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Russia is the warmonger.
Russia is the false flagger. Watch this video exposing Putin and Russia as bad as the false flaggers in the cia Republican Trump party.
US barely sent any weapons to Ukraine, never enough to give Ukraine the victory. Ukraine needs Gulf War level amount of weapons that defeated Iraq, instead get dozens of weapons after months or years of waiting.
cia MAGA Republicans side with defunding Ukraine.
warmongering "Republican presidential advisor" Kissinger says Ukraine should give Ukrainian land to Russia that Russia stole.
Warmongering Muscovites are on the kissinger warmongering side of Russia getting a win vs Europe.
PNAC Republican MAGA side with the warmonger Russia position more than Ukrainian position to destroy the Russian forces throughout Ukraine, including Crimea and the russian black sea fleet.
US could have destroyed Russia within a month, with a US only no fly zone over Ukraine. Refused to do so. Sends only small packages infrequently and only months or years after the war started.
Europe has to wake up and realize the US is not a reliable partner. Europe must rearm. Europe must get nukes.
Europe did not push for this war. Europe sided with China over Trump. Europe has had extremely weak standing armies never a threat to Russia. Europe tried to integrate Russia into the European economy, promoting Russian projects. Europe fell into the bait of Putin schemes with energy dependence on Russia. Russia prepared for this large scale invasion for nearly a decade, doing a military production build-up that lasted years. This was Russias plot to attack Europe. Russia is the warmonger.
Italians ~15 years ago released this expose of the Bush cia 9/11 false flag. And here is another:
Our former Italian President said the cia was behind the 9/11 attacks. This has nothing to do with Russia, since Russia and Putin did a false flag terrorist attack on itself blaming Chechens as the dress rehearsal to the 9/11 attacks.
In 1999, hundreds of Russians died in a series of bombings. A grisly theory emerged that it was an inside job orchestrated to bring Vladimir Putin to power.
Europe remember the flags of the Muscovites: England and the US. Russian imperialism is not a threat to the US or UK nationalism. Though US has a history of false flags blamed on enemies to make itself appear the victim. cia Republicans could blame it on Democrats as MAGA blamed the pipeline explosion on Biden and Democrats, and as MAGA blamed the outbreak/vaccine on Democrats. Planned attacks by the cia Republicans or by Russia; MAGA blame the political enemies of Putin and Republicans according to cia script.
The PNAC agenda of Trump was to destroy China and the European Union. The Ultra MAGA, Brexiters and British Imperialists want to destroy rival and foe - the EU. Neoconservatives such as David Horowitz turned MAGA and support the Trump PNAC agenda.
And their buddy Putin is the tool to wage this cia boardroom planned war on Europe.
David Horowitz is an "American Patriot" of PNAC neoconservativism and America First. And destroying Europe is the agenda of these former neocon Republicans (the entire Bush Republican Party was neocon in the 2000s, if you voted for Bush or McCain, you were voting for neoconservatism) and neophyte MAGA pundits. Russia and Putin is the hero of Ultra MAGA Muscovites.
Going after China was a Bush neocon goal to ensure a New American Century planned by neocons, the neocon goal was the US/UK to have no rivals. The Bush goal was defeat 7 countries in 5 years, then a war on China if China is a threat/rival. Trying to start a conflict with Iran was a textbook policy of neoconservatism.
Trump is neocon 2.0. MAGA and America First are the new PNAC neocons. Putins war on Europe to eliminate a rival of Washington is more PNAC. The Muscovites are the warmongers and on the cia Republican side of MAGA and PNAC.
With woke liberals and EU liberals causing the defeat of the PNAC neoconservative war agenda of Trump (the fake populism - neo-populism), cia PNACer Pompeo since the defeat of Trump in 2020, said the worst enemy of America is the woke indoctrination by the teachers union. The two groups that defeated the Trump agenda - Woke liberals and EU liberals - are the new battlefront of the cia Republican endless wars. EU liberals refused to blame China for covid and refused to side with PNAC trump, are a battlefront for the Project for a New American Century. Woke liberals are on another battlefront, especially at the teacher union, teach kids to be caring, exactly the opposite of your typical redneck racist MAGA Republican. Wokeness turns kids repulsive of MAGA. Therefore the cia Republicans want to destroy wokeness, explaining the Fox News war on wokeness. And PNAC cia Republicanism wants to destroy liberal Europe, explaining Tucker Carlson on Fox News shilling for Russia.
MAGA America First PNACer: "Since European liberals and woke liberals thwarted the Trump mission to destroy China and Iran, the new war is against those that defended China and Iran; and those that defeated Trump."
Europe played a part in defeating Trump and making Trump a failure, Putin is waging a war to punish Europe.
The Trump plan was Trump invades China and Trump buddy Putin invades Europe. Trump got defeated, and Europe refused to side with Putin/Trump, so Europe gets a cia PNAC Republican war waged on Europe. Explaining why most conservative Republicans are against NATO Europe, opposed to Ukraine funding and wanting Ukraine to cede territory to Russia.
The neoconservative ideology is one of constant war/perpetual war. So the neocons never left. Those that wanted Trump to stop the rise of China were neocons. Those that wanted Trump to bomb Iran or Iranian generals, were neocons. Trump was and is a neocon.
Many say Hillary is a neocon. Obama fought neocon wars with Hillary for the cia Republican agenda.
Obama turned into a slave of the cia agenda to finish the neocon 7 countries in 5 years. Though without public support for US forces invading these three remaining nations (Libya, Syria, Iran) in a grand war, Obama was left with air strikes and limited military action.
That is why electing Democrats stops these cia wars waged by US soldiers, Democrats are into air strikes and limited military actions. When you elect Republicans you get new cia agenda for cia wars, Republicans campaign on defeating Americas enemies. When you elect Democrats, the votes are saying no to big wars. The trouble is Putin is part of Team neocon Trump, and wages wars and conflicts to destabilize regions for US benefit of PNAC goals. As Ia said many times, Russian imperialism is of no threat to American or British nationalism. The stronger the nationalism among conservatives, equals a high correlation with opposition to NATO and opposition to Ukraine. For instance the Ultra MAGA and vocal brexiters have more support for Putin than neo-liberals that oppose MAGA and Brexit. The more an individual is an American nationalist flag wavers or British Brexiters, the more you tend to oppose NATO and Ukraine and want Ukraine to hand over land to the Russians as Kissinger does. The USA only looks out for the national interests of Anglo-Americans, of US and UK interests. US/UK nationalists are accepted as patriots in their opposition to NATO. Tucker Carlson was a stupid flag waver and told followers to support Russia as Tucker was.
The fact that some neocons support Democrats while others support Republicans is not new.
Putin is a neocon as Trump is a neocon.
Both have the goal to weaken Europe.
Trump tried to weaken Europe by undermining the EU and attempting to break the EU. Putin wants to wage war on Europe and economic war with the EU. Both Trump and Putin are neocons.
Russia is the false flagger. Watch this video exposing Putin and Russia as bad as the false flaggers in the cia Republican Trump party.
US barely sent any weapons to Ukraine, never enough to give Ukraine the victory. Ukraine needs Gulf War level amount of weapons that defeated Iraq, instead get dozens of weapons after months or years of waiting.
cia MAGA Republicans side with defunding Ukraine.
warmongering "Republican presidential advisor" Kissinger says Ukraine should give Ukrainian land to Russia that Russia stole.

