The Ulyanovsk carrier blueprint rumor is exactly that, a rumor that the Asahi Shimbun reported from "speculation" by unknown sources who were clearly guessing. We have proof that they were guessing because they claimed in the same interview that China would begin actual physical construction of 2 domestic non-nuclear carriers by 2009. Obviously, that did not happen. Second, assuming these sources aren't made up BS to fit the scaremonger narrative of the Asahi Shimbun article, why would China begin building Ulyanovsk carriers from blueprints in the 2020s, as claimed? By that time, China will almost certainly have far superior naval technology compared to the Ulyanovsk.There are rumor that China got the blueprint of the Ulyanovsk supercarrier from Ukraine in 1990s.
Since the Soviets can never come out with the steam catapult system and the nuclear reactor for the supercarrier, then we will accomplish what they cannot accomplish before.
Why would China build carriers on a clearly outdated and inferior 1980s era Soviet design when the Americans will have deployed several Ford class supercarriers by then? China is in the midst of trying to catch up with the United States military technologically and will be greatly outnumbered by American carrier groups. It ABSOLUTELY needs competitive naval platforms if it is serious about extending control beyond the 1st island chain. Building on blueprints of the Ulyanovsk carrier, even if China really did have these blueprints, MAKES NO SENSE! It is much more likely that China will be taking bits and pieces here and there of various technologies and platforms to create a new domestic carrier design that would actually stand a chance of surviving 1-on-1 encounters with their American counterparts. At this point, such 1-on-1 battlegroup encounters would be suicide, end of story. That's 1-on-1 ignoring the gigantic naval superiority and regional air bases Americans have. It's smells like BS, and it is almost certainly BS.