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Russia arrests Chinese national for spying

China's indigenous air defense systems are better than S-300 and within 5 years China will move to a nation-wide ballistic and cruise missile defense system comparable to S-400 called HQ-19.

Chinese technology already surpasses Russia. The only thing China can possibly buy from Russia is jet engines, but China hasn't had a confirmed order in two years and is unlikely to order any more.
China's indigenous air defense systems are better than S-300 and within 5 years China will move to a nation-wide ballistic and cruise missile defense system comparable to S-400 called HQ-19.

Chinese technology already surpasses Russia. The only thing China can possibly buy from Russia is jet engines, but China hasn't had a confirmed order in two years and is unlikely to order any more.

See this Chinaman

China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

LOL.... that article is pure Indian BS. China ordered nothing yet. There are only discussions.
Yes. Because S-300 is better than what China got today.

There are several variants of the S-300.

Does HQ-19 exist for real? No photos seen.

No photos.
HQ-19 (S-400) (China) - Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems

Yes, because,

1. Chinese SAMs are not what they are cracked up to be. HQ-19 may not even be real.
2. Russia kept away its best tech away from China.

Taipei - Confusion over the nature of China's Jan. 11 missile test is slowly clearing up, although experts still dispute whether it was designed to test missile interception technology, as reported by Xinhua, China's state news agency, or to expand anti-satellite (ASAT) capabilities.

Sources believe the test involved the HQ-19 surface-to-air missile equipped with a new exoatmospheric kinetic kill vehicle (KKV) for use as a ballistic missile defense (BMD) or ASAT system.

However, the HQ-19 variant launched Jan. 11 is believed to have been "co-developed or stolen from the Russian S-400 Triumf," said Ian Easton, a research fellow at the Washington-based Project 2049 Institute.

Source: China Missile Test Has Ominous Implications - Defense News

You are right about the number 2 part. Russia never give out the best technology they have to anyone. Not even to their allies.

LOL.... that article is pure Indian BS. China ordered nothing yet. There are only discussions.

The source is Russian.
China's indigenous air defense systems are better than S-300 and within 5 years China will move to a nation-wide ballistic and cruise missile defense system comparable to S-400 called HQ-19.

Chinese technology already surpasses Russia. The only thing China can possibly buy from Russia is jet engines, but China hasn't had a confirmed order in two years and is unlikely to order any more.

We don't need their jet engines, as for now our WS-15 is superior to anything they can put on the table.

And our midcourse interception is something far more complex than any those S-300 or S-400 put together.
此前有俄媒报道称,中国于2011年6月初签署了一份价值5亿美元的合同,购买123台AL-31FN升级型涡扇发动机,这种发动机用于中国歼-10战斗机,将于2013年交付完毕。在2011年北京国际航展上,土星公司新闻事务负责人Alexander A.Drozhzhin告诉记者:“相关合同仍在谈判,我们计划向中国出售140-150台该型发动机,但是合同尚未签署。”

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