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Russia’s Growing Ties with Vietnam

It is not translated into Mandarin. :no:

These are originally Chinese characters. The Mandarin pronunciation of this character is "Ruan".

Vietnamese said "Nguyễn" and translated in to Mandarin and used Han Ji "阮" for writing. The sounds of "Nguyễn" and "Ruan" are totally different in voices in pronunciation or speaking.

The sound "Ruan" in Madarin can be "Doãn" in Vietnamese. Read here.https://www.facebook.com/vantoan.doan
Besides the surname 阮 was given to Vietnamese by a Chinese emperor.
thanks for the name :D but anyway we the Viets were actually Chinese for almost 1,000 years! so what.

since you are one of those who knows well about Vietnam history and cultures, can you tell me what is Chinese in the video below? a hint: look at the girls dress, hair style and hear to the song text. The video features a romantic song called "Flamboyant Sorrow" showing a typical scence before a school.

Some mistakenly state the Viets are just a copy of Chinese, which does not reflect the reality. The truth may be in the 50:50 mix.

Nỗi Buồn Hoa Phượng

Mỗi năm đến hè lòng man mác buồn,
Chín mươi ngày qua chứa chan tình thương.
Ngày mai xa cách hai đứa hai nơi,
Phút gần gủi nhau mất rồi
Tạ từ là hết người ơi!

Tiếng ve nức nở buồn hơn tiếng lòng,
biết ai còn nhớ đến ân tình xưa
Đường xưa in bóng hai đứa nay đâu,
những chiều hẹn nhau hết rồi,
giờ như nước trôi qua cầu.

Giã biệt bạn lòng ơi! Thôi nay xa cách rồi
Kỷ niệm mình xin nhớ mãi,
buồn riêng một mình ai
chờ mong từng đêm gối chiếc
Mối u hoài này ai có haỵ

Nếu ai đã từng nhặt hoa thấy buồn,
Cảm thông được nỗi vắng xa người thương.
Màu hoa phượng thắm như máu con tim,
mỗi lần hè thêm kỷ niệm
Người xưa biết đâu mà tìm.

Flamboyant Sorrow

Every year in summer melancholy heart,
Ninety days filled with love
Tomorrow two distant second place,
Minutes gone close together
Nicholas from all who are dear!

English've sobbed my heart sadder,
anyone remember that old gift of love
Ancient street in this two ball where,
the way a date is over,
hour as the water passes.

Goodbye to you, my love! Well then this distance
I would like to remember the anniversary,
sad alone who
expectation pillow each night
This nostalgic one u bond or

If anyone ever picked flowers sad,
Sympathy is so far away loved ones.
Color phoenix flower petal as heart blood,
each additional summer memories
The ancients knew where to find.
Last edited by a moderator:
this is why I call Viets uncivilised and barbaric, I have said many times I am not an expert on anything or even that much smart but your Viets really need to learn to stop lying, I can tell whenever Viets start farting about communism or democracy or human rights that their brain does not think right just blindly worship the white master's words
...says a Korean or Chinese?

I guess the latter you false flagger. The terms "uncivilised and barbaric" were commonly used by Chinese in ancient times when they meant other nations. The rest is just disgusting, as usual.
thanks for the name :D but anyway we the Viets were actually Chinese for almost 1,000 years! so what.

since you are one of those who knows well about Vietnam history and cultures, can you tell me what is Chinese in the video below? a hint: look at the girls dress, hair style and hear to the song text. The video features a romantic song called "Flamboyant Sorrow" showing a typical scence before a school.

Some mistakenly state the Viets are just a copy of Chinese, which does not reflect the reality. The truth may be in the 50:50 mix.

Nothing, just to ensure the surname 阮 was actually 100% from China. It is a Chinese name for sure.

Your friend stated that 阮 is different in China and Vietnam according to its different pronounces.
However, do you know that, this Chinese character, is pronounced/ written as:
Ruan in Mandarin,
Juan in Taiwanese Mandarian,
Yuen/ Un in Cantonese,
Wan in Korean and
Gen in Japanese?