Henry Kissinger: Ukraine Should Give Up Territory to Russia to Reach Peace
The former U.S. Secretary of State said to continue the war means risking destroying Europe's stability in the long term.

Warmongering Muscovites are on the kissinger warmongering side of Russia getting a win vs Europe.
PNAC Republican MAGA side with the warmonger Russia position more than Ukrainian position to destroy the Russian forces throughout Ukraine, including Crimea and the russian black sea fleet.
US could have destroyed Russia within a month, with a US only no fly zone over Ukraine. Refused to do so. Sends only small packages infrequently and only months or years after the war started.
Europe has to wake up and realize the US is not a reliable partner. Europe must rearm. Europe must get nukes.
Europe did not push for this war. Europe sided with China over Trump. Europe has had extremely weak standing armies never a threat to Russia. Europe tried to integrate Russia into the European economy, promoting Russian projects. Europe fell into the bait of Putin schemes with energy dependence on Russia. Russia prepared for this large scale invasion for nearly a decade, doing a military production build-up that lasted years. This was Russias plot to attack Europe. Russia is the warmonger.
Italians ~15 years ago released this expose of the Bush cia 9/11 false flag. And here is another:
Our former Italian President said the cia was behind the 9/11 attacks. This has nothing to do with Russia, since Russia and Putin did a false flag terrorist attack on itself blaming Chechens as the dress rehearsal to the 9/11 attacks.
In 1999, hundreds of Russians died in a series of bombings. A grisly theory emerged that it was an inside job orchestrated to bring Vladimir Putin to power.
Europe remember the flags of the Muscovites: England and the US. Russian imperialism is not a threat to the US or UK nationalism. Though US has a history of false flags blamed on enemies to make itself appear the victim. cia Republicans could blame it on Democrats as MAGA blamed the pipeline explosion on Biden and Democrats, and as MAGA blamed the outbreak/vaccine on Democrats. Planned attacks by the cia Republicans or by Russia; MAGA blame the political enemies of Putin and Republicans according to cia script.
The PNAC agenda of Trump was to destroy China and the European Union. The Ultra MAGA, Brexiters and British Imperialists want to destroy rival and foe - the EU. Neoconservatives such as David Horowitz turned MAGA and support the Trump PNAC agenda.

Horowitz: Hunter Biden’s role in Ukrainian biolabs raises serious questions about gain of function and Ukraine policy | Blaze Media
Recent emails unearthed by the U.K. Daily Mail and the National Pulse reveal that during the last decade, Hunter Biden seemed to have a keen interest in pathogen research in Ukraine and using it as a tool for geopolitical affairs in that country. It just so happens to be that a pathogen...

And their buddy Putin is the tool to wage this cia boardroom planned war on Europe.

