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Russia’s Growing Ties with Vietnam

I don't trust those bible conspiracy bullsh1ts at all.

Maybe US should make Syria a second Iraq, this will provide us a second golden opportunity for another decade. :coffee:

You don't need to ,but looking at the way events are happening across the world ,I would disagree. USA will be brought to collapse and disintegration and then will be put under a corporate govt that will rule western europe and north america or under a one world government . Anyways the way I see it China and India is being set up for a war in which india will be destroyed and china heavily injured and soon after the NATO /Elite family alliance will again swoop in subjugate china via a new opium war or imperial venture.

Maybe US should make Syria a second Iraq, this will provide us a second golden opportunity for another decade.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...-s-growing-ties-vietnam-10.html#ixzz2gadeiyRZ

Doubtful,because certain reports from al-akbar newspaper claim that Russia shot down US missiles ,when US opened limited strike on syria,soon usa gave up on military strike idea and russia convinced syria to remove chemical weapons . The main goal of NATO alliance to attack syria will be that syria uses its chemical weapons on israel and israel in turn nukes Damascus and other syrian cities.
You don't need to ,but looking at the way events are happening across the world ,I would disagree. USA will be brought to collapse and disintegration and then will be put under a corporate govt that will rule western europe and north america or under a one world government . Anyways the way I see it China and India is being set up for a war in which india will be destroyed and china heavily injured and soon after the NATO /Elite family alliance will again swoop in subjugate china via a new opium war or imperial venture.

Doubtful,because certain reports from al-akbar newspaper claim that Russia shot down US missiles ,when US opened limited strike on syria,soon usa gave up on military strike idea and russia convinced syria to remove chemical weapons . The main goal of NATO alliance to attack syria will be that syria uses its chemical weapons on israel and israel in turn nukes Damascus and other syrian cities.

Yeah, Russia is so strong, she can handle the USA and NATO alone, there is no need China to be involved. :coffee:
Yeah, Russia is so strong, she can handle the USA and NATO alone, there is no need China to be involved. :coffee:

China practically has done nothing in the syrian conflict with exception UNSC vetos.And China could not even protect its oil investments in Sudan .Already USA controls Chinese oil supply lines
Russia can crush USA and NATO via WMD , but only at the cost of losing 40-50% of its population in nuclear war. Rest will survive thanks to the civil defense appartus created in soviet era and the underground nuclear shelter capabilities in major cities like moscow for almost entire population .Like 12000 bunkers in moscow with each bunker capable of holding 1500 people.

The cost of such war would be great destruction and death of 1.5 to 4 billion people , including 70 million deaths in Russia ,considering the current population density in cities.If russia reverses the trend or evacuates the population to rural areas ,it can exponentially reduce casualties ,but still Russian industrial sector will be setback to by 100 years.

Plus ,there are 1500 military underground bunkers which are hardened and hundreds of underground towns like Ramenki-2 or superhardened underground cities like Yamantau,uragan defense,koshovinsky,Chelybinsk-60 which are size of metropolitans themselves.Too many hardened targets.Plus I haven't spoken about the dual use sam/abm system in form of thousands of S-300 armed with tactical nukes as documented by William T Lee.
China practically has done nothing in the syrian conflict with exception UNSC vetos.And China could not even protect its oil investments in Sudan .Already USA controls Chinese oil supply lines
Truth of US-Russia Confrontation
Russia can crush USA and NATO via WMD , but only at the cost of losing 40-50% of its population in nuclear war. Rest will survive thanks to the civil defense appartus created in soviet era and the underground nuclear shelter capabilities in major cities like moscow for almost entire population .Like 12000 bunkers in moscow with each bunker capable of holding 1500 people.

The cost of such war would be great destruction and death of 1.5 to 4 billion people , including 70 million deaths in Russia ,considering the current population density in cities.If russia reverses the trend or evacuates the population to rural areas ,it can exponentially reduce casualties ,but still Russian industrial sector will be setback to by 100 years.

Plus ,there are 1500 military underground bunkers which are hardened and hundreds of underground towns like Ramenki-2 or superhardened underground cities like Yamantau,uragan defense,koshovinsky,Chelybinsk-60 which are size of metropolitans themselves.Too many hardened targets.Plus I haven't spoken about the dual use sam/abm system in form of thousands of S-300 armed with tactical nukes as documented by William T Lee.

