Whoa!! ladies stop the cat fight,
I guess my statement started up quite an uproaor, so what does that make me an insurgent?
Look brothers, look at it from a historic view point, any king or warrior who has conquered has plundered and pillaged, thats part of war and strategy. it doesnt matter what religion that conquerer belonged to. True there have been sacred religious wars in each religion but they were all about rightouness and had nothing to do with ulterior motives or vested interests.
From reading all the posts above, it is evident that most non muslims dont have a very good view of Islam or muslims, I would suggest them to have an open mind and contemplate and circumspect some more.
NO religion is evil, u guys are all qouting evil examples... war is cruel, (even though Im a student of war myself) but its a reality and ofcourse autricities occur in war.
Addux, Im not being wacko, just as the weby agreed with me, its just logic, nothing else. The reason why people like living in the west has nothing to do with theocertic frredom or lack of it, its purely economic. there are many muslim countries where non muslims are living good lives without any haraessment! (Pakistan, Lebonon, Syria all have non muslims residents, and not one event can be qouted where they faced persucusion for their religious beliefs.) On the contrary, mosques are being constantly raided in the US and everynow and then France conjures up some bill that prohibits muslim girls to cover their hair. now waht do u have to say of the so called theocrilly liberal west?
Bull, dont worry, wen muslims rule again, I'll look u up and put up a special note for u not to be harmed
seriously, Bull, Islam is a tolerent religion, muslims may not be the best followers but Islam is a beautiful religion. U say that u would feel better in a Christian rule, looking at the geo political scenario, be honest and tell us, is the Christian ruling world doing justice in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Palestine, to name a few.
Yes Muslims have become insecure as they feel they are being targetted, I dont blame them for this feeling, but we as muslims need to market ourselves in a more positive ligfht so that we can fight off this propaganda initiated by the west, who fear muslims and dont want another Saladin or Mehmet or Omer rising up.
One last thing Bull, read the history in detail when the muslims finally conquered Mecca, I am sure you will
NOT find
ONE more equal act of peace and security to an invaded nation, which was demonstrated by the muslims. just one example, because I feel it is the ultimate one, even though I can qoute a few more.