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Russia agrees to tolerate Israeli attacks in Syria

I like how we are the cowards when you are just sitting there watching us kill your allies and Pantsiring your beloved equipment. Why would we bomb you if you are such a good goy?

And what does Israel do when Russian forces operate along side Hezbollah? What has Israel done when Russia supplied and trained Israeli enemies? What has Israel done when Russia built military bases next door? Nothing! Sit down and know your place.

you were also humiliated by goat herders in Afghanistan and also Georgians beat you.

Georgia was promptly defeated in 5 days back in 2006 when the Russian military was in a poor state. In Afghanistan the Soviets controls every major city and town despite dozens of countries aiding the terrorists. Several dozen NATO countries have been in Afghanistan for 17 years with no one aiding the terrorists yet NATO still cannot take Afghanistan.

But Afghanistan, Georgia, Chechnya is cold mountainous terrain, with sometimes zero visibility, snowstorms, fog, mud, and impassible terrain. It's very difficult to fight in those conditions and most of the fighters Russia has fought had active or past military experience , unlike Hamas and Hezbollah. Likewise Lebonon is mostly warm, sunny and flat (rocks and small hills arnt mountains) however, entire Israeli armored brigades could not take a tiny village and retreated after heavy casualties.

1. Are not asking for anyones permission when it comes to our safety

That is why Israel keeps begging Russia to use it influence in the region to subdue Iran and its proxies?

2. Don't necessarily need to cross Turkey to attack your ships in the Black Sea

What is the other option? Fly through