refers to this 10,000 page factsheet just released by China.
Honestly, it's a good strategy US is employing to weaken Russia and China, I would have done the same thing I see nothing wrong with it.

You see nothing stopped Russia from supplying arms to African or Middle Eastern countries to use against Western Forces to get them bogged down and killed. The same goes for China, why fight directly if you can cause death by a thousand cuts? Those who failed to adapt are Russia and China on inflicting damage. Case Study: Russia waited almost 4-5 years to come to it's ally need in Syria who was on his knees after his army was destroy. Common sense would have dictated to come early to stop the bleeding as the Western forces just did in Ukraine, sitting on one's f#cking *** doesn't correct a situation.
Then dont be hypocritical moaning and screaming Russia is the attacker.
When Russia is the defender compelled to protect russian speakers that the USA NATO been killing over the last 8 years using Ukrnazis as proxy.

That seen and warned about from 2015

And how USA NATO and the West controlling Zelensky like a puppet eunuch in video below

Then dont be hypocritical moaning and screaming Russia is the attacker.
When Russia is the defender compelled to protect russian speakers that the USA NATO been killing over the last 8 years using Ukrnazis as proxy.

That seen and warned about from 2015

And how USA NATO and the West controlling Zelensky like a puppet eunuch in video below

Oh just a little correction I’m not moaning or screaming rather I’m encouraging both sides Russian and Ukrainian/West to keep fighting and killing each other for all I care.
. But it will take time, many year, maybe a decade.
USA better get on with it. :D

As by end of this year, USA and NATO and Japan will be spiralling into bankruptcy and their own black holes:enjoy:


"Bill Gates says there's a 'strong argument' we're about to see a global economic slowdown" https://news.yahoo.com/bill-gates-says-theres-strong-110641908.html

"Rocket CEO: ‘We feel strongly there will be a recession here in the coming quarters’" https://finance.yahoo.com/video/rocket-ceo-feel-strongly-recession-133528164.html


🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 *WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲* 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
Freedom is relative. Freedom of speech doesn’t give you the right to say lies, insult others, spew violent speeches, incite hatred.
Its one thing for spain to lock someone up for violating its laws,its another thing entirely for the spanish to do it on behalf of the ukis,especially when they claim that this person is supposedly guilty of "treason".
This is less "hate speech",than it is "thought crime",still considering whats happened to people like julian assange its really not that surprising.
We seem to be entering an era of neo fascism in the west,the disturbing thing is just how many people seem perfectly happy with that.What makes this especially disturbing is that the crimes of fascism are still [just] within the realm of living memory.
IF even a small Chinese girl understands what really cause the Ukraine-Russia war.

Why can't many of the adults?

The Western media and governments are absolute masters of propaganda and mind control. They have to be. In any democracy, job number one is to fool the people well enough to get elected while you implement the agenda of those who funded your campaign.

Noam Chomsky's famous book Manufacturing Consent explains it all.
She certainly can and so can many Chinese. The Chinese unlike their Smart Western Alec understand this - the weather and mother nature is beyond their control.
If this is the extent of her knowledge and understanding I expect to be lacking food aid parcels for her. I hope you’re wrong
The Western media and governments are absolute masters of propaganda and mind control. They have to be. In any democracy, job number one is to fool the people well enough to get elected while you implement the agenda of those who funded your campaign.

Noam Chomsky's famous book Manufacturing Consent explains it all.another
Here is another book.
The Russia Scare: Fake news or geniune threat.
War with Iran could have stopped after two years , But your Ayatollah refused a so the war lasted 8 years. nb And ended at about the same lines.

Pointless casualties for 6 years and your Ayatollah shares/bear the responsibility for that.

Yes,and if churchill had only accepted hitlers offer of peace after dunkirk think how many lives could`ve been saved. :sarcastic: 🤪
Now imagine for a second if the west,the arabs and the soviets hadnt propped up saddam,imagine an iranian victory in say 1986[or likely even earlier] which lead to saddams ouster,there would`ve been no iraqi invasion of kuwait,no desert storm,no hundreds of thousands dead from un sanctions,no operation iraqi freedom,no us occupation,no insurgency,no sunni-shiite near civil war,etc,etc,etc....
Just imagine all of the countless numbers of lives that would`ve been saved by the ouster of one single man........
It is truly one of the greatest tragedies in the recent history of the middle east.😠
If this is the extent of her knowledge and understanding I expect to be lacking food aid parcels for her. I hope you’re wrong
You have missed the main point in all these. Read the Global Times article before you opined.
IF even a small Chinese girl understands what really cause the Ukraine-Russia war.

