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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Its iran and israeli proxy war also going on in Ukraine with iran providing weapons to russia israel should send heavy weapons to Ukraine like tanks and iron doms if the west nato and europe is hesitant to send it to Ukraine with israeli millitary tech and heavy weapons it will greatly help Ukraine ward off aerial and ground threats by russia
Interesting. Reading a not so confirmed report yesterday that the Swede are sending this in their next Aid Package to Ukraine

The Swede was debating whether or not send the Archer Artillery System to Ukraine, and the report was done in Oct last year saying Sweden CAN send 12 archer system to Ukraine as part of aid package and in this Article they are saying Sweden WILL send them with the next aid package.

Archer is EXTREMELY MOBILE system, as the demo show, the system is entirely self contained and they could fire 3 rounds and evade before the 1st round hit the target at max range (55 km). 12 of these would mean 36 rounds will impact on the Russian when the system already moved on.

It would be great for Ukraine if this is indeed true.

This is beautiful weapon system. Funny that Sweden who hasn’t seen combat for years has some of the best military equipment.

Russia pushes to capture Ukraine’s salt mining town

Reuters Published January 11, 2023 Updated about an hour ago

<p>Ukrainian soldiers fire an anti-aircraft weapon in the frontline city of Bakhmut on Tuesday.—Reuters</p>

Ukrainian soldiers fire an anti-aircraft weapon in the frontline city of Bakhmut on Tuesday.—Reuters
KYIV: Russian troops have stepped up an assault on the small salt mining town of Soledar in eastern Ukraine, forcing Ukrainian troops to repel waves of attacks led by mercenary forces, officials in Kyiv said.
Britain’s defence ministry said on Tuesday that Russian and forces of the Wagner contract group were probably now in control of most of the town, in the industrial Donbas region, after advances in the last four days.
Seizing Soledar would be advantageous to Russian forces as they fight for control of the city of Bakhmut, a few kilometres to the southwest, where troops from both sides have been taking heavy losses in some of the most intense trench warfare since Russia invaded Ukraine nearly 11 months ago. It would also give Russia a welcome battlefield victory after a series of setbacks in recent months.
“Russia’s Soledar axis is highly likely an effort to envelop Bakhmut from the north, and to disrupt Ukrainian lines of communication,” Britain said in an intelligence briefly.
Prominent journalist Yuriy Butusov, who is embedded with Ukrainian troops in Soledar, wrote for the online outlet New Voice that Russian forces had established fire control over the main Ukrainian supply route to the town.
“This is not a complete encirclement, but normal supply along the route is impossible, (and) this is critical for defence,” he said.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in his nightly video address on Monday that Bakhmut and Soledar were holding on despite widespread destruction.
He cited new and fiercer attacks in Soledar, where he said no walls have been left standing and the land was covered with Russian corpses.
“Thanks to the resilience of our soldiers in Soledar, we have won for Ukraine additional time and additional strength,” Zelenskiy said.
He did not spell out what he meant by gaining time or strength.
Bakhmut is located on a strategic supply line between the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which make up the Donbas. Gaining control of it could give Russia a stepping stone to advance on two bigger cities — Kramatorsk and Sloviansk.
Russia’s defence ministry did not mention either Soledar or Bakhmut in a media briefing on Monday.
Wagner was founded by Yevgeny Prigozhin, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Drawing some recruits from Russia’s prisons and known for uncompromising violence, it is active in conflicts in Africa and has taken a prominent role in Russia’s war effort in Ukraine.
Prigozhin has been trying to capture Bakhmut and Soledar for months at the cost of many lives on both sides.
He said on Saturday its significance lay in a network of cavernous mining tunnels below the ground, which can hold troops or tanks. A US official has said Prigozhin was eyeing the salt and gypsum from the mines, believed to extend over 100 miles underground.
Ukrainian military analyst Oleh Zhdanov said fighting in Bahkmut and Soledar was “the most intense on the entire frontline”. “So many remain on the battlefield … either dead or wounded,” he said on YouTube.
“They attack our positions in waves, but the wounded as a rule die where they lie, either from exposure as it is very cold or from blood loss. No one is coming to help them or to collect the dead from the battlefield.”
In an evacuee centre in Kramatorsk, Olha, 60, said she had fled Soledar after moving from apartment to apartment as each was destroyed in tank battles.
“There isn’t one house left intact. Apartments were burning, breaking in half,” said Olha, who gave only her first name.

