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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

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this war is not just a war. This war is causing a global catastrophe.

Meh. This is hardly a war. It is so low intensity there are only low hundreds tanks involved at any given time. You can call it a gang war, sort of like HTS vs Faylaq al Sham in Idlib mess, or the regular gang wars that plague Chicago. Hell, even the Western MSM got bored of it and stopped reporting it. 100 years from now it's still going.
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There is a dam in Kherson and there is a road and railway on the dam. This dam is said to be pretty indestructible and Ukrainians certainly have not even attempted to target that dam with HIMARS. Targeting the regular bridge with HIMARS is a horse and pony show. Ukrainians understand they lost Kherson forever just like Chinese understand they lost Taiwan forever. Rhetoric is only for domestic consumption with no chance of taking by force.
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Meh. This is hardly a war. It is so low intensity there are only low hundreds tanks involved at any given time. You can call it a gang war, sort of like HTS vs Faylaq al Sham in Idlib mess, or the regular gang wars that plague Chicago. Hell, even the Western MSM got bored of it and stopped reporting it. 100 years from now it's still going.
A gang war in Chicago won’t effect anybody in Spain. This war effects everybody on earth. It’s just how hard. the hungry kid in Ethiopia bears the brunt harder than a baby of a poor family in cold flat in Germany.
This war effects everybody on earth. It’s just how hard. the hungry kid in Ethiopia bears the brunt harder than a baby in cold flat in Germany.

Ethiopia's population boomed due to food paid for by UN. Their population is too big for their own resources to support. UN never should have created the mess to begin with. UN never should have artificially inflated Ethiopia's population in the first place and endangering the lives of millions. This fault rests on the shoulders of UN. And now it is time for UN to acknowledge its own wrongdoing. A smaller responsibility lies with America which started war in 2014 in Ukraine on the back of Euro Maidan. Without Euro Maidan, there would be peace in Europe.

UN defied mother nature. And when you defy mother nature, sooner or later mother nature will slap you in the bottom for being naughty.
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Russian wanted Ukraine to be part of Russia, now Ukraine is dropping Russian language in their school.

This is basically the complete opposite......
Ethiopia's population boomed due to food paid for by UN. Their population is too big for their own resources to support. UN never should have created the mess to begin with. UN never should have artificially inflated Ethiopia's population in the first place and endangering the lives of millions. This fault rests on the shoulders of UN. And now it is time for UN to acknowledge its own wrongdoing. A smaller responsibility lies with America which started war in 2014 in Ukraine on the back of Euro Maidan. Without Euro Maidan, there would be peace in Europe.

UN defied mother nature. And when you defy mother nature, sooner or later mother nature will slap you in the bottom for being naughty.
keep your nonsense
The winter is coming. 2 months from now this war of attrition will be more brutal. Temperature can sink to -15C. Let’s see how the Russian invasion army keep warm in their trenches.

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