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Russia is ready to develop jointly with Turkey a long-range air defense ...

After Syrian unrest you guys expecting a pure Air defence system from Russians !?

We didn't have any problem with Russians but they refused to sell us the monkey version of S-300 !!!

& our response is B-373 ...

Forget about any technology transfer from Russians ... Actually about the strategic systems like S-300

This a lesson that Turks want to learn by themselves .... so we leave them alone ...
This a lesson that Turks want to learn by themselves .... so we leave them alone ...
I think the lesson is for all of us to learn. Perhaps there's a reason why pretty much every country with the technology except for Israel shows up at Turkey's tender offering some of the best equipment they have available and why nobody wants to sell even their low-end weapons to Iran.

One of us must be doing something wrong(!) or too right...

Whatever, I never gave a damn about philosophy or politics. What matters is the national security, which shall be secured at the end of this tender.
I think the lesson is for all of us to learn. Perhaps there's a reason why pretty much every country with the technology except for Israel shows up at Turkey's tender offering some of the best equipment they have available and why nobody wants to sell even their low-end weapons to Iran.

One of us must be doing something wrong(!) or too right...

Whatever, I never gave a damn about philosophy or politics. What matters is the national security, which shall be secured at the end of this tender.

if I remember correctly , selling weapon to Iran is sanctioned by so called UN Security Council ....

before it both France and Russia offer us to sell fighters ( Su 30 and Mirage - I don't remember witch model ... ).... and we bought Killo submarine from Russia as well and 1000 T72S tank and Tor M 1 and some Jamming systems and etc .....

about S 300 ... aside political issue ... Russian was angry because we already manipulated Tor M 1 Air defense system without their permission .... and they feared that we reverse engineering S300 and produce it with new name ( just like Hawk Air defense systems ) ....

So they were right not to sell Iran their s-300.
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So they were right not to sell Iran their s-300.

no , we only manipulated Tor M1 software and broke some software limit that they made for our Tor M 1 , we didn't manipulated it hardware , at least before they refused to sell us S300 ....
( for example they limit the effective range of Tor M 1 with some software codes but we changed it .... )

well , you shouldn't become surprise if you see Iran unveil some Tor M 1 with new names ..... they didn't sell us S -300 and we have rights tor reverse engineering all of their staff ....

the only things that ties Iran and Russia is our common problems with West ( west is stronger for facing alone ... they need Iran in Middle east to face it and we need some support from them ... for example Syria issue and their Veto rights ... ) .... nothing more nothing less ...

when we get ride of west , we will continue our old enmity ...
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Never ever trust Russians.They easily overstep you if offered by a better deal from a third party.
U.S and Europe are much more trustworthy in this regard.The example of Russian's betrayal:Refusing to sell S-300 to Iran,though it's a defensive weapon and was not sanctioned by U.N resolution in 2010.
Refusing to give spare parts for Kilo submarines they sold to Iran (and at the end we built them in home).Refusing to give technical support and spare parts of Mig-29s and other jets,and thanks to them,we can overhaul their jets in Iran,by ourselves,again.I would think twice before signing a major military pact with Russians.
Ok, That is ... not ... maybe ... all about trustworthy! The west economy exceeds 30 T$ (US+EU). The Russian one is around 2 T$ and a great part of that 2 T$ is trading with west. When that 30 T$ economy forces that 2 T$ economy to do or not to do, there is a little chance to remain trustworthy!
Never ever trust Russians.They easily overstep you if offered by a better deal from a third party.
U.S and Europe are much more trustworthy in this regard.The example of Russian's betrayal:Refusing to sell S-300 to Iran,though it's a defensive weapon and was not sanctioned by U.N resolution in 2010.
Refusing to give spare parts for Kilo submarines they sold to Iran (and at the end we built them in home).Refusing to give technical support and spare parts of Mig-29s and other jets,and thanks to them,we can overhaul their jets in Iran,by ourselves,again.I would think twice before signing a major military pact with Russians.
The government is just using the Russians for leverage.
If then it would be just a bussiness deal and not a pact,but i dont think it will happen.
We now how russia works. We did upgrade anti tank missile kornet-e with our thermal sight, and this was better than the origianals. So the ruskies wanted this tech too and they came with allll of **** lies to achieve this thermal sight of Aselsan. At last they coudnt get the optic systems.

Algerian airforce did have problems with ther migs from russia. It was a old mig29, they painted it and selled it to algerian. So there was a chopper deal i dont remember the country like algerian they were really foked. Russian companies are not to be trust...
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