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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Must admit those card boards are invisible to radar and if indeed they were used what ingenuity by Ukraine

For sure. Ingenius on Ukraine's part. I'm surprised I hadn't heard or seen the cardboard concept before. This simple idea could revolutionize RCS concepts if it really works that well and can be structurally sound.

What air defense doing?

For sure. Ingenius on Ukraine's part. I'm surprised I hadn't heard or seen the cardboard concept before. This simple idea could revolutionize RCS concepts if it really works that well and can be structurally sound.

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& the beautiful part is that the act of shooting them down is multiple more expensive than the cost to create them.
For sure. Ingenius on Ukraine's part. I'm surprised I hadn't heard or seen the cardboard concept before. This simple idea could revolutionize RCS concepts if it really works that well and can be structurally sound.

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The moment of attack …

How about getting rid of geo-political threat with the price of of 1 coffee cup? The War in ukraine is once in a century geo-political boon. It's actually more stupid not to send money to ukraine.

Not to mention getting rid of Russia would fix more than half of the world's problem. Trumpism Right wing in general to nazism are funded by the Rusky.

This morally unjustified and geopolitically ill-conceived war by Russia may have indeed led to some opportune developments in Europe and the United States.

* Basic military industries that were been gutted or abandoned, especially in Europe, have received a boost in terms of understanding of their importance.

* Right wing fascist-leaning politics that threatened the political scene in the liberal democratic West with strong Russia/China propaganda and influence machinery support has been weakened considerably. It has lost most of its relevance. Its so-called anti-elite and anti-intellectual rhetoric has become a fringe ideology. Just today, the leader of Proud Boys got his 17 years jail term, mumbling out tearful apologies.

*Liberalism has shed its naive idealism and embraced realism.

Overall, Russia's mistake, which has been terrible for the ordinary Russian people, is too ripe to let go. Interestingly, it's still Russia itself which can easily take this trump card from the West by a simple act of pulling behind their internationally accepted state lines. The simplicity of solution to this invasion is no lesser than the complexity of it.

Summer Operation | The Russians Destroyed Another Bridge In Kupiansk. Military Summary For 2023.8.31

This morally unjustified and geopolitically ill-conceived war by Russia may have indeed led to some opportune developments in Europe and the United States.

* Basic military industries that were been gutted or abandoned, especially in Europe, have received a boost in terms of understanding of their importance.

* Right wing fascist-leaning politics that threatened the political scene in the liberal democratic West with strong Russia/China propaganda and influence machinery support has been weakened considerably. It has lost most of its relevance. Its so-called anti-elite and anti-intellectual rhetoric has become a fringe ideology. Just today, the leader of Proud Boys got his 17 years jail term, mumbling out tearful apologies.

*Liberalism has shed its naive idealism and embraced realism.

Overall, Russia's mistake, which has been terrible for the ordinary Russian people, is too ripe to let go. Interestingly, it's still Russia itself which can easily take this trump card from the West by a simple act of pulling behind their internationally accepted state lines. The simplicity of solution to this invasion is no lesser than the complexity of it.

An we all know the only reason Russia can’t pull out of Ukraine is because for Putin, this would be an admission of defeat. Therefore, we get the endless destruction of the Russian Army until he has no choice but to accept defeat.
& the beautiful part is that the act of shooting them down is multiple more expensive than the cost to create them.

That's right. The Russians need to come up with equally ingenious & cost-effective methods of downing these drones. Pskov was already defended with TOR M1s and I think S-400s closer to the border. But those things traveled what, 200+ kms? And they're traveling very low from some of the reports. That in itself is just as big of an issue for the Russians since the prevailing theory is that if they were in fact cardboard drones, they were most likely launched by saboteurs inside Russia and closer to Pskov because of the distance & their cruising altitude. Now there's the element of spies/terrorists inside of Russia to deal with.

I think the best thing for the Russians to do is come up with better electronic warfare. RF hacking and jamming without affecting their own systems. Bring out the anti-UAV weapons they've been working on for the last decade or have China supply some of theirs. They should start out with some 23mm CIWS of some sort but they still have to find a way to detect and track them.

