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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Well, surprised that Saudi and UAE voted against Russia. Cuba abstained now that is a big surprise. The votes in support of Russia the usual suspects, North Korea, Syria, Belarus and Nicaragua.

India are a real problem as many, many UK and european businesses host theirs and their clients data in India, much of it commercially sensitive. If India continues to support Russia, even through abstentions, then what trust do the owners of personell records and clients information have that India does not suddenly mandate it to all be given Russian access. The world has seen India as a cheap nation to host its data but that is looking more and more like a very expensive mistake.
if we want brag , we do like what we did with Kurd terrorists in Iraq send a uav with the capability and that film it, why destroy good cameras and communication device on a suicide uavs that supposed to hit stationary target, to raise production cost and make the design more complex ?
and no war is not about bragging , its about killing and destroying enemy equipment


I said Russia and this war, again, look at how many social media post on BOTH SIDE for people or tank that were Killed IN THIS WAR?

I don't know or wouldn't say anything about your war with iraqi kurd or turkey or whoever, I am talking about this Russia-Ukrainian war.

logistics .for example you don't stash 100 missile beside himrass , or 500 shell beside each cannon it defeat the mobility ideology behind the system

You don't have 100 missiles next to a HIMARS, but you don't store 100 HIMARS missile off site somewhere, again, Logistic is about you have 1 next to you, 1 on the move, and 1 also on the move as backup, and unless Ukraine can produce 4 HIMARS rocket per every launcher, they won't have any store up.

You only will store whatever you have spare, and that is NOT the case for the Ukrainian, and I suggest you go read something about Just-In-Time logistic model before your next comment, because I cannot further dumb down the concept for you, and you obviously have no idea what is just-in-time logistic model.

I would argue that USA desperately needs something to make its Western allies to fear Russia more to restart the Western alliance.

If few megatons looming above EU capitals is not a threat big enough. It's only logical to  force that scenario; while the cost is  only few megatons, and not the disintegration of Western alliance as a whole.

The cost for the US of a Suez scenario will be incomparable to what UK had in Suez. We had the US to take over, but there will be no big brother for the US.

Really, few mirvs flying into an EU capital, now, and moscow being subsequently Drezdenised by a combined NATO force would be the  BEST possible scenario for the Western alliance.
Well, US want EU at their heel, not want them to be destroyed, it works no good for anyone if EU is destroyed along with Russia.

And you probably watch away too much TV or thriller novel on this.
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Germany handed Ukraine another six Gepard anti-aircraft self-propelled artillery guns along with ammunition.

This follows from the updated list of military supplies, posted on the of the German Federal Government, Ukrinform reports.

A total of 6,000 anti-aircraft munitions pieces go along with the self-propelled guns. Also, 3,000 shells for 155-mm artillery were handed over.

Thus, the Armed Forces of Ukraine already have in service a total of 30 Gepards
That is great news. But still, a country like Germany shouldve been able to donate more. I believe they have 100 stored as do the Netherlands. Germany could deliever Weisel 2 in the light air defense version too.
Its not like Germany doesnt have great weapon systems, but it seems theyre just devoloping. Nothing really gets into large scale production for its armed forces.
Germany only has 200 operational MBT and 350 IFV. To compare, Sweden has 120 MBT and 350 IFV. Denmark has 40 MBT and 40 IFV, and we chose to reform our underfunded armed forces to expeditionary mechanized battle groups during the Afghan War to join the US.

Good news is Germany seem to be serious about arming up, and I have no doubt they are able to do it if they want to.
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You are very wrong. Chinese and Indians buying the oil very cheap. 2.9 billions people buying their oil and gass. These two countries will send cheap products in market and otherside europ is buying expensive gass from its best friend usa. Eu Manufacturing costs is going up. In China and India manufacturing cost is going down. Tell me who's economy is in good shape. Russians are getting money weapons from China india and iran along with their own tech. common man which world are you living...you live in Mars right? Europe alongside Ukrainen are the biggest losers. Usa selling weapons and gass. This statement is very strong View attachment 886469
With covid zero policy china’s economy is in shambles and their housing market is falling apart.
China isn’t in good shape
India are a real problem as many, many UK and european businesses host theirs and their clients data in India, much of it commercially sensitive. If India continues to support Russia, even through abstentions, then what trust do the owners of personell records and clients information have that India does not suddenly mandate it to all be given Russian access. The world has seen India as a cheap nation to host its data but that is looking more and more like a very expensive mistake.

Its not true, I know for a fact that major European business host their data center within the EU. Even the once that have IaaS,PaaS or SaaS arrangement with GCP, Azure or AWS use cloud data centers within the EU. Now EU GDPR laws do not specifically enforce data residency but the level of protection for EU PII (Personal Identity Information) must be retained regardless of where the data resides or who handles the data. Any business that is found not in compliance with GDPR will have to pay a very heavy fine. If memory serves the first breach will cost the business 5% of its global revenue. I didn't think India hosts data centers for EU or US businesses.
I mean the country does not even have UPS (uninterrupted power supply) in major cities. I remember visiting a large US chip maker facility in India in 2008 (I think) and I saw a dozen diesel power generators mounted on trucks humming all around the facility. I haven't visited India since then but I don't think India has developed enough to support the infrastructure hosting business at scale. Of course you are right, India should be treated with suspicion largely because I think Indians have been heavily compromised by the Russians over the last 70 years - I guess the Russians have plenty of dirt on Indian politicians, public servants and military officials.
Three critical theses:
  1. European major powers categorically refused to believe in 2nd military in the world sitting at its doorsteps coming, and raping them
  2. To this day, these fools are still trying to play games with moscow, and not take it seriously. Like the foolish idea of keeping russia alive to "ballance" the US
  3. Point 1, and point 2, put Major Powers in opposition to the US — the only power out there in the world to save their asses if commies are to go for them
The conception of the Western alliance is dysfunctional, and not viable if US needs to defend EU, while EU does not want to be defended, clinging to the insane belief that "this can't happen to us," and that crazy Ivan will, for some reason, not rape them, like he did Ukrainians.

In years prior to WW2, the folly of The Major Powers was underestimating the German military, while now their folly is refusing to believe the threat exists as such.
I believe the tide has turned, and western european countries are going to invest quite heavy in its armed forces. Maybe to a degree the US might like (or dislike?).
The US has provided security for Europe, but its not like its been a burden for them enforcing global dominance partly from european soil. I believe it was just as much an advantage for the US as it was for Europe. Lets see what a divided US might think of Europe not needing US protection in the future. Maybe another economic and military powerhouse challenging the US is not what it wants.
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Nonsense. It is raining back home and drought was mitigated. Ukraine helping anyone when they're getting bombed? Give me a break. We don't need the West's bogus food aid. They used it to destroy our bread basket.

Now, how about you., Pajeet? 👇

Ask the Ukrainians that you love so much to send you a food instead of eating rats. :lol:

A rat-eating pajeet has an audacity to point fingers on others. For heaven sake, stop eating rats, and ask Ukrainians to send you wheat. :P

It is laughable when Pajeets hide behind Israeli flags. ROFL LMAOFF


Even your own country voted in favor of Ukraine Hassan. Time to give it up, Russia has lost
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