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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukraine army wants to retake Cherson.

Weiß schraffiert: Vormarsch der russischen Armee. Grün schraffiert: von Russland unterstützte Separatistengebiete. Krim: von Russland annektiert. | ISW/06.05.2022

Weiß schraffiert: Vormarsch der russischen Armee. Grün schraffiert: von Russland unterstützte Separatistengebiete. Krim: von Russland annektiert. Bild: ISW
their is difference between eu and nato….all the problems in Ukraine is bcz of NATO.

That zelensky should run as mayor of Kiev only bcz mostly Jews are only their

No, all problems in Ukraine are because Russian imperialism. I fixed it for you.

Glad you agree though that Russia has absolute nothing to offer for the people of Ukraine.
so are the rumours of Vali and a few other Canadians bugging out of Ukraine true? Can’t find any reliable source for this - just nonsense on telegram.

Anyone have a recording of his interview to Canadian News Channel ?
And you will be intact? I thought Greeks are smart.

Lets hope Russia has a few brain cells left and accepts defeat. There is no nuclear option for Russia. The moment it does that would make all countries like Kazakhstan or Azerbaijan join NATO in an instant. Russias crazy decission to attack Ukraine led Sweden and Finland join NATO.

Also keep one thing in mind. Russia is extremly divided country. If you believe nations occupied by Russia east of Ural mountains will support to propably die because Putins crazy politics, you are mistaken. There are regions where people dont even know they are part of a country called "Russia".
That maybe the case, I am not doubting it to be a bad move in an enemy territory. But Russian military is not stupid, they won't do this where there is possibility of ambush and air attacks. More likely than not they are doing it in areas where they are absolutely sure that they in control and there is little to zero risk. I wouldn't believe the lying western media propaganda.
Do not take 'dangerous' for 'good'. They are completely different and separate.

If you give a machine gun to anyone proficient with a bolt action rifle, that person will be doubly or more dangerous, but does that make him a good team member in a squad? Of course, he would be able to figure out how to use the machine gun, but the machine gun is a supporting weapon in complex tactics at the squad level. Every army differentiates between a rifleman and a machine gunner. See USMC MOS 0331 Machine Gunner specialty.

Am USAF. F-111 Cold War then F-16 Desert Storm.

The %90 opinion in the USAF is that the Russian Air Force (VKS) sucks, to be kind in speech. That does not mean the VKS is not dangerous. Its hardware are lethal enough and its individual pilots are well trained enough. But where was the 'joint' in its combat operations over Ukraine? None. But as if that was not bad enough, the Russian military lost two major ships in a land war against an opponent who have no navy. These are not marks of a military that is smart enough to use whatever it has.

The Russian military is dangerous, but it is not smart.
I think Russia has thrown everything they can conventionally at Ukraine already: over 30% of their military 12 Generals over 3000 tanks .... If Russia goes unconventional; it will be suicidal for them.

I think Russia has not even scratched their conventional capability. They must always be prepared for NATO to enter the conflict directly, and retain the capacity to fight that war to negotiation without going nuclear.

If NATO ever feels that Russia's conventional capability is sufficiently degraded, it might decide to finish the job itself while gambling that Russia will not go nuclear.
Kazakhstan or Azerbaijan join NATO

France will never allow a Muslim country to join NATO. They don't even like Turkey in NATO. They will never put Paris at risk to defend a Kazakh or Azeri half a world away.
I think Russia has not even scratched their conventional capability. They must always be prepared for NATO to enter the conflict directly, and retain the capacity to fight that war to negotiation without going nuclear.
You 'think'? What is your background that you can say, with a straight (virtual) face, that you can 'think' so?

If NATO ever feels that Russia's conventional capability is sufficiently degraded, it might decide to finish the job itself while gambling that Russia will not go nuclear.
No. If NATO assessed that the Russian military is sufficiently degraded by now, there is no need to for NATO to enter the war. Just let the Urkainians finish the job.
You 'think'? What is your background that you can say, with a straight (virtual) face, that you can 'think' so?

I base it on the second sentence right after the one you quoted. Russia must always keep its eye on NATO. For Russia, this Ukraine war is like sparring with a teenager while keeping an eye on the muscleman standing behind him.
I think Russia has not even scratched their conventional capability. They must always be prepared for NATO to enter the conflict directly, and retain the capacity to fight that war to negotiation without going nuclear.

If NATO ever feels that Russia's conventional capability is sufficiently degraded, it might decide to finish the job itself while gambling that Russia will not go nuclear.
Russia already lost 2,000 tanks and armor verhicles. By this pace Putin will run dry in few months. There will be nothing left except nukes against NATO.
Wali the resurrected Canadian sniper added he believe Ukraine is losing the war and that is why he decided to return back to Canada.

So how is Western News Media going to counter his confession?

By defending that his stories are all pure delusion. He is now suffering from PTSD and will needs to see a psychiatrist
A Ukraine tank fires at enemy position at battle of Donbas.

Ukraine-Überblick: Ein ukrainischer Panzer bei Gefechten im Osten des Landes am 7. Mai

Ein ukrainischer Panzer bei Gefechten im Osten des Landes am 7. Mai © Serhii Nuzhnenko/Reuters
If NATO assessed that the Russian military is sufficiently degraded by now, there is no need to for NATO to enter the war. Just let the Urkainians finish the job.

Do you think Ukraine can decimate the Russian air force? Russia seems to be saving it for something.
I just watched another video how Ukrainian took out thr Russian T-14 tanks by a company called "Great Studio."

:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

A great CG. Amusing.
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