If anything, Russia has billions of 23mm Shilkas they can put to use to easily knock those toys down. They could place half a dozen or more of these all around critical sights like Pskov.


Between the sea drones and all these innovative aerial drones, Russia has to put a huge effort into neutralizing that capability before it gets out of hand.

They also have to deal with the Ukrainians' Neptune missiles which the Ukrainians modified from anti-ship to surface to surface with incredible precision which took out the Russian S-400 last week. Russians have their own powerful missiles wreaking havoc like the Kinzhal etc., but they need to figure out how to defend against these constantly new and adapting weapons from Ukraine. The Neptunes might be easier than the FPV drones, but neither are easy in the first place.


Absolutely, for defending the country from external threats and customers/allies willing to pay an unsubsidized price for them.

But I will continue to oppose the US Establishment stoking and funding unnecessary wars overseas, such as the one in Ukraine, that only cause more bloodshed and global economic losses and siphon money away from domestic education, healthcare, infrastructure, social security and other social welfare nets.

At some point the ‘boys’ in the Pentagon, intelligence and State need to finally grow up and stop playing games with other peoples lives.
Most of US military might is not for defending the territory. The size, equipment, and doctrine of the military is for blue water over the horizon power projection.

THe reason those in the US that enjoy prosperity is because of the global eco-system of interpendent countries and the power projection. What i am saying is that prosperity (despite those left behind in it) has been because of this non-inward view. That is the mindset that continues. Once its inward looking, yes short-term people may be helped, but after that its sustained decline for the country economically.

And getting rid of a mortal enemy for less than of 5% of defence budget with somebody else’s lives lost, is too good of a deal to pass up.

I agree that the prior decade wars (GWOT) were a waste of resources. It was not about getting rid of a symmetric power, but after the initial invasions, was the neo-con wet dream to redraw map of Central Asia. That was a complete waste of money and drained resources that even if it had gotten the desired outcome but use less still
the Calm before the storm

Over the Summer the Russian factories have been pumping out armoured vehicles and tanks

and in the Autumn will come the Russian counter attack

a lot of armour is being sent to the front, Russians have stopped the Ukrainians in the last few months with modest gains

now Russia will come forward with strength and numbers

factories which were bankrupt and shutdown have been taken over by the Russian Ministry of defence

Doubt they are new, seems they digging tomto the vast storage of Soviet weapons.
Wars could be prolonged and low-intensity, and Russia needs to find ways to defend against drones.
I appreciate the attempt, but while you’ve moderated your tone, you’ve still resorted to attacking the ideology of the individual in question instead of making an argument as to WHY you disagree with his suggestions.

Left, right or center - ideas, policies, proposals, suggestions etc should be debated on their merits, not what you think of the individual making them or their ideology.
I have no problem at all with different opinions, leftists, rightist or whatever color. those people from the querfront however have their agenda. They don’t contribute anything to end this war. listen to what they say they use same pretexts, excuses, fake news. Their arguments have two goals: the west stops weapon delivery, Ukraine surrenders.

That’s it.

They believe if the west stops weapons delivery the war would stop. Seriously?

Ukraine must surrender because Russia is almighty armed with nuclear weapons. Really?
For sure. Ingenius on Ukraine's part. I'm surprised I hadn't heard or seen the cardboard concept before. This simple idea could revolutionize RCS concepts if it really works that well and can be structurally sound.

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Previously mentioned blimp radar would work against larger long range kamikaze drones or cruise missiles but this is a different issue if it is almost invisible to radar.
Measures can be developed by seeing its limitations. Its limitations are because of it is light weight it cant carry much explosive payload. Planes stored in hangars-shelters would be protected. Even if it is a shaped charge damage would be limited if shelters are used for aircraft. More importantly it can't carry much fuel so its range is limited. If it is made bigger to have more range it would require larger rotors and similar increasing its rcs making them visible to radars. So airbases near Nato member borders should not host high end equipment although far from actual Ukraine frontlines. Transport planes ,Awacs, high end Fighter aircraft should be kept deep inside far from all possible frontlines.
This is somewhat similar to quad rotor drone attacks that happened before which are also almost invisible to radar. Other options like Lidar can be developed for sites like airbases for early warning as well.
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