No matter how it is pronounced, it is still [阮], the same character.
They are all the same.

Nah, I know not much about Vietnamese culture. I am just saying what normal Chinese people know. You just mentioned that Viets were Chinese for almost 1000 years, so how could we know nothing about each other.

Nah thanks but I don't really like Vietnamese song.
Why do I even care about this anyway. Ah yes, last time I visited this forum I saw a post about Vietnam should abandon Chinese influence and culture (forgot who posted that) such as Chinese New Year and this and that.

Well I'm gonna tell that guy, that would be a big project. BIG project.
Why do I even care about this anyway. Ah yes, last time I visited this forum I saw a post about Vietnam should abandon Chinese influence and culture (forgot who posted that) such as Chinese New Year and this and that.

Well I'm gonna tell that guy, that would be a big project. BIG project.
I know what you mean. It was a reply from a Vietnamese member responding to a Chinese provocative post asking Vietnam should abandon Chinese cultures or stop celebrating Lunar New year, because we hate Chinese. Trust me: nobody in Vietnam thinks in this way, not even in another 1,000 years. It will never happen.

Do you know the reasons why it came to the Sino-Vietnam conflict in the 1960?

Not only because of the Soviet-Viet alliance. The Vietnamese leadership rejected to follow Mao´s cultural revolution (removing capitalist, traditional and cultural elements from Chinese society, and impose Maoist orthodoxy). That rejection was a provovative act of Vietnam for China.
Besides the surname 阮 was given to Vietnamese by a Chinese emperor.

Forcing to use Han Ji for writing is crime of Chinese aggressors when they invaded in to Vietnam. Without them we could develop our own characters system and don't let Chinese lie.

In Europa, many name or surname is could be in the same in many countries of white men.

Why do I even care about this anyway. Ah yes, last time I visited this forum I saw a post about Vietnam should abandon Chinese influence and culture (forgot who posted that) such as Chinese New Year and this and that.

Well I'm gonna tell that guy, that would be a big project. BIG project.

I think Vietnamese people can give up easily when they know it that Chinese in China looked down at us that we "copy" festivals like middle Autumn or Lunar calendar's new year festivals from them.

We do now in First June festival for kids and on 1 January (New Year's Day) festivals, as case with the Roman calendar.

and more, what is idiot thing when Chinese do the same with festival for Christmas and new year following The New Year of the Gregorian calendar, today in worldwide use, falls on 1 January (New Year's Day), as was the case with the Roman calendar.


How is the Christmas mood in Beijing now?
I think Vietnamese people can give up easily when they know it that Chinese in China looked down at us that we "copy" festivals like middle Autumn or Lunar calendar's new year festivals from them.

We do now in First June festival for kids and on 1 January (New Year's Day) festivals, as case with the Roman calendar.

and more, what is idiot thing when Chinese do the same with festival for Christmas and new year following The New Year of the Gregorian calendar, today in worldwide use, falls on 1 January (New Year's Day), as was the case with the Roman calendar.


How is the Christmas mood in Beijing now?

Chinese copy festivals from white, but they don't look at themselves and troll like idiot mad man.
...says a Korean or Chinese?
I guess the latter you false flagger. The terms "uncivilised and barbaric" were commonly used by Chinese in ancient times when they meant other nations. The rest is just disgusting, as usual.
goc Viet ma cha noi

Vietnamese said "Nguyễn" and translated in to Mandarin and used Han Ji "阮" for writing. The sounds of "Nguyễn" and "Ruan" are totally different in voices in pronunciation or speaking.

The sound "Ruan" in Madarin can be "Doãn" in Vietnamese. Read here.https://www.facebook.com/vantoan.doan
in Teochew - Nguang, close enough for you?
the Viet language is more represented by middle Chinese when your Viet's was still subordinates not the Mandarin which is after your independence

I think Vietnamese people can give up easily when they know it that Chinese in China looked down at us that we "copy" festivals like middle Autumn or Lunar calendar's new year festivals from them.

