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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Chinese beach is just as good as Italian and French beach. EU's loss of tourism is China's gain.
More delusion, nobody from Europe or America are going to China on vacation.
What about those lock downs?

How’s that Russian offensive going Hassan? :lol: Russia has now lost 600 pieces of armor and equipment since September 1 and the entire Kharkiv Oblast. Your on a sinking ship and don’t even realize it.
How’s that Russian offensive going Hassan? :lol: Russia has now lost 600 pieces of armor and equipment since September 1 and the entire Kharkiv Oblast. Your on a sinking ship and don’t even realize it.

After being exterminated in Ukraine seems like Kadyrov is sending another wave of his tiktok regiments. It's going to be even funnier.

Russia has lost this conflict, and I was hoping it'll last a little longer before the West turns their guns on us peasant Muslims. :(
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