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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Why talking of Ukraine using thermobaric when Ukraine hasn’t it at all? Lets focus on things Ukraine has and will have to kick the Russians out of the trenches.
the bombs Ukraine use come from west and they have the capabilities to deliver enough of them to Ukraine
about kicking Russian out of trenches , i believe drone launched grenades would be more effective and to be honnest if i see enemy is bombing my position with cluster munition , coming out is the last thing i will do
This is DU:

DU is a cheap waste product of the nuclear industry in the production of nuclear fuel rods from uranium 235, but it still contains about 60 percent of the radioactivity of the original uranium ore due to its content of mainly uranium 238, a slowly decaying alpha emitter with a half-life of 4.5 billion years [2].

When DU enters the human organism, it is doubly dangerous: as a heavy metal, it is toxic, and as an alpha emitter, its radiation effect damages tissue cells in the lungs and other organs. When uranium weapons are used, for example against tanks and reinforced concrete structures, the targets hit are not only detonated in seconds, but part of the uranium projectile ignites due to the high temperatures caused by the frictional heat and an aerosol is formed, i.e. a metal gas consisting of microscopic particles of DU, which can be absorbed by people exposed to it through breathing, but also through food and drinking water.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

DU ist ein billiges Abfallprodukt der Atomindustrie bei der Herstellung atomarer Brennstäbe aus Uran 235, enthält aber noch etwa 60 Prozent der Radioaktivität des ursprünglichen Uranerzes auf Grund seines Gehaltes an vor allem Uran 238, einem langsam zerfallenden Alpha-Strahler mit einer Halbwertszeit von 4,5 Milliarden Jahren [2].

Wenn DU in den menschlichen Organismus gelangt, ist es doppelt gefährlich: Als Schwermetall ist es giftig und als Alpha-Strahler schädigt es mit seiner Strahlenwirkung die Gewebszellen in der Lunge und den übrigen Organen. Beim Einsatz von Uranwaffen, zum Beispiel gegen Panzer und Stahlbetonbauten, werden die getroffenen Ziele nicht nur in Sekunden zur Explosion gebracht, sondern ein Teil des Urangeschosses entzündet sich auf Grund der hohen Temperaturen durch die Reibungshitze und es entsteht ein Aerosol, das heißt ein Metallgas, das aus mikroskopisch kleinen Partikeln DU besteht und das von den Menschen, die dem ausgesetzt sind, über die Atmung, aber auch über Nahrung und Trinkwasser, aufgenommen werden kann."
Depleted Uranium and its hidden truth

First: The depleted uranium metal is much less materially expensive than the precious metal tungsten, as it is originally waste from the end of the uranium reaction in nuclear reactors.

Second: Depleted uranium is more stable in shape and metal density than tungsten, and this appears when it penetrates dense and thick metal shields.

Third: Depleted uranium generates a very high temperature that supports the stability of its speed of 1500 m/s and its trajectory towards the target after launch, and also increases its penetrating ability, as it reaches its temperature upon impact and penetration to about 4000 degrees Celsius, while tungsten does not exceed 2500 degrees Celsius.

It is, as Britain claims, an ordinary weapon that is not classified as a nuclear weapon, and does not have significant radioactive damage because most of the radiation it emits is of the alpha category and does not penetrate the skin of humans, but its radioactive toxicity is by inhalation only.

And we say this is correct, if the British Sabot bullets were not reinforced, as is the case with the American missiles known as the Silver Bullet, which contains, after the penetration head and in its neck, rings of diluted polonium, which is a mixture of polonium and depleted uranium, which crumbles during penetration and raises the temperature of the shell. to 5000 degrees Celsius, but it releases the whole spectrum of nuclear rays, including gamma rays!
Whereas in a tungsten shell, reinforced by NATO standards, with a non-radioactive frictional thermal detonator!

For new generations of depleted uranium shells M829A3, which are longer and surrounded by rings of diluted polonium to the end, that is, even the tail fins, and not only in the back of the penetrating head, as in the silver bullet M829A1, which creates a terrifying penetrating heat stream like a flaming knife penetrating a mold of butter, and thus it may threaten the armor of the revolutionary Russian storm T-90M tank including its external passive and dynamic added armor!

