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Russia to garner support for India's entry in SCO

Water Car Engineer

Sep 25, 2010
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Russia on Tuesday welcomed India's intention to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and said that India's entry into the group as permanent member will increase the relevance of the organisation.

The Indo-Russia joint statement titled 'celebrating a decade of the India Russia federation strategic partnership and looking ahead' states: "The President of the Russia Federation welcomed India's intention to join the organisation as a full member, which he said would increase the political weight and give a new quality and dimension to cooperation in this association."

Russia also agreed to make efforts along with other SCO members to accelerate the India's entry into the organization.

In June 2010, the SCO approved the procedure of admitting new members, though new members have yet to be admitted. Several states including India, Iran, Pakistan, Mangolia however, participate as observers, some of whom have expressed interest in becoming full members in the future.

SCO, which has emerged as an important factor for regional security and cooperation in Eurasian region comprised of China, Russia, and Central Asia nations Kazhakistan, Krygistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

With its growing economic clout, India is looking to expand its sphere of strategic relations especially in Central Asia, which is dominated by Chinese economic clout.

During a joint press conference earlier, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev also reiterated Russia's support for India's aspiration of becoming a permanent member at the United Nations Security Council.

"Russia considers India as a strong and most deserving candidate for the United Nations Security Council," said President Medvedev.

After UK, US, France, Russia is the fourth nation to express unambiguous support to India's aspiration of becoming a permanent member at UNSC.

The Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Wen Jiabao, who visited India last week gave vague support to India playing a greater role at UNSC.

India and Russia signed 30 pacts in the field of nuclear, defence, hydrocarbons, oil and gas and space and have also agreed to increase coordination and cooperation in global multilateral forums and issues.

Russia to garner support for India's entry in SCO
The point is, would you be willing to consider a particular side or alliance over choosing to remain non-aligned as you have always claimed to be? Your current non-affiliation with any faction of strategic significance has you bringing goodwill and friendship from countries all around the world. Whereas joining one specific side would skew and thus limit the other side.

As a neutral country's national myself, I would recommend to continue your non-alignment that your first prime minister prescribed.
Russia is not evolving from its cold war era mentality..looks like another game changer is required or it still like to pursue its global ambitions in central asia this time in partnership with India
india follow china every where

Definitely an obsession.

Indian YY list
Mumbai to overtake Shanghai
Democracy over Dictatorship
LCA over J-10
Arjun over T-99
21st century belongs to India not China
BrahMos is better than any Chinese missiles
India has more geniuses than China
the list goes on

Definitely an obsession.

Indian YY list
Mumbai to overtake Shanghai
Democracy over Dictatorship
LCA over J-10
Arjun over T-99
21st century belongs to India not China
BrahMos is better than any Chinese missiles
India has more geniuses than China
the list goes on


Mumbai to takeover shanghai? We NEVER EVER said that!

21st century belongs to India not China. Nope NEVER said that either. We said 21st century is all abour china AND india not china OR india.

India has more geniuses than China. Simply can't be true cuz china's population is more than india's.

though SCO is not solely Chinese organization, but China does have the final say in SCO. its Shanghai Cooperation Organization. the name says it all. after india's claim of TAR and Taiwan not as parts of the PRC, China is not gonna accept india as far as SCO is concerned. India is free to join NATO. no chance in SCO.

and one more thing, if Russia plays the India card against China, China has multiple effective cards to play against Russia. hope Kremlin understand this.
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