Then go ahead, Russia is stronger USA and she can save the world.

And why you guys keep bringing China into every topic? :coffee:
Then go ahead, Russia is stronger USA and she can save the world.

You guys keep bringing China into every topic? :coffee:

Do you think Nuclear war is a joke? 1.5 to 4 billion deaths ,including 70 million dead russians also? Such a victory would be a victory that would destroy Russia's wealth ,emerging middle class and industry.China would be sent back right into yuan dynasty era and never would recover from a war like that.
Do you think Nuclear war is a joke? 1.5 to 4 billion deaths ,including 70 million dead russians also? Such a victory would be a victory that would destroy Russia's wealth ,emerging middle class and industry.China would be sent back right into yuan dynasty era and never would recover from a war like that.

Then go ahead, we like to see more action than just talking. China never promised that she is a protector of Syria, China played the rule of the UN, against the intervention of a nation with sovereignty.

To believe the bible conspiracy theory is just like to believe the Earth is only 10,000 years old. :coffee:
Then go ahead, we like to see more action than just talking. China never promised that she is a protector of Syria, China played the rule of the UN, against the intervention of a nation with sovereignty.

To believe the bible conspiracy theory is just like to believe the Earth is only 10,000 years old. :coffee:

Funny, because W.D Gann used to use old testament bible and astrological elements to accurately forecast the stock markets. He predicted the outcome of several elections and geopolitical events right also.

Second ,2017-2019 will be the period of real nuclear action .You want it,you will get it. But neither you nor me will survive nor china in its current form.

Anyways,Russia is preparing to save its population from the coming nuclear war:
Moscow arms against nuclear attack — RT News

Moscow arms against nuclear attack

Nearly 5,000 new emergency bomb shelters will be built in Moscow by 2012 to save people in case of potential attacks.

Moscow authorities say the measure is urgent as the shelters currently available in the city can house no more that half of its population.

In the last 20 years, the area of air-raid defense has been developed little, and the existing shelters have become outdated. Moreover, they are located mostly in the city center, which makes densely populated Moscow outskirts especially vulnerable in the event of a nuclear attack.

Preparations,preparations,preparations.You will see the grand fireworks soon enough.
Then go ahead, we like to see more action than just talking. China never promised that she is a protector of Syria, China played the rule of the UN, against the intervention of a nation with sovereignty.

To believe the bible conspiracy theory is just like to believe the Earth is only 10,000 years old. :coffee:

1986? im guessing you were born that year.....you have no idea what you are talking about.....comedy relief......ill give you that
1986? im guessing you were born that year.....you have no idea what you are talking about.....comedy relief......ill give you that

Christian vs Zionist, it is none of our business, neither side we will stand for, we are only looking after our own interest.

Guess what? Can you stop the Zionists who are running your country? :coffee:
Youre a young expat chinese living in canada......give me a break.....you have no idea what is going on......as far as the zionists....they are slowly doing it to themselves.......as far as China......three vetoed security council resolutions on Syria says China does have a dog in the fight.....id explain to you just how but you lack too many basic things......ill leave it at that.............but good luck feeling brave on the internet.......from canada..........

Christian vs Zionist, it is none of our business, neither side we will stand for, we are only looking after our own interest.

Guess what? Can you stop the Zionists who are running your country? :coffee:
I am born overseas and only going to Viet school for around 1 and a bit year when small so of course my Vietnamese level is terrible but your mentality is just sick, are you sure you are the Viet or a banana worship the white? what is normal in a global world, go change your name to English like Chinese and also make medium of instruction in English too, it will better suit for the global world, why are your Viets always comparing to East Asians, Japanese and Korean mentality is different believe themselves as superior do not even serve the foreigner in rural places that is why they are successful unlike your Viets i

ps. I never claim I am the nguoi Viet, it is why i said i was only goc Viet, was I born or raised in your country for me to say nguoi Viet so it is correct for me to say goc Viet and nuoc cua ong because for now it is not my country, is Philipp Rösler the nguoi Viet?

so what? that is just surname, in the history book they do not respect him because his origin is from the far South away from Northern centre

if China goes down then what? VN will still be left standing with the papa US to hold your hand

your Viets really make me laugh sometimes, I think this generation of Viets coming is a lost generation will result in VN never becoming anything with their sick insecurity mentality

blah blah only 12 m but there are still the supply from Central Asia and Russia and why would Russia jeopardise their mutual interests with Chinese for your Viets, what a joke!

