Russia doesnt have 2 million in its armed forces, and no 750.000 will ever be present at the frontlines in Ukraine. The russian mobilized troops will be even worse off than the ukrainian volunteers defending Ukraine back in february. The ukrainians are still learning how to do offensive operations. Those russian mobilzed battalions will have zero offensive value. If there are no trenches left to place them in, they might aswell stay in Russia.Wrong assumptions..
There are 200 thousand Russian troops already fighting + 300 thousand volunteers being prepared to join them in about a week.. + the Wagner trying to recruit another 50 thousand..
But that is not all..the tricky part comes from these four regions officially joining the Russian federation; That means they are part of Russia now..and as we all know or some don't know..the Russian armed forces conscripts are not allowed to fight outside Russia.. but now they will fight on the new Russian territories..So at least 200 thousand of them from the 2 million Russian armed forces will join in to protect the rear of the fighting troops as well as guard important roads, ports, airports and other important facilities of the infrastructures ..That is already 750 thousand Russian troops that will be present on the war front..It is very dangerous for the Ukrainians..
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