The Russian reactions will be likely as in the media, that Russia will respond by using highly limited tactical nuclear weapons, or the use of auxiliary weapons, which is closer to reality, i.e. the use of Russian sabot or penetrating kinetic missiles of depleted uranium as well, or the use of lethal thermal weapons that are no less lethal than nuclear weapons such as mercury thermal storm bombs or missiles. Russia is keen, under Chinese pressure, on non-nuclear escalation, and in the event that it resorts to decisiveness by escalation to reduce escalation, It has superior alternatives in the super thermo-blast, vacuum-nanotechnology, dual-action, chain-reactive, or mercury-thermal barium.
Depleted Uranium and its hidden truth

First: The depleted uranium metal is much less materially expensive than the precious metal tungsten, as it is originally waste from the end of the uranium reaction in nuclear reactors.

Second: Depleted uranium is more stable in shape and metal density than tungsten, and this appears when it penetrates dense and thick metal shields.

Third: Depleted uranium generates a very high temperature that supports the stability of its speed of 1500 m/s and its trajectory towards the target after launch, and also increases its penetrating ability, as it reaches its temperature upon impact and penetration to about 4000 degrees Celsius, while tungsten does not exceed 2500 degrees Celsius.

It is, as Britain claims, an ordinary weapon that is not classified as a nuclear weapon, and does not have significant radioactive damage because most of the radiation it emits is of the alpha category and does not penetrate the skin of humans, but its radioactive toxicity is by inhalation only.

And we say this is correct, if the British Sabot bullets were not reinforced, as is the case with the American missiles known as the Silver Bullet, which contains, after the penetration head and in its neck, rings of diluted polonium, which is a mixture of polonium and depleted uranium, which crumbles during penetration and raises the temperature of the shell. to 5000 degrees Celsius, but it releases the whole spectrum of nuclear rays, including gamma rays!
Whereas in a tungsten shell, reinforced by NATO standards, with a non-radioactive frictional thermal detonator!

For new generations of depleted uranium shells M829A3, which are longer and surrounded by rings of diluted polonium to the end, that is, even the tail fins, and not only in the back of the penetrating head, as in the silver bullet M829A1, which creates a terrifying penetrating heat stream like a flaming knife penetrating a mold of butter, and thus it may threaten the armor of the revolutionary Russian storm T-90M tank including its external passive and dynamic added armor!

The Russian reactions will be likely as in the media, that Russia will respond by using highly limited tactical nuclear weapons, or the use of auxiliary weapons, which is closer to reality, i.e. the use of Russian sabot or penetrating kinetic missiles of depleted uranium as well, or the use of lethal thermal weapons that are no less lethal than nuclear weapons such as mercury thermal storm bombs or missiles. Russia is keen, under Chinese pressure, on non-nuclear escalation, and in the event that it resorts to decisiveness by escalation to reduce escalation, It has superior alternatives in the super thermo-blast, vacuum-nanotechnology, dual-action, chain-reactive, or mercury-thermal barium.
Seriously dude? With almost 20 Million Ukrainian refugees, $500 billion in damage to towns and cities, 200,000 dead and wounded , militarily Ukraine is on the backfoot with its forces getting hammered in Bakhmut, not sure how you can define Russian army as 'inept'?
Is this a joke??

Seriously, I have just got in an all nighter, I can't read sarcasms right now.
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Ukraine is preparing 3 army corps for the offensive and reserves. That’s 75K+ troops
A lot of unit disappear from the deployment map, some went to Germany and Poland and trained with Western Tank, APC and Patriot, but latest OSINT suggest at least half of a theater command was unaccounted for, and it just disappear from any OSINT, they are either dissolved or under blackout. And I wouldn't think that many Ukrainian bolted under the immense Russian "Pressure" (well, it could happen, you never know) so chances are pretty good these people are saved up/train up for the upcoming counteroffensive.

Well in the morning you better sober up and digest the facts.
lol, why not 1 trillion dollar damage then? Why not 500,000 men kill or death?

Those are not "Facts" those are number that is being made up, that's not even an educated guess.......by the way, Ukraine pre-war only have a 43 million population, 20 millions means around half the population is gone....Again, if so, who's doing the fighting??

I don't know how many Ukrainians is being killed or wounded, but if Ukraine lost 200,000 out of the 700,000 troop they had, they can't hold Bakhmut, they can't hold anywhere. A unit suffer more than 15% casualty, that unit is said to be combat ineffective, you are talking about up to 30% casualty rate. Ukrainian army would no longer exist back then.