Why can't many of the adults?

The depth of analysis by a Chinese girl in English using Romance of 3 Kingdoms.
English not her first language either.

More profound then the idiots of Murica UK NATO shit heads.
Click to expand...
Allow me to expand on that book quoted at length by that cute little girl as to the war financed and created by USA using Ukraine and NATO as proxies against Russia .; That as a precursor to USA finding more proxies and missile fodder to fight China.

A book known and read and loved by Chinese on both sides of Taiwan Straits, including that little girl.
That book also known and read and loved by Koreans and Japanese as well as Chinese all over the world.


Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Wikipedia

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-29 at 10.24.58 AM.jpeg

Nice summary of Liu Bei in 3 Kingdoms without him saying a single word.
Read the comments in Youtube
. .
Lets say NATO did the right thing as you say.
Removed a non-democratic Ghaddafi.
In that case NATO in the aftermath, has a obligation to create a new state which atleast provide better conditions for Libyans than what Ghaddafi-government could provide, whatever it may cost. Its the only way NATO intervention can be somewhat justified. But reality shows a completely different picture.

Radical insurgent groups and warlords gained power simply because NATO removed a stable functioning government and did not even try to build a new and better government. Chaos thrives in powervacum.
NATO's goal is to create mess and instability, they are a tool to create economic advantage for the West and inequality in their favour with the rest of the world.
You mean the illegal coupmaker

Muammar Gaddafi and his comrades were revolutionaries. Would you also declare Napoleon Bonaparte as an "illegal coupmaker" ? Or Hazrat Muhammad ?

And wasn't NATO's regime change plan for Libya and Syria illegal coupmaking ?

aka rapist

Rapist ? This Libyan girl in mid-2011 doesn't think so and she is defiant against Obomba, Sarkozy, Cameron and so on :

You must have gotten you idea from NATO false propaganda. Please read this article on Pravda for a nice analysis of a crooked NATO book about that subject :

Sex sells, it's as simple as that. Modern society has become obsessed with sex. Unfortunately not because one considers it to be a source of great joy and a way to experience love and connectedness. On the contrary, people's obsession with sex merely sprouts from all the guilt and misguided 'values' surrounding the topic. The bigger the taboo, the bigger the obsession with it. For that reason, the vast majority of mankind can't do without their daily batch of stories linked to 'forbidden' sex in personal conversations, but even more in movies, soap series, tabloid stories et cetera.

Media moguls know this. The corporate financiers behind the media know this. But by far the most dangerous, the forces behind global war and destruction are fully aware that this is THE way to bend the public opinion - the public emotion - towards their evil agenda.

After the war on Iraq, NATO's war on Libya once again made it crystal clear that the wars of the 21st century have become nothing but straightforward propaganda wars. Whoever was not convinced yet by the already much used trump card of "another evil dictator being on the brink of eradicating a large part of his people", had to be won over by the topic that clearly appeals to the emotions of the majority: sex.

Global emotions ran high when mainstream media headlines in April 2011 started to claim that, according to UN diplomats, the forces of the Libyan Jamahiriya were being issued the impotency drug Viagra in order to engage in sexual violence and rape against those who supported the NATO-led rebels. From that moment in time, so-called Gaddafi supporters were inevitably also branded supporters of sexual crimes. No legitimacy for such people in the civilized world. Ergo, another free pass for NATO to proceed with its imperialist war on the once sovereign and prosperous country.

By now the outcome of this illegal war has become obvious for everyone. NATO's 'free democratic Libya' has turned out to be a failed state, ruled by militias, mercenaries and traitors of the functioning Jamahiriya. But the remainders of Muammar Gaddafi's ideology as described in the Green Book are still there - moreover, the idea of a people's government only has been spreading ever since the outward destruction of the Libyan Jamahiriya in 2011.

