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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The drone has hit its pre-determined target. And it was not 1 MIG-29 that crashed, but actually two of them. So in essence, it is the Ukrainian MIG-29 plane that got defeated.
By clogging up the mig intakes with their debris you mean.

& fun fact the Ukrainian took out 4 Ka-52 in 18 minutes. Russia can't even destroy the Ukrainian airforce so in essence the Russian airforce are garbage.
Westerns are been brain washed.
Look at middle and lower income Americans and Europeans they have been decimated inflation is rampant and retirement funds are down by 70%

Yet they told Russia is in ruines..

Well Russia is doing much better economically due to their energy exports
They can still afford to eat and keep roof over their heads. They won't go to disney for vacation and change their cars later this year. But nobody is leaving their countries because things suck.

Unemployment is still at record lows. Also the lower / middle class had a good run during COVID times with all the direct money they were getting.

The real travesty is the lower cost countries that were already over leveraged in importing food. If you want to worry about whose life is difficult: its Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan and the list goes on where food affordablity is even worse now while Germans are worried that cost of beer is going to duble.

You expect Russia to march through Europe so gas can go back to $60 a barrel? No country thinks that way.
cuz of ALL THE MILITARY CRAP RUSSia threw at Ukraine? RUssia's artillery is better, its air defense is better, its just stronger militarily, and Ukraine has been stupid also during many parts of this war, Ukraine already reported 10s of thousands dead, but yes, Russia probably lost 10-20K soldiers.
Soviets military doctrine and weapons have time and again proven inferior. Arabs, despite outnumbering and surrounding Israel and with proportional assistance from USSR to US / Israel lost in every battle and ceeded land. And now Russians themselves have proven that neither their doctrine or weapons can prevail in a smaller adversary that they thought would be a walk in the park.

So they lost 20K soldiers, yet need to mobiles 300K and lose 400K to escaping the country?

Nobody will subscribe to Russian doctrine of top down command and control nor their weapons from this point on

Looks like American electorate are speaking out against this war waged against Russia by the West.

Yes and thats the benefit of being in a democracy (Pakistan, US): you can speak against your Government. Imagine try doing that in Russia: you either go to jail, or fall out of a window or take your chances and run out of the country with nothing.

Do you have any similar example of somebody freely speaking against the war? No because war has 99% approval because protesting would mean imprisonment.
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The entire Russian experience in Ukraine. Sums up in a few words.
I think the fellow posters saying that Europeans will tire of this and Russians have their act together will say that this guy is a CIA agent and Putin has a well oiled machine underway

Thats understandable: Raytheon and Lockheed get paid for things being used. So why not Musk? Specially since he has to purchase the ultimate lie spreading app.

Austin Powers getting banned? Well that's a shock.
Youngpeng is gone? I hope he comes back: I liked hearing about how much money Russia can print to stay in the war because Russia has lots of trees
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Now we know the first few days after the bridge attack, Russia/Crimea claiming all was opened was staged.

Eventually the bridge will get repaired but it will be painful till then.

Photos show long backup of cargo trucks after Crimea bridge explosion​

Ivana Saric

Closer view of cargo trucks waiting in Kerch, Crimea.

Closer view of cargo trucks waiting in Kerch, Crimea. Photo: Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies
The explosion of the Kerch bridge linking Crimea to mainland Russia earlier this week has caused a significant backup in cargo trucks waiting to be transported across the strait, newly released satellite photos show.
Driving the news: In the aftermath of the explosion, Russian authorities rushed to reestablish supply lines to Crimea. A day after the explosion they said all freight trains were running according to schedule.
  • "The situation is manageable — it's unpleasant, but not fatal," Crimea's Kremlin-installed leader Sergei Aksyonov told reporters over the weekend, per Reuters.
  • Yet in a new video posted to Telegram on Wednesday, Aksyonov admitted that the current wait time for a cargo truck awaiting a ferry is three to four days.
The big picture: New satellite images from Maxar Technologies taken on Wednesday show large backups of cargo trucks at the Kerch ferry terminal.
  • Other photos show several hundred cargo trucks parked at an abandoned airport nearby, also waiting to be ferried to Russia.


overview of cargo trucks waiting in kerch
Overview of cargo trucks waiting in Kerch, Crimea. Photo: Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies
07_close up_trucks queued at kerch airport
Close up of trucks queued at Kerch airport. Photo: Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies
close view of traffic and bridge repair work in crimea
Close view of traffic and bridge repair work on Crimea bridge, Kerch Strait. Photo: Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies

Photos show long backup of cargo trucks after Crimea bridge explosion​

Ivana Saric

Closer view of cargo trucks waiting in Kerch, Crimea.