Russia-Ukraine War: Ukrainian Soldiers ENCIRCLED In Soledar - January 10th

bakhmut was not strategic , no doubt just a meat grinder. soon it will be forgotten and then another city , village or hamlet will be turned into a meat grinder , WW1 relived

at the start of war they get the city but later they easily (you may say too easily) they let it fall in Ukraine hand , you wonder why if that's their interest in the city
Putin is the head of a country of thieves. He trying to steal as much as he can in Ukraine. That’s it. Every other excuses as liberating Ukraine from the Nazi, liberating the oppressed Russians from the Ukraine regime, nothing more as camouflage. However won’t stop there. When Ukraine is finished he will continue with Georgia, Moldavia, Baltics, Poland, and other as stated in his ultimatums to the US and NATO.
What’s the strategic value of Bakhmut? Or Soledar? Is it salt?
The reality is the Russia army, the second most powerful army in the world, even trying to take a fishing village. If anything then Odessa and Kherson. Those are 1,000 times more important because taking them he can control the Black Sea and Crimea.
9 hr 17 min ago

Situation in the eastern Ukrainian town of Soledar is "critical," soldier tells CNN​

From CNN’s Yulia Keseiva in Kyiv

A Ukrainian serviceman administers first aid to a wounded soldier at a shelter in Soledar on January 8.
A Ukrainian serviceman administers first aid to a wounded soldier at a shelter in Soledar on January 8. (Roman Chop/AP)

A Ukrainian soldier fighting in the eastern town of Soledar told CNN that the situation is “critical” and the death toll is now so high that “no one counts the dead”.
The soldier is from the 46th air mobile brigade, which is leading Ukraine’s fight to hold onto Soledar in the face of a massive assault from Russian troops and Wagner mercenaries.
CNN is not identifying him for security reasons.
“The situation is critical. Difficult. We are holding on to the last,” said the soldier said.
He described a dynamic battlefield where buildings change hands daily and units can’t keep track of the escalating death toll. “No one will tell you how many dead and wounded there are. Because no one knows for sure. Not a single person,” he said. “Not at the headquarters. Not anywhere. Positions are being taken and re-taken constantly. What was our house today, becomes Wagner's the next day.”
“In Soledar, no one counts the dead,” he added.
The soldier said it was unclear as of Tuesday night how much of the town was held by the Russians: “No one can definitely say who moved where and who holds what, because no one knows for sure. There is a huge grey area in the city that everyone claims to control, [but] it’s just any empty hype.”
The Ukrainians have lost many troops in Soledar but the ranks are being replenished as the fight for the mining town continues, he said: “The personnel of our units have been renewed by almost half, more or less. We do not even have time to memorize each other’s call signs [when new personnel arrive].”
The soldier said that he believed Ukraine’s military leaders would eventually abandon the fight for Soledar and questioned why they hadn’t done this yet. “Everyone understands that the city will be abandoned. Everyone understands this,” he said. “I just want to understand what the point [in fighting house to house] is. Why die, if we are going to leave it anyway today or tomorrow?”
The 46th air mobile brigade said on its Telegram channel on Tuesday that the situation in Soledar was “very difficult, but manageable."
In his nightly address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the soldiers of the brigade “for their bravery and steadfastness in defending Soledar.”
Will this be the game changer for Ukraine or an escalation they will regret? Patriots will neutralize the Russian air domination ensuring the outcome will be decided by land action, where there appears to be a stalemate at present. A war of attrition is not in Russia's advantage as the Ukrainians build up their army and NATO train and arm Ukrainian forces effectively. As Russia becomes more desperate Russian Generals will be given more options on the table and the war no doubt will turn uglier :-

15 hr 55 min ago

Ukrainians will start training on Patriot missiles in the US as soon as next week, officials say​

From CNN's Oren Liebermann and Haley Britzky

Ukrainians are set to begin training on the Patriot missile system in the United States as soon as next week, two US officials familiar with the matter tell CNN.
The training program will take place at Fort Sill in Oklahoma, where the US conducts its own training on operating and maintaining the advanced air defense system. Fort Sill is one of the Army's four basic training locations and home to the service's field artillery school, which has been training service members for more than a century.
The training for the Ukrainians on the complex system is expected to take "several months," said Laura Cooper, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia. "I'm not going to be able to give you a specific timeframe for the completion of the training."
This comes after Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said Thursday that the US was looking at a variety of options for where to conduct the Patriot missile training "to include potential training here in the US, overseas, or a combination of both."
The US announced it was sending Ukraine the Patriot missile system in late December when Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky visited Washington and met with US President Joe Biden.
Germany recently announced that it was sending Ukraine a second Patriot missile system from its own inventory.
Putin is the head of a country of thieves. He trying to steal as much as he can in Ukraine. That’s it. Every other excuses as liberating Ukraine from the Nazi, liberating the oppressed Russians from the Ukraine regime, nothing more as camouflage. However won’t stop there. When Ukraine is finished he will continue with Georgia, Moldavia, Baltics, Poland, and other as stated in his ultimatums to the US and NATO.
What’s the strategic value of Bakhmut? Or Soledar? Is it salt?
The reality is the Russia army, the second most powerful army in the world, even trying to take a fishing village. If anything then Odessa and Kherson. Those are 1,000 times more important because taking them he can control the Black Sea and Crimea.
in this war even odessa and kherson are not important , the only strategic point in Ukraine right now is Lviv and cities around it, i wonder how good defensive lines east of ukraine are if Belarus decide to enter war and capture those areas
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