The powers that create war - the desperate powers of the Western bankrupt countries - are well aware of the fact that the blood of the martyr Muammar Gaddafi has been the seed of a growing global call for a government based on the principles of the Jamahiriya. As a result of that, they saw no other choice than to disparage his legacy as much as possible, only to rid his supporters of their credibility and to portray them as being as "inhuman and monstrous" as their symbolic leader. And again, how to do that better than via a topic that most people are vulnerable to: sex.

"Viagra totalitarianism"

The propaganda snake that had to tarnish the reputation of Africa's hero once and for all, came in the form of a woman. A middle-aged woman named Annick Cojean, residing in one of the main orchestrators of the war against Libya, France, who works as a journalist of French mainstream media outlet Le Monde. Her book "Gaddafi's harem, The Story of a Young Woman and the Abuses of Power in Libya" is not only about the delicate topic of sex. The forces behind this ultimate piece of propaganda pulled out all the stops by making up a story of unbridled sexual violence and rape against underage girls by the most influential man of the entire country, who -'oh, irony'- went by the title of Guide of the Revolution. Or, quoting a mainstream review, "after reading her book, one gets the impression that Gaddafi's Libya was a grotesque and horrendous case of Viagra totalitarianism" and that Gaddafi "systematically used sex as a form of terrorism against his own people".

Cojean's book doesn't leave much to the imagination. It is built around the "confessions" of a 22-year-old woman, who at age fifteen became "one of Gaddafi's whores". The girl, Soraya (pseudonym), is said to be from Sirte, the hometown of Muammar Gaddafi. Had she been from either the city of Benghazi or the city of Misrata, which both have been cradles of terrorism and conspiracy against the Jamahiriya for decades, the effect of the description of "Gaddafi's crimes" probably would have been a little less efficient, the author must have considered.

According to the book, fifteen-year-old Soraya, in short, was "abducted from her mother's salon and driven out of the city and into the desert, to Gaddafi's tent". There she was "measured, weighed, washed and shaved", "a blood sample was taken by a Ukrainian nurse" and she was "made up and clothed in a dress with a deep décolleté over a tanga".

Soraya then was "led back to Gaddafi, who was sitting naked on his bed". When the girl "reacted with shock and refused to get into the bed", "Gaddafi, although angry, let her go". "But he shouted at Mabruka [earlier in the book described as 'the most notorious of Gaddafi's female thugs']: "This whore isn't doing what I want, make her understand and bring her back"."

Mabruka then "went to explain to Soraya that resisting was useless, and that Gaddafi would 'open' her". "The next time she was brought to Gaddafi, he raped her brutally. Over the next few days he whipped the girl, raped her again and again, even urinated on her. After a week, Soraya was taken to Tripoli to Gaddafi's headquarters at Bab al-Azizia. There she was given a dark, damp room in the cellar. Soraya was to spend seven years here as one of many of the dictator's slaves - at the whim of this mostly cocaine-fueled sex addict and his vicious band of female guards."

"Smart" move

In an attempt to come across reliable, the author dressed up in the finest sheep's clothing. "Soraya poured out all that happened to her, and spoke so freely to me that at one point I wondered if what she was saying was true", Cojean stated in her book. "I believed her, she seemed to be telling the truth, all she had experienced just welled out of her - but I still had to follow up and make sure." Meanwhile, no conclusive evidence whatsoever has been provided as to whether "Soraya" is telling the truth or not. Also no word about the psychopaths of this world who are able to manipulate to perfection - most likely because the author is one of them herself, or at least her clients are and she merely is their useful idiot.

The snake-gone-wolf-in-sheep's-clothing did her homework. A considerable part of the book elaborates on a topic most readers probably are not even familiar with: the fact that the empowerment of women was central to the Libyan Al-Fateh Revolution.

The author doesn't fail to mention that Muammar Gaddafi supported women and believed in their abilities. For that reason, he highlighted his female bodyguards as a symbol of his belief in women's emancipation and their role in the defence of their country. Under Jamahiriya government women also made great strides in employment, with improved access to education and acceptance of female paid employment. During the last decade of King Idris' rule, females enrolled in primary education were only between 11-19%. However, in 1969, education was made a right. And by 1990, the figure stood at 48%. And last but not least, under Jamahiriya government child marriages were banned and the minimum legal age to marry placed at 18. Since 1973, Libyan women have had equal rights in obtaining a divorce, and no person can force a Libyan woman to marry any man.

