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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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@Oldman1 @Paul2

Gen Wesley Clark just explained on CNN why Ukrainian need tanks, artillery, gunship and planes in the next phase of war.

LOL, I swear to god, they probably are listening to our conversation :) This is not the first time this happens....

Why don't the US send 2,000 Abrams tanks to Ukraine? Easy targets for Russian anti tank missiles.

. .
Nato/US lying machine is the most sophisticated on the planet. The Russians simply can't compete.
They prepared Syria for invasion with similar lies. They lied in case of Iraq and Libya and Iran etc. They are master of lie and hypocrisy.

Their beloved Israel is made and built on Holocaust lie, their ideology of freedom and democracy is a lie and a sham. Their terrorist mercenaries shot people of bucha in the streets and blamed it on Russians.

Iblis himself is Student of Americans. Butcher and Bucha, similar spell. Lol
. . .
Why don't the US send 2,000 Abrams tanks to Ukraine? Easy targets for Russian anti tank missiles.

dude, seriously, don't quote me anymore, I am not interested in "This is easy target for XYZ"

If you want to know how easy it is, go to the frontline and try to shoot down some T-72 armed with a Kornet, and if you come back alive, then we will talk.

Otherwise, don't bother to quote me anymore.
If that is 200 meters away, that would be too close, it make no different then if this was on Bucha or Irpin. I mean you use RTSA to get some reaction time, to get what is coming so you can be prepared, what's the reaction time you got when they were 200 meters away your AO? 5 second?

If that is other part of Bucha, then what's the point? As I said, not all road they need to monitor and in this case, Bucha itself is not really a place you would monitor, it's not a troop convergence, it is not a cross road or any major traffic junction, even the SAT photo they took is empty street with possible bodies in it, which make no discerning Military Value.

It couldn't eliminate shit, unless you monitor all the road all the time, because if you take 2 photo over a single day, your intel is off in just 12 hours, you can be shit all in that 12 hours after you took that photo and waiting on the next one. Why? Because you don't have a complete picture, and you don't know where the enemy troop has gone since you are waiting on the next round of SAT image.

The only thing the Ukraine would get from taking SAT picture from Bucha is that the Russian are coming for Irpin, Duh, they already did, it tell them nothing else.

Suddenly Bucha is "front"? Some posts ago you denied that. *rowing rowing rowing roooow hiiigh*

If you plan to retake Irpin, then you have to intel also Bucha - days before! Or is your modus operandi "first make a plan, then take a look if it fits into reality"?

And lol, you wouldn't tell me because you have no idea how that work. Stop pretending to know shit when you don't know anything.

Haha, nice try.
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Why don't the US send 2,000 Abrams tanks to Ukraine? Easy targets for Russian anti tank missiles.

They are arming taiwan lol. Dont worry. We know winnie the poh keep whinning about usa selling arms to taiwan. Too bad pla wont do anything about it.
Suddenly Bucha is "front"? Some posts ago you denied that. *rowing rowing rowing roooow hiiigh*

If you plan to retake Irpin, then you have to intel also Bucha - days before! Or is your modus operandi "first make a plan, then take a look if it fits into reality"?

No, Iprin is front, I am not the one who said it was 200 meters from Irpin, you are. I was saying if it is 200 meters apart, then it wouldn't be matter. The front is South of Irpin, where Ukraine were planning to punch thru, you don't suddenly attack North of Irpin, or South of Bucha, how are you getting there?

If I want to take Irpin, Why wold I put my ISTAR asset on Bucha? I would put it on Irpin, I am fighting in Irpin, i need to know what I am facing, where are the defence structure located, what type of firepower they have in the vicinity , not what 500meters to 4.6 km down the line (Which is the exact distant between south of Bucha to South of Irpin...which is the distant form the Red Line to the Black line)


Like in this map, if I am in Ukrainian Position, which is the front line? The Black line or the Red Line?

You don't make plan from scouting the next town over, you make plan to scout the point of entry, the point of convergence. Both were not Bucha. I would tell you where it was but then I remember you have none Military Experience, and you know shit about tactical map and tactical situation.
Haha, nice try.
Yeah, you have no answer, nice try. And you completely abandoned your "Bombing" argument.
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Wow! So you want to tell me that it needs 1 man per street to evaluate Bucha? This is really one of the silliest statements i ever heard...

You are wasting your time and energies man, seriously! Use the "Ignore" button. Has helped me a lot for the many days now!

I mean this statement "1 man per street", OMG! .... your jaw literally drops at the sheer stupidity of it!
. . . .
Ukrainian military shooting civilians. Current frontline situation in Mariupol.

4.22 seconds in.

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