At beginning HànGāozǔ, Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zhedong ... were considered as rebels.

You have to learn more about our Histotory before you could spam here. The area was country home of Mai Hac De in Nghe Tinh, is not so far away from Hanoi.

Do you know the proverb we say that " Thanh cậy thế, Nghệ cậy quyền" ?
Tháng 4 năm 713, Mai Thúc Loan lên ngôi vua, sử gọi ông là Mai Hắc Đế (Mai Hắc Đế mang mệnh thủy tức là nước, mà nước được tượng trưng là màu đen. Vì vậy, ông lấy hiệu là Hắc Đế để hợp với mệnh của mình (theo Việt điện u linh) chứ không phải là do màu da đen do nhiều người tưởng nhầm[3]). Ông cho xây thành lũy, lập kinh đô Vạn An (thuộc xã Văn Diên và thị trấn Nam Đàn hiện nay), tích cực rèn tập tướng sỹ. Cuộc nổi dậy của ông được hưởng ứng rộng rãi ở trong nước và có cả sự liên kết với Lâm Ấp và Chân Lạp.[4]
Năm Giáp Dần (714), Mai Hắc Đế tiến binh đánh thành Tống Bình (Hà Nội ngày nay). Thái thú nhà Đường là Quang Sở Khách cùng đám thuộc hạ không chống cự lại được, phải bỏ thành chạy về nước. Lực lượng Mai Hắc Đế lúc đó lên tới chục vạn quân[5][6].

Mai Hắc Đế
Keep laughing, who cares

China oil trade route is in VN-Russia's hands, cheap clowns like u cant do Nothing to change the truth :coffee:
:omghaha: your Viets is a race of comedians, like I asked before, what is your Viets going to do if China go down, I saw most of your power grid is supply from Chinese made with their allowing your poor Viets access to concessional loans and buyer credits even still importing electricity from Chinese to feed demand, industrialisation is a bit hard with out power, everyone knows growth comes from cheap energy and cheap credit and they are giving you both like a helpful big brother but your Viets is just a vicious race of backstabbers take with one hand and knife in the other

At beginning HànGāozǔ, Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zhedong ... were considered as rebels.
You have to learn more about our Histotory before you could spam here. The area was country home of Mai Hac De in Nghe Tinh, is not so far away from Hanoi.
Do you know the proverb we say that " Thanh cậy thế, Nghệ cậy quyền" ?
I am not talking about rebel or peasant, the population was concentrated in the delta and they are supposedly the Viet but he come from the South region all the way from Ha Tinh was leading 'alien'/outsider groups
Lord Phung was an extraordinary man...He rose up just like Trieu and Ly; how can the Black Emperor merely a one-of-a-kind chief who seized a single province, be compared with him
the historian commenting in 18th century did not respect him because he is from South region not like Phung Hung but the history books lying Phung Hung and later Ngo Quyen is also from the South because that is where your Viets originated
The Birth of Vietnam - Keith Weller Taylor - Google Books

no I do not that saying, all I have is the English source so i just read a little bit here and there and begin to troll

Tháng 4 năm 713, Mai Thúc Loan lên ngôi vua, sử gọi ông là Mai Hắc Đế (Mai Hắc Đế mang mệnh thủy tức là nước, mà nước được tượng trưng là màu đen. Vì vậy, ông lấy hiệu là Hắc Đế để hợp với mệnh của mình (theo Việt điện u linh) chứ không phải là do màu da đen do nhiều người tưởng nhầm[3]). Ông cho xây thành lũy, lập kinh đô Vạn An (thuộc xã Văn Diên và thị trấn Nam Đàn hiện nay), tích cực rèn tập tướng sỹ. Cuộc nổi dậy của ông được hưởng ứng rộng rãi ở trong nước và có cả sự liên kết với Lâm Ấp và Chân Lạp.[4]
Năm Giáp Dần (714), Mai Hắc Đế tiến binh đánh thành Tống Bình (Hà Nội ngày nay). Thái thú nhà Đường là Quang Sở Khách cùng đám thuộc hạ không chống cự lại được, phải bỏ thành chạy về nước. Lực lượng Mai Hắc Đế lúc đó lên tới chục vạn quân[5][6].
Mai Hắc Đế
I cannot understand half of this
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