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Russia to flatten Georgia if Iran attacked

No offense mate but many of the iranians in this forum have difficulty thinking strategicaly, every discussion turns into a cat fight and troll fest.

Every nation follows there own strategic interest, that is the sad reality of todays geopolitics.
It is not some sort kinder garden fight where everything is black and white.
Some of the pakistani poster are thinking here that China and Russia will gang up against India, and why should they we have trade of close to 70 b$ with China.

The Russians are our strategic partners in military, 60% of military hardware that Russia sold was to India this year. We are partners with them in development of 5th genration fighter aircraft.
Now coming to India-Iran relation ship this relationship is not only about oil.
Before 9/11 during Taliban reign India,Iran and Russia where the 3 countrys which where helping Northen alliance against the Talibs so our 2 countrys have worked together when our interest have been same.
India has helped iran in construction of Chah Bahar port and is also constructing 900KM railway network connecting with Afghanistan can you imagine the level leverage this has given you when it comes to Afghanistan.
Chah Bahar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India follows foreign policy not because it wants to influense its culture in South Asia or to get some sort of ego boost. It follows a foreign policy which is the best for its national interest, so do china and Russia people are deluding themselves by thinking these countrys will fight some one else war.

I expect nothing else from Iran but follow a policy which is in its national interest and when our national interest become common just like Afghanistan, to act in way which is beneficial for as both.

I wasn't trolling, and I didn't mean the official stance of India. I meant the Indian people themselves. I've heard it many times, many times on this forum and other places, that Indians underestimate themselves and they always think that people in other countries like USA, UK, France, Germany, Israel, etc can do things that they can't. I've seen that from Indians many times and it has given me this bad impression that Indians will never become a super power because the mentality doesn't exist in the people. The ancient Persia which was secular in many periods too defeated India many times, they stole your property and your expensive and precious jewels from you and I've heard many Indians saying they love Persia, but today's Iran has done nothing wrong to you guys yet you guys bad mouth Iran only because of something which is totally out of your business (I mean Iran's issues with the west). It gives me this impression that Indians only like the ones that defeat them and humiliate them and if a country doesn't do that they don't respect that country as much as a country that is imposing itself on them. Only wrong impression that you guys have given to me!

I'm not anti-India or anything, but I think if a country wants to be independent and be influential, first of all the people should learn to be self confident and think independently. If you overestimate others and underestimate yourselves, that will never do! That's why I said the Indian mentality is different than the Iranian one. I have nothing against Indians and I know that Iran and India have normal or good relations in the real world, but the Indian mentality isn't the one that I like. Just my 2 cents.
I wasn't trolling, and I didn't mean the official stance of India. I meant the Indian people themselves. I've heard it many times, many times on this forum and other places, that Indians underestimate themselves and they always think that people in other countries like USA, UK, France, Germany, Israel, etc can do things that they can't. I've seen that from Indians many times and it has given me this bad impression that Indians will never become a super power because the mentality doesn't exist in the people. The ancient Persia which was secular in many periods too defeated India many times, they stole your property and your expensive and precious jewels from you and I've heard many Indians saying they love Persia, but today's Iran has done nothing wrong to you guys yet you guys bad mouth Iran only because of something which is totally out of your business (I mean Iran's issues with the west). It gives me this impression that Indians only like the ones that defeat them and humiliate them and if a country doesn't do that they don't respect that country as much as a country that is imposing itself on them. Only wrong impression that you guys have given to me!

I'm not anti-India or anything, but I think if a country wants to be independent and be influential, first of all the people should learn to be self confident and think independently. If you overestimate others and underestimate yourselves, that will never do! That's why I said the Indian mentality is different than the Iranian one. I have nothing against Indians and I know that Iran and India have normal or good relations in the real world, but the Indian mentality isn't the one that I like. Just my 2 cents.
You form your opinion based some Internet character's, my dear we are 1.2 Billion people kindly do not generalize as in this manner.

I do not care about history who treated whom in a wrong manner, there is no room for ego here we will follow our national interest whether it mean engaging Iran in constructive way or any other country for that matter.

Remember mate in politics there are no enemys there are no friends only permanent interest.
When both our countrys have common interest i expect nothing from Iran but to follow policy which is beneficial for as both.
You form your opinion based some Internet character's, my dear we are 1.2 Billion people kindly do not generalize as in this manner.

I do not care about history who treated whom in a wrong manner, there is no room for ego here we will follow our national interest whether it mean engaging Iran in constructive way or any other country for that matter.

Remember mate in politics there are no enemys there are no friends only permanent interest.
When both our countrys have common interest i expect nothing from Iran but to follow policy which is beneficial for as both.

It's true that I'm generalizing and it could be inaccurate, but this forum gathers Indians from almost all areas of India and at the very least could be a sample of what the Indian society thinks in general. Of course it's not accurate because it doesn't represent even 0.001% of the population, but because the people coming here are completely random and not intentionally chosen by us we could expect that it represents the ideas generally accepted within the Indian society.

It's true that politics are based on interests, but there are principals too. If you don't believe in principals then I think at some point you'll be stopped by the people surrounding you because you'll provoke them even unintentionally. I don't mean that principals are stronger than your national interests, they are NOT, but you must respect them because like it or not they're imposed on you. As the case of India, like it or not, you're living in South Asia and your neighbors are Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, etc and your relations with them will affect your future undoubtedly. We've seen many empires in history that have risen during a period but just after they lost the principals and thought of everything as interests and benefits they've vanished soon.