We do now in First June festival for kids and on 1 January (New Year's Day) festivals, as case with the Roman calendar.

and more, what is idiot thing when Chinese do the same with festival for Christmas and new year following The New Year of the Gregorian calendar, today in worldwide use, falls on 1 January (New Year's Day), as was the case with the Roman calendar.


How is the Christmas mood in Beijing now?
the Vietnamese have no shame think it is only 2 festivals but it is actually the whole culture like language, it is Sinoxenic language, 60% vocabulary stolen from Chinese even recently just look
Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam
Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng
where does Cong San come from
so they should also change language use Khmer words is better

look at this!
In adopting Chinese customs, the Vietnamese court also adopted the Chinese world view. In 1805, the Emperor Gia Long referred to Vietnam as trung quốc, the "middle kingdom".[9] In 1811, Gia Long proposed a law Hán di hữu hạn (漢夷有限), which means "making clear the border between the Vietnamese and barbarians", referring to the Vietnamese as Han people.
Sinocentrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Russia, China Hold Large-Scale War Games | Washington Free Beacon

Russia, China Hold Large-Scale War Games
NATO to counter with E. European war games in November

Pentagon intelligence agencies are closely watching Russian and Chinese war games now taking place in Europe and Asia involving tens of thousands of troops.

Meanwhile, NATO military forces are set to conduct large-scale maneuvers in November that will be designed to counter growing concerns of a westward Russian military encroachment, according to U.S. officials.

“The Russians are moving forces closer to Europe, and that is troubling,” said a military official.

Russia’s Zapad-13 military exercises in Belarus are scheduled to end Thursday. They included practice attacks on a western state, said one official familiar with reports of the maneuvers.

Some 13,000 Russian and Belarusian troops took part with over 60 aircraft and helicopters and up to 250 vehicles.

The forces practiced “rapid reaction” drills.

Russian officials recently denied Polish press reports that the Zapad-13 would include a notional nuclear attack on Warsaw. However, Russian officials have said the war games will involve practicing precision air and missile strikes.

On the Russian air base, Russian air force chief Lt. Gen. Vladimir Bondarev announced in June that the air base for Su-27 jets in Belarus would be opened near the city of Lida, near the border with Poland and Lithuania.

Bondarev said the warplanes would bolster a 1997 defense agreement between the two countries in response to NATO expansion.

It will be Russia’s first military base in Europe since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and along with it the Warsaw Pact, in 1991. Moscow currently has military bases in Armenia, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has moved away from democracy and shifted the former Soviet republic away from Europe and toward Russia, restoring many symbols from Soviet Belarus.

In response to Polish press reports on the simulated nuclear strike on Poland’s capital, state-run Interfax news agency in April denied the reports. “Claims that West 2013 will allegedly practice a preventive nuclear strike on Warsaw are nothing but imagination of Polish journalists,” a high-ranking officer was quoted as saying.

Belarusian Deputy Defense Minister Maj. Gen. Pyotr Tsikhanowski said in June, “The theme of the exercise is the training and the engagement of troops in order to ensure the military security of the Union State [of Belarus and Russia].” New weapons and military equipment will be tested during the exercises, he added.

War game scenarios include an “escalation of relations with countries based on interethnic, interreligious differences, and territorial claims,” he said.

“At the same time, the conflicting states are hypothetically located within the actual borders of Belarus and the three western and northwestern regions of Russia,” Tsikhanowski said.

U.S. military officials said the war games are part of a larger Russian effort to use military power to bolster its position in the former Soviet republics with a larger military presence.

Russia also has a ballistic missile warning radar at Baranovichi, Belarus, and a Navy communications facility used to communicate with Russian submarines. Moscow also supplied Belarus with advanced S-300 missile defenses and Tor-M2 surface-to-air missiles.

