Depends on ukranian will to resist really.How long can Ukraine defend itself from this brutal assault and war through proxy on its country and people before it becomes unbearable ? The string pullers aren't suffering as they enjoy the debt entrapment of the poor Ukrainians. Russia have beefed up their weapons manufacturing with its allies pumping weapons on demand. If Chinese plan is sufficient then it should be implemented , if it isn't then it should be improved. This Zion led war on Ukraine needs to be stopped now.
Afghanistan showed that you cant just pump money and weapons and expect the unwilling to fight.
ukranians however…held the lines being outgunned 10 to 1 in artillery mid 2022. They held the lines in bakhmut grinder. Without morale breaking, without mass retreat/surrender.
This shows their will to resist is strong….which spells enormous problem for russia trying to dominante this country of 40 million.