The Leader of the Al-Fateh Revolution himself explained his great efforts for women by saying: "I promised my mother to improve the situation of women in Libya". His mother, a Bedouin tribeswoman born when Libya was an Italian colony, was unable to read or write.

This and more, including quotes from Gaddafi's Green Book about the liberation of women and their equal rights, has been written down by Cojean - only for the purpose that is characteristic of evil forces: to turn good into bad, and bad into good. So the Le Monde journalist leaves her less-informed and less-aware readers with the poisonous question of the snakebite that this book is: "How on earth can something that looks so good on the surface have such a rotten core?"

And the devil of globalism and imperialism laughs...


The real tragedy of this propaganda book that aims to turn Africa's hero into Africa's brutal sex-addicted mass rapist, is not only the fact that it broadly disparages Muammar Gaddafi's great achievements and ideology, as well as his humbleness as a Muslim and his simple personal life. It also - and be sure this is not a coincidence - massively draws away the attention from the extensive paedophile and sex abuse cases in Western governments, royal houses and churches, which currently nonetheless more and more come to light. So far no mainstream media outlet has been the voice of the numerous victims of those crimes, let alone allowing a book to be published on the sexual misconduct towards them by British Jimmy Savile, Dutch Joris Demmink and many many other high-ranking figures. Instead the proofless story of an anonymous, faceless "Libyan girl" gets the limelight - because this story exactly serves the imperialist agenda

In the end, Cojean's book only exposes and emphasizes the purpose of the evil forces. Because in the end it always is the good fruit that the mainstream media snakes are attracted to, while the rotten ones are left alone.

And Muammar Gaddafi has been such a good fruit.

Linda Housman

that was killed by his own people.

How can you consider NATO-supported Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood "his own people" ? Was it that girl in that vid who murdered him ?

He, as well as a thief

Thief ? OTOH King Idris, the man he replaced as the main leader, that one was a thief. Gaddafi used the oil sales to bring comfort, welfare and prosperity to Libyans ( and helped revolutionaries elsewhere like Nelson Mandela ). In 2011 there was no homelessness in Libya because decades ago he had vowed that his own parents would live in a tent until all Libyans had a fixed house. This was unlike Western government leaders whose own countries had homelessness but still they attacked Libya where there was none. :lol: You call him a thief but he used the oil sales again to build the biggest water delivery project in the world called Great Man-Made River project :
The Great Man-Made River (GMMR, النهر الصناعي العظيم) is a network of pipes that supplies fresh water obtained from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System fossil aquifer across Libya. It is the world's largest irrigation project.[1] The project utilizes a pipeline system that pumps water from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System from down south in Libya to cities in the populous Libyan northern Mediterranean coast including Tripoli and Benghazi. The water covers a distance of up to 1,600 kilometers and provides 70% of all freshwater used in Libya.

According to its website, it is the largest underground network of pipes (2,820 kilometres (1,750 mi))[3] and aqueducts in the world. It consists of more than 1,300 wells, most more than 500 m deep, and supplies 6,500,000 m3 of fresh water per day to the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte and elsewhere. The late Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi described it as the "Eighth Wonder of the World".
In doing the above the Libyan system did not have a water tax. You in the West do and I in India do. Water in the Libyan Jamahiriya was considered a human right that should be exchanged in lieu of money.

There are other examples but Libya was a true democracy unlike countries in the West and those who follow their model. Please read that post I linked you day before yesterday on the topic of democracy. Thiefs are Western governments, stealing people's monies and spending those on building and buying weapons and spending on transnational criminals and propping up criminal governments.

There is no requirement for a country to be a member of the United Nations and Gaddafi agreed to the rules by remaining a member.

So if there is no compulsory requirement should it mean that those countries that are members should become subordinate to the whims and fancies of NATO governments ?

Any resolution taken is unopposed by Russia and China, which means that the Libyan government under Gaddafi was branded as criminals that the world should stop from their atrocities.

You logically claim that Russia and China are vassals of NATO.

1. Russia opposed the NATO resolutions on Libya and Syria. China did not because China is a selfish society, not Communist. China is not helping Russia in Syria and Ukraine.

2. NATO killed one million North Koreans in the three year Korea War and you call the Libyan forces and Gaddafi as criminals ? We need not remind you of Iraq.
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