Anyway, my main point is, Iranians consider themselves a capable nation, they are proud of their history (both pre-Islam and post-Islam) and they think that they can always work for better days. They think that if they want, they must succeed. The religious ones think that God will protect Iran under all circumstances because it's choosing the right side and is standing against the tyrants and imperialists and expansionists, the nationalists think Iran will succeed because even during the worst times of history Iranians have remained strongly united as a nation under all pressures. Maybe the best contemporary example could be the movement for Iran's nationalization of oil that ultimately succeeded although we faced very serious sanctions and military threats at that time. So, not only we don't consider ourselves lower and less capable than global powers, we have aspirations and ambitions to rise again 'even if everyone is against us and wants to stop us'. On the other hand, Indians think that they are incapable and it's world powers that can decide everything and they must accept that even if they're being bulled and are suffering from their ill-intentions. That's the BIG difference between us as I've learned from the Indian people I've met in my life.
The sad part about this is. Russia can literally FLATTEN Georgia, Turkey, and some other states whenever it wishes. Literally, with a click of a few buttons.
It's true that I'm generalizing and it could be inaccurate, but this forum gathers Indians from almost all areas of India and at the very least could be a sample of what the Indian society thinks in general. Of course it's not accurate because it doesn't represent even 0.001% of the population, but because the people coming here are completely random and not intentionally chosen by us we could expect that it represents the ideas generally accepted within the Indian society.

Trust me mate it doesn't, there is a lot of negativism in this forum that's why a lot like minded people do not like to contribute. I my self felt like leaving the forum because of the amount of negatism and negative news. There is no constructive discussion unfortunately.

It's true that politics are based on interests, but there are principals too. If you don't believe in principals then I think at some point you'll be stopped by the people surrounding you because you'll provoke them even unintentionally. I don't mean that principals are stronger than your national interests, they are NOT, but you must respect them because like it or not they're imposed on you. As the case of India, like it or not, you're living in South Asia and your neighbors are Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, etc and your relations with them will affect your future undoubtedly. We've seen many empires in history that have risen during a period but just after they lost the principals and thought of everything as interests and benefits they've vanished soon.

I agree with you on this principles are important for a nation consciousness, ever heard Non Alignment Movement .This organization was founded in Belgrade in 1961, and was largely the brainchild of Yugoslavia's President, Josip Broz Tito, India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, Egypt's second President, Gamal Abdel Nasser. It was formed as an alternative to USSR and USA but this principle of Non Alignment didn't bring anything to our society. Principles are good but your national interest come first and always.

Anyway, my main point is, Iranians consider themselves a capable nation, they are proud of their history (both pre-Islam and post-Islam) and they think that they can always work for better days. They think that if they want, they must succeed. The religious ones think that God will protect Iran under all circumstances because it's choosing the right side and is standing against the tyrants and imperialists and expansionists, the nationalists think Iran will succeed because even during the worst times of history Iranians have remained strongly united as a nation under all pressures. Maybe the best contemporary example could be the movement for Iran's nationalization of oil that ultimately succeeded although we faced very serious sanctions and military threats at that time.
I am well aware of Iran past and the glorious history of Persia which was one of the first super powers. I am well aware that Iranians are highly nationalist, i have seen it in Zorastrians who migrated to India. But Iran cannot succeed in isolation Iran has been sanctioned to long in 80's and 90's trust me mate it will only affect your economy.

So, not only we don't consider ourselves lower and less capable than global powers, we have aspirations and ambitions to rise again 'even if everyone is against us and wants to stop us'. On the other hand, Indians think that they are incapable and it's world powers that can decide everything and they must accept that even if they're being bulled and are suffering from their ill-intentions. That's the BIG difference between us as I've learned from the Indian people I've met in my life.

I don't know why do you have this perception that Indians have Inferiority complex we are a 5000 year Civilization much older than European ones we are proud of national heritage. Mate for to long have this nation endured conquest from outside invaders, India will rise again and it will take it's right full place in the world order.
guys its diplomacy, russia might not do anything but it simply sends a message to usa that dont come here planning a full invasion of iran. anyways good step russia again they have shown that they can stand against usa.

Flat Georgia.....means Flat pitches if we play cricket there.........:rofl:

how abt flat pakistan :rofl:
guys its diplomacy, russia might not do anything but it simply sends a message to usa that dont come here planning a full invasion of iran. anyways good step russia again they have shown that they can stand against usa.

how abt flat pakistan :rofl:

Why you obsessed with Pakistan. They could flatten India but they make too much by selling poor weapons to you lol
RUSSIA RULES we hope we can form a great partnership Russia + China + Pakistan and Iran for a better safer future in region

FLAT georgia is good for Carbon emission

partnership for what???? the only partnership pakistan has with iran a hypothetical brother brother calling relation. what major trade activities pakistan does in iran today. loll nothing. what it does with russia?? even with china ur trade is tiny :rofl:

Why you obsessed with Pakistan. They could flatten India but they make too much by selling poor weapons to you lol
i heard iran helped pak during war with india was expecting this move from pak. they r ur brothers.
its amazing to see pakistanis here...really amazing..
they switch partners with in minutes :lol:
on one thread they say we defeated russia and then on other thread they say russia + pakistan :rofl:

height of delusions or unmaturenesss...
Georgia is already the 84th federal province of Russia. Russia can destroy and occupy it anytime it wishes to. :tup:

But personally, according to my geopolitical analysis, if Iran or Syria is openly attacked, all hell would break loose.
oohhh..really :rofl:
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