The exercises drew criticism from Eastern European NATO governments.

“Russia has officially stated that these are anti-terrorism exercises,” Lithuanian Defense Minister Juozas Olekas told AFP. “But the number of participants and amount of military equipment indicates that that this is not their agenda.”

Senior Estonian military official Lt. Col. Eero Rebo said: “The Kremlin claims that the exercise is about fighting terrorism, but based on the information we have on Zapad 2013, the exercise has an anti-West agenda.”

“If you look at the Baltic sea region, the strategic balance has been changing quite drastically in the last decade, and not in our favor,” Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks said Friday.

“We are concerned because we see such large-scale exercises in context,” he added. NATO approved special defense plans for Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, which have a combined population of just over six million, in 2010.

NATO will hold an Eastern European exercise in November called Steadfast Jazz in the Baltic region and Poland with around 6,000 NATO troops.

The alliance claims the exercises from Nov. 2 to Nov. 9 are not aimed at Russia.

“For the past 10 to 12 years we have become incredibly proficient at the counter-insurgency mission that we have been fighting in Afghanistan,” NATO’s military commander, U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, told reporters in Brussels Sept. 18.

To defend an alliance state, “we have to be prepared for the more high end of military operations,” he said, according to Reuters.

The exercise scenario will involve NATO forces ousting a foreign invader that Breedlove denied was a hypothetical counterstrike to a Russian invasion.

Meanwhile in China, Chinese military forces are engaged in large-scale exercises involving some 40,000 troops.

The People’s Liberation Army announced its “Mission Action 2013” began Tuesday.

Troops from the Nanjing and Guangzhou military regions and air forces were set to take part.

The PLA troops will conduct maneuvers over large areas using military ground vehicles, trains, ships, and aircraft to test forces for “real war” conditions.

The exercises will include coordination between military and civilian assets, including civilian jets and trains to transport forces, according to state-run Chinese press reports.

Chinese aircraft taking part in the war games include jet fighters, bombers, and other aircraft.

The exercise also will seek to boost Chinese combined arms warfare capabilities that integrate air, naval, and ground forces for long-distance fighting, joint air defense, and joint warfighting on unfamiliar terrain.
I know what you mean. It was a reply from a Vietnamese member responding to a Chinese provocative post asking Vietnam should abandon Chinese cultures or stop celebrating Lunar New year, because we hate Chinese. Trust me: nobody in Vietnam thinks in this way, not even in another 1,000 years. It will never happen.

Do you know the reasons why it came to the Sino-Vietnam conflict in the 1960?

Not only because of the Soviet-Viet alliance. The Vietnamese leadership rejected to follow Mao´s cultural revolution (removing capitalist, traditional and cultural elements from Chinese society, and impose Maoist orthodoxy). That rejection was a provovative act of Vietnam for China.

Yes and yet that Vietnamese member amazingly accept that idea (being ironic maybe).

Cultural revolution was a bad idea, it's a wise thing not to follow.
Forcing to use Han Ji for writing is crime of Chinese aggressors when they invaded in to Vietnam. Without them we could develop our own characters system and don't let Chinese lie.

In Europa, many name or surname is could be in the same in many countries of white men.

Interesting, non of those Korean and Japanese consider using Hanji is even a crime of 'Chinese aggressors', but you are an exception (in fact they were very happy to accept Hanji since they didn't have their owns).
Your own characters system right? Some of you keep posing this picture, but can you please show me any record about using this characters system in reality, you know, for diplomacy, education, poem, history record, etc.
Even in China many ethnics have their own language and their own writing system, there is no excuse.

Anyway if you don't wanna see Chinese "lie", then you should not have abandoned Hanji and learn some history. For example, the name 阮 was 'shared' to Vietnamese Kings by Chinese Emperor, this is a basic fact. Also in Europe you can tell people's origin by learning their surname.
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