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Russia says Chinese arms better than Russian arms

Vladislav Shurygin, a military expert:

"Those saying that the production of the Russian defense industry is worse and more expensive than Western and even Chinese analogues need to have their heads examined. Such remarks can bury all our defense contracts, so they are voiced by those who should be considered as enemies of their own country.

"German tanks are better than Russian tanks" and chinese and Pakistanis are geting happy.. PLz pakistanis and chinese tell me in which areas you are ahead of Russians...
To be honest, I kind of liked the former soviet union. I loved their anthems, uniforms and their military parades etc. They are very charismatic in their own ways.

Agreed! Their uniforms, songs, the way the soldiers marched, the discipline, even the paint of their weapons was very attractive to me. Soviet citizens had very high 素质 and never steal, never spit, never be dirty, always be polite, always care for the public good. A model society that unfortunately was destroyed by the CIA and oligarchs.
I don't think that it should be a surprise that Chinese equipment is better than of Russia's.

I think wasn't it Jana, who appended an article about the US downed F 111 and how China capitalised on it?

Nothing wrong in it.

If the aircraft was up for the grabs, then why should some country not benefit from it?

And with that technology China has made their Stealth aircraft that worried Gates when he visited China.
Pravada :lol:

Interesting how this Russian, Alexander Postnikov, claims Chinese arms and vehicals are of better quality, we do not have any Chinese products to compare quality to. I also fail to see how any small arms can beat even the old AK-74 in quality, and i have used this gun, a gun that never jams, has almost no recoil due to muzzle brake, is nearly indistructable and has about the same accuracy as an M-16.

The title of the thread should be Pravada claims.

It should also be noted that Postnikov doesn't even know how much the T-90 costs :lol: you would think he would atleast know the correct price. Either this is another garbage artical or this guy doesn't know what he is talking about which has been proven by the T-90 reference.

Dont mad rusky.Its your own russian buddy claimed that but not a Chinese claimed that.Go send a letter and question him lol.
Plz stop buying Sukhios and copying them.
Plz stop buying russian engines(build superior engines by yourself)

For sukhoi case,the chinese already stopped buying. For the engine case,i advise you to show up some creditable prove to support your stupid claimed.IF not,you're embarassing yourself as a stupid troll.Thank you very much.

---------- Post added at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------

"German tanks are better than Russian tanks" and chinese and Pakistanis are geting happy.. PLz pakistanis and chinese tell me in which areas you are ahead of Russians...

So what?At least they are better than india.
You say that because you still depend on their equipment, if you admit anything of their is inferior, you are admitting your own equipment is inferior.

We stand shoulder to shoulder in that case. I hardly see any European or US systems in PLA
Dont mad rusky.Its your own russian buddy claimed that but not a Chinese claimed that.Go send a letter and question him lol.

I know. If Russian military technology is so "good" then why does Russia want French Technology ? :

Warship deal with Russia losing support in France
Warship deal with Russia losing support in France - paper | World | RIA Novosti

The agreement to sell advanced warships to Russia is losing support in France because of Moscow's wish to get hold of sensitive military technology and concerns among Russia's neighbors, Le Figaro daily said on Wednesday.
I know. If Russian military technology is so "good" then why does Russia want French Technology ? :

Russia has lost its ability to build large modern warship once it lost the largest shipyard Nikoyalev located in Ukraine.

And they don't have the plan to build the nuclear supercarriers anymore.
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