Closer view of cargo trucks waiting in Kerch, Crimea. Photo: Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies
The explosion of the Kerch bridge linking Crimea to mainland Russia earlier this week has caused a significant backup in cargo trucks waiting to be transported across the strait, newly released satellite photos show.
Driving the news: In the aftermath of the explosion, Russian authorities rushed to reestablish supply lines to Crimea. A day after the explosion they said all freight trains were running according to schedule.
  • "The situation is manageable — it's unpleasant, but not fatal," Crimea's Kremlin-installed leader Sergei Aksyonov told reporters over the weekend, per Reuters.
  • Yet in a new video posted to Telegram on Wednesday, Aksyonov admitted that the current wait time for a cargo truck awaiting a ferry is three to four days.
The big picture: New satellite images from Maxar Technologies taken on Wednesday show large backups of cargo trucks at the Kerch ferry terminal.
  • Other photos show several hundred cargo trucks parked at an abandoned airport nearby, also waiting to be ferried to Russia.


overview of cargo trucks waiting in kerch

Overview of cargo trucks waiting in Kerch, Crimea. Photo: Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies
07_close up_trucks queued at kerch airport

Close up of trucks queued at Kerch airport. Photo: Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies
close view of traffic and bridge repair work in crimea

Close view of traffic and bridge repair work on Crimea bridge, Kerch Strait. Photo: Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies


There was some doubt handhelds SAMs being used to cruise missiles:

Ukraine’s Javelin Missiles Have a New Specialty: Shooting Down Russian Cruise Missiles​

A new, improved launch unit for the Javelin missile can do more than just launch the now-famous anti-tank missile: it can also launch anti-air Stinger missiles. The new Lightweight Command Launch Unit is easier for soldiers to carry around, and can protect friendly airspace from aerial threats to boot. In a first this week, a Ukrainian shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile launcher shot down a Russian cruise missile, demonstrating the full spectrum of targets the new launch unit can engage, from tanks to cruise missiles.

A video of the shoot-down shows a Ukrainian air defense team, armed with an unknown man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS): either a Soviet-era SA-18 “Igla”, an American FIM-92 Stinger, or a Polish-made Piorun. A Russian cruise missile flies past the team, the turbine engine clearly audible. The MANPADS operator launches his missile, and seconds later, a distant explosion signals a successful intercept.
The eight-month-long war in Ukraine has reinforced many ideas about modern warfare, including the thought that sophisticated, relatively inexpensive missile systems, operated by a single person, can destroy multi-million-dollar weapons platforms like the T-90 tank, Ka-52 “Alligator” attack helicopter, Su-34 fighter bomber … and now cruise missiles. While these weapons have been around for years, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has driven home the idea that a single missile operated by a single person can easily destroy weapons often touted as decisive. Ukrainian troops have single-handedly destroyed Russian tanks and armored vehicles with NLAW and Javelin anti-tank weapons, and Stinger missiles have shot down Russian aircraft and drones.

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Battlefield drones have grown increasingly popular in recent years, serving in places like Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh, Ukraine, Israel, and elsewhere. The drones, cruising at relatively low altitudes, have been used for reconnaissance, surveillance, targeting, and dropping unguided munitions. Models such as the Iranian Shahed-136, which Russia bought by the planeload, are capable of one-way, kamikaze-style attacks.

tapa, estonia – l r spc benjamin sherman, spc jose enriquez and pvt joseph morales, cavalry scouts assigned to pale horse troop, 4th squadron, 2nd cavalry regiment prepare to fire javelin anti tank missile down range june 19, 2016 during saber strike 16 in tapa, estonia saber strike is a long standing us army europe led cooperative training exercise designed to improve joint interoperability through a range of missions that prepare the 13 participating nations to support multinational contingency operations the exercise serves as an effective proving ground for units to validate their ability to assemble rapid reaction forces and deploy them on short notice where neededphoto by staff sgt jennifer bunn, 2nd cavalry regiment public affairs

