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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Its a money-making thing. In the 90s they came up with the rising sea level up to 30 meters cause of melting ice at the poles and everywhere. So if it is real, then the sea-level would constant rise and back in 2010 it would have already +10 meters. But if i look at Hamburg today: No dam, no evacuation - and no high rising sea level. it is all the same since the 90s. Even the "Elbstrand" still exists, doesnt changed. Its all a lie.

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You should look at other countries like Bangladesh who are loosing land to water every year. Or the pics of ICE 10 yrs before and now. U will change your opinion
Germany opens money wallets.

Fresh 12 billion euros for arming Ukraine

Ukraine will be armed to the teeths.

Haha, what wallet? Dept! Its all dept!
Germany opens money wallets.

Fresh 12 billion euros for arming Ukraine

Ukraine will be armed to the teeths.

Well armed, but wat about soldiers? many of them are wounded or dead.
Germany opens money wallets.

Fresh 12 billion euros for arming Ukraine

Ukraine will be armed to the teeths.

speaking of Germany! I'm in love with the Porsche 911 Turbo S
Germany opens money wallets.

Fresh 12 billion euros for arming Ukraine

Ukraine will be armed to the teeths.

12 billion euros is only a fraction of what Russia spends on war.

In 1982 we thought that the war with the Soviet Union was imminent, we did not stop talking about when it would start, 82, 83, 84, we had no idea of anything, we were young, but now I see old Admirals talking like 6 year olds. We were naive youngsters, but to grow up without learning anything about this world....

I have memories of the Marder, memories of a Panzergrenadier battalion, memories of my stay in Germany ... And to see now what the European heads have become, there is no trace left of the Europe of my youth, and although I did not know the DDR now their music brings me the remains of a Germany that disappeared.

You lived in DDR?

East Germany was a failed state. If you have to stand in queue for hours to get few bananas, waiting 20y for a third rate car. if you go to a restaurant and there is nothing to eat, or you must be high ranking officials to buy some cheap western stuffs, then something is wrong.

Russia will be a copy of DDR.
You should look at other countries like Bangladesh who are loosing land to water every year. Or the pics of ICE 10 yrs before and now. U will change your opinion
Why should i look at other countries if germany has the ocean right here? I dont care what other countries tell about their "sea level". I cant controll it. But i can controll the sea level at germanys coast. Whereas the sea level rising is actuely official 1,5 mm/year. 1,5 millimeters/year! And from 1900-2015 it was official 1,5 mm/year in average. Get the picture?

Melitopol hit. Proper distance from front.

Hopefully the start of a new campaign to damage and weaken the rear lines

I remember a guy from America (CIA or State Departament) who had a kind of Altar with Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy, that caught my attention and even shocked me because it seemed a family Altar to venerate the ancestors ... Anyway, and now we are the Soviet Union, a place full of ideology and out of touch with reality, and it is worse because those who lived in the Soviet Union did not believe what they read in the newspaper.

What an appalling tragedy. What a delirious empire The West Empire. What a complete disregard for human life.

What a dirty trick they have committed with Russians and Ukrainians. I once heard "if there are two fish in a bowl fighting, the British Empire is around". And I thought it was a mere witticism.
Saw a video where a reputable analyst (Ray McGovern?) said something like 'In 6-8 weeks, Russians would reach the Dniper River which is a natural boundary. At that point, either Americans would tell Zelensky that the 'gig is up, compromise' or there will be a decision to escalate even more. If that happens then Russia, if pushed to a defeat, would even use tactical nukes.'
What makes Ray McGovern reputable regarding the russian invasion of Ukraine?
It would have been nice if the journalists could have found out roughly how many T55s are thought to be in storage - but the 2,500 T62s are enough to last Russia about 4 months, at the rate Ukraine have been killing them. And iirc it was already a good while ago those started to be sent to the frontline. All sorts of estimates floating around - Wikipedia says there might have been ~60,000 of these old tanks manufactured but it's how many they kept or can get working again
explained this some post ago.

It really didn't matter how many were there, there are some sort of mobilisation requirement for any army to put some of the reserve into rapid readiness mode, ie, I can pull them out and use them almost immediately. And for Russia, those are almost exclusively earlier model of T-72 (one that built between 70/80. And those stock are largely depleted as well, T-55 and T-62 would mostly don't have interchangeable parts with what the Russian kept now, which mean if they want those tank to work, they would need to somehow recover those part, be it made new or just cannibalise from old tanks. I doubt Russia (or even China for this matter) would have interest devoting resource to make new tank parts for such an old tank. Which mean if the Russian want these tank to be mobile, they would have to cannibalise part from their pool of stock.

If Russian are smart, they would most likely use those tank as static defense, because you won't move much, and if you don't move, nothing could break, but then there are still the issue of barrel. You can only put a certain rounds thru a barrel before it become useless (ask the Ukrainian and you will know) and I doubt there are spare barrel for those T-55 D-10T 100mm gun, they stop making those back in the 80s.
What makes Ray McGovern reputable regarding the russian invasion of Ukraine?

He has seen a lot being part of the American 'Beltway' Political system. Was part of the Kennedy administration and many since then. He knows how the American political system works. And in one of his recent videos, which I posted in another thread today, he says something like 'Biden would like to win the 2024 elections as a 'War President' because, if/when Trump comes back to power, then Biden is likely to face major legal issues for which there are credible evidence. To understand US geopolitics, one needs to understand how the US domestic politics works.'

Brilliant insight!

As I have repeatedly said, this war ends when America decides to end it!! Europe has no say in this which amounts to much. All the Europeans jumping up and down in this forum never forget that!
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