Again, number is like A-hole, everyone have their own and don't want to look at other's I mean if you believe Ukraine loses 800 men a day since the war begin (that's around 250K men) that's your business. I believe in actual facts on the ground, not just some number people told me.
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A lot of unit disappear from the deployment map, some went to Germany and Poland and trained with Western Tank, APC and Patriot, but latest OSINT suggest at least half of a theater command was unaccounted for, and it just disappear from any OSINT, they are either dissolved or under blackout. And I wouldn't think that many Ukrainian bolted under the immense Russian "Pressure" (well, it could happen, you never know) so chances are pretty good these people are saved up/train up for the upcoming counteroffensive.
After the 75K soldiers then what? Is this all or nothing gamble or does NATO have anything else left to throw if this fails?


NATO , Europe , Defense and Security , and Geopolitics and International Security
Rubbish propuganda by NATO
And besides who has time to read this very long boring article of who said that or this from starting of day 1 war
After the 75K soldiers then what? Is this all or nothing gamble or does NATO have anything else left to throw if this fails?
Then what? It can go either way, the Ukrainian push can fail like the Russian did, or it can succeed. It is an unknown outcome, there are not much parameter for anyone to make a prediction on, because Ukraine is making a push with Western Weapon, and we don't know how effective they got with those, so it can go either way.

But if you asked me for my opinion, facts, stack up on each other, Russia is not making anything more than 500 meters in the last 7 days or so, some day didn't even make that much distant, and some even nothing at all, they are either in Strategic pause or they have culminated. Which is the same unless Russia have spare manpower to go pour into the matter agian, but I seriously doubt that because if they did, they would have committed them a month ago or at least 3 weeks ago, now it's 6 days til April, April is raining season, nobody can move anything anywhere, and April also means 2 months til summer, which mean Russia have 2 month to consolidate their gain in this spring offensive and brace for the Ukrainian counter attack.

I will only say this, if Russia can't complete the ring in Bakhmut in the first 2 weeks of April, I wouldn't want to be there as a Russian soldier when the Ukrainian come at me with 3 brand new brigade of Western Tanks and APC, because I know Russian won't be ready to meet that. they would still be building soddy defense.
Rubbish propuganda by NATO
And besides who has time to read this very long boring article of who said that or this from starting of day 1 war
Every analyst is coming to the same conclusion that it can only be settled by negotiation and a peace agreement. Why not do it sooner than later is beyond comprehension. This first world war type brutality should have been left in the trenches of the 20th Century but alas there are career barbarians who get paid to inflict suffering on other people and know no other life.
the bombs Ukraine use come from west and they have the capabilities to deliver enough of them to Ukraine
about kicking Russian out of trenches , i believe drone launched grenades would be more effective and to be honnest if i see enemy is bombing my position with cluster munition , coming out is the last thing i will do
Ukraine needs carpet bombings on thousands of km of trenches. Along the contact line, from north to southern fronts. Ukraine must soften the Russian defense before Ukraine tanks move forward. drones dropping bombs can only do on few meters, on enemy tanks, on enemy vehicles that don’t move. not really effective.

The Russians still have massive artillery rows behind the trenches. Those positions must be bombed.
When the americans invaded iraq. for a long period of time the iraqi oil fields were pumping out oil with 0 accountability. Anybody on the ground with weapons and connections would become a millionaire/billionaire instantly..

it was an absolute free for all

the iraqi government estimates around 150 billion dollars was stolen this way. There are literally pictures of american troops looting iraqi gold

There are many parasites and cheneys and bush's getting rich on these wars. they could care less about the 18 year old farm boy getting mutilated by an IED.

syrian theft is more of the same. there is no question there are lots of american commanders and cia rats on the ground taking a cut.

The americans are modern day pirates with nukes and propaganda
Maybe I'm wrong but I think you're wrong.

USA behavior after Bush age is very different than before.

2008 financial crisis, Wall St took over the power of USA state.

They dont need money, they can print all the dollars they want.

They just need world countries accept dollars, and if world run out cheap energy and raw materials (and that is the moment right now) they need destruction wars to decrease oil consumption: Libya war, Ukraine war (with a future spill over whole Europe) and so on.

I think Syria is very useful to trigger military provocations and unstabilize whole ME.

Besides Syria has a main leadership in Islamic eschatology prophecies, and USA bankers love to use that kind of things to deceive large amount of people. It's what George Soros calls "fertille fallacies".

So watch out, Syria presence is no about stealing, it's about future possible provocations.
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Pervomais'ke and Kam'yanka. ISW Updates. Bilohorivka. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.03.25

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