Trump Wants to 'Destroy the EU,' Say Officials
German Chancellor Angela Merkel "talks about things that you get the impression Trump doesn't fully grasp," a senior German official said of the two leaders.

David Horowitz is an "American Patriot" of PNAC neoconservativism and America First. And destroying Europe is the agenda of these former neocon Republicans (the entire Bush Republican Party was neocon in the 2000s, if you voted for Bush or McCain, you were voting for neoconservatism) and neophyte MAGA pundits. Russia and Putin is the hero of Ultra MAGA Muscovites.
Going after China was a Bush neocon goal to ensure a New American Century planned by neocons, the neocon goal was the US/UK to have no rivals. The Bush goal was defeat 7 countries in 5 years, then a war on China if China is a threat/rival. Trying to start a conflict with Iran was a textbook policy of neoconservatism.

Is Donald Trump Morphing into a Neocon Interventionist?
Is Donald Trump Morphing into a Neocon Interventionist?
Trump is neocon 2.0. MAGA and America First are the new PNAC neocons. Putins war on Europe to eliminate a rival of Washington is more PNAC. The Muscovites are the warmongers and on the cia Republican side of MAGA and PNAC.
With woke liberals and EU liberals causing the defeat of the PNAC neoconservative war agenda of Trump (the fake populism - neo-populism), cia PNACer Pompeo since the defeat of Trump in 2020, said the worst enemy of America is the woke indoctrination by the teachers union. The two groups that defeated the Trump agenda - Woke liberals and EU liberals - are the new battlefront of the cia Republican endless wars. EU liberals refused to blame China for covid and refused to side with PNAC trump, are a battlefront for the Project for a New American Century. Woke liberals are on another battlefront, especially at the teacher union, teach kids to be caring, exactly the opposite of your typical redneck racist MAGA Republican. Wokeness turns kids repulsive of MAGA. Therefore the cia Republicans want to destroy wokeness, explaining the Fox News war on wokeness. And PNAC cia Republicanism wants to destroy liberal Europe, explaining Tucker Carlson on Fox News shilling for Russia.
MAGA America First PNACer: "Since European liberals and woke liberals thwarted the Trump mission to destroy China and Iran, the new war is against those that defended China and Iran; and those that defeated Trump."
Europe played a part in defeating Trump and making Trump a failure, Putin is waging a war to punish Europe.

The United States and Russia aren't allies. But Trump and Putin are.
Presidents Trump and Putin have a common view of the liberal world order that the United States helped create seven decades ago. Both leaders seek its destruction.

The Trump plan was Trump invades China and Trump buddy Putin invades Europe. Trump got defeated, and Europe refused to side with Putin/Trump, so Europe gets a cia PNAC Republican war waged on Europe. Explaining why most conservative Republicans are against NATO Europe, opposed to Ukraine funding and wanting Ukraine to cede territory to Russia.

Why Trump and his team want to wipe out the EU | Natalie Nougayrède
Mike Pompeo’s wooing of eastern Europe is part of a wider ideological battle, says Guardian columnist Natalie Nougayrède
The neoconservative ideology is one of constant war/perpetual war. So the neocons never left. Those that wanted Trump to stop the rise of China were neocons. Those that wanted Trump to bomb Iran or Iranian generals, were neocons. Trump was and is a neocon.
How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology
Many say Hillary is a neocon. Obama fought neocon wars with Hillary for the cia Republican agenda.
Obama turned into a slave of the cia agenda to finish the neocon 7 countries in 5 years. Though without public support for US forces invading these three remaining nations (Libya, Syria, Iran) in a grand war, Obama was left with air strikes and limited military action.
That is why electing Democrats stops these cia wars waged by US soldiers, Democrats are into air strikes and limited military actions. When you elect Republicans you get new cia agenda for cia wars, Republicans campaign on defeating Americas enemies. When you elect Democrats, the votes are saying no to big wars. The trouble is Putin is part of Team neocon Trump, and wages wars and conflicts to destabilize regions for US benefit of PNAC goals. As Ia said many times, Russian imperialism is of no threat to American or British nationalism. The stronger the nationalism among conservatives, equals a high correlation with opposition to NATO and opposition to Ukraine. For instance the Ultra MAGA and vocal brexiters have more support for Putin than neo-liberals that oppose MAGA and Brexit. The more an individual is an American nationalist flag wavers or British Brexiters, the more you tend to oppose NATO and Ukraine and want Ukraine to hand over land to the Russians as Kissinger does. The USA only looks out for the national interests of Anglo-Americans, of US and UK interests. US/UK nationalists are accepted as patriots in their opposition to NATO. Tucker Carlson was a stupid flag waver and told followers to support Russia as Tucker was.
The fact that some neocons support Democrats while others support Republicans is not new.
Putin is a neocon as Trump is a neocon.
Both have the goal to weaken Europe.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin Are Working to Weaken Europe, Official Says
Both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have worked to weaken the European Union, one high-level official said.

Trump tried to weaken Europe by undermining the EU and attempting to break the EU. Putin wants to wage war on Europe and economic war with the EU. Both Trump and Putin are neocons.
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