Three soldiers prepare to fire Javelin missiles during Saber Strike 16 in Tapa, Estonia.
Staff Sgt. Jennifer Bunn, 2nd Cavalry Regiment Public Affairs
Until now, the solution to the tank and armored vehicle threat was the Javelin missile; The solution to the aerial threat was the Stinger missile. Javelins are issued at a far greater rate in the U.S. Army, at two per platoon, or about one for every 20 soldiers. The growing threat from drones, however, is making previously neglected air defense systems more relevant than ever. Both Javelin and Stinger require command launch units (CLUs), which typically include a gripstock, sighting system, night-vision sight, controls, and indicators. The missile launch tube is attached to the CLU, the CLU is shouldered and switched on, and the soldier carrying it can engage multi-million-dollar targets with ease.

Its developement of Shahed-131 which was based on IAI Harpy
wonder from where china and german come here and your logic sucks if european want to copy shahed-136 the price would be around 100000-200000 dollar
I was talking about Iran drone’s 2 cycle fuel engine. Where it comes from?
How the US would respond to Russia's nuke attack in Ukraine:-

And as I said some post ago, there are scholar from both sides sit (yes, this is sit) at the issue,

Don't forget, Russia DID NOT get the current seat in Security Council as Russia, they got it by "Inherit" it from Soviet Union, in case you have not notice, the issue is much more similar than China/Taiwan issue than you think.
What is stopping the GA from transferring the Security Council seat to Ukraine?
The motivation being that Ukraine is the largest part of the former Soviet Union that adheres to the UN Charter.
The analogy with Taiwan becomes even clearer.
A Pajeet like you who survives on eating rat and whose 25% of their children don't have a chance of going to education shouldn't be pointing fingers. That is 345 million people out of 1.38 billion people. It is more than the population of US.

This is the sad fate of your people. Go and ask the West you love to change your situation.

What the heck, your people even resort to cannibalism 👇

Useless group of people who normalized eating cow dung and make a big festivities.

You hide behind the Israeli flag as if you can fool people. You shouldn't be throwing rocks when you're in a glass house. I would be insulted if I were an Israeli if a rat-eating, Pajeet is hiding behind my country's flag.

I am not Indian.

And what does India have to do with the issue of wheat shipment from Ukraine to Somalia , Or Somalia famine caused by the war you support ?

How does India having problems makes your situation any better ?

Your claim that Somalia does not need western aid , or that the war in Ukraine does not severely effect your country is simply a blunt lie disconnected from reality.

Drought and the Ukraine War Are Pushing Somalia Toward a Catastrophic Famine

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What is stopping the GA from transferring the Security Council seat to Ukraine?
The motivation being that Ukraine is the largest part of the former Soviet Union that adheres to the UN Charter.
The analogy with Taiwan becomes even clearer.
The concern is always they may not have enough to pull thru, because Russia has vast interest in Africa and developing countries. most of these countries do need Russia to stay in UNSC in order to have their reach in world stage.

Any resolution like that would likely to need to have around 90-100 voted yes, while they can most likely get every developed nation on board (like EU, NA and Asia), that number may be around 50-60. That's a lot of ask to have 30 + to vote for to kick Russia out.
And as I said some post ago, there are scholar from both sides sit (yes, this is sit) at the issue,

Don't forget, Russia DID NOT get the current seat in Security Council as Russia, they got it by "Inherit" it from Soviet Union, in case you have not notice, the issue is much more similar than China/Taiwan issue than you think.
here your problem is to find a country to claim it represent USSR not Russia otherwise its not a case of ROC and PRC . and non of the former republic who break out of USSR at the fall of communism can make such claim as when they separated from USSR they sign an agreement and transferred all benefit and liability of USSR to Russia even that damned Seat which have med UN a useless and toothless organization (not only that but also the other 4 Seat)
If it was better, then they would have stick to the T-64 or T-62 instead of moving on to the T-72 and T-80s.
look it up , it was t-64 it was apparently more expensive to produce it than t-72 and you knew how Russia was at the end of 90s
t72 and t-80 had some modernization , t80 was supposed to be elite force and t-72 cheap main force in high number , t64 was what t80 was based on .
its like you decide between the 9th generation Xeon processor or 12th generation core I3
as i said did Taiwan declared independence , thats news to me
Chen Shuibian declared independence like 20 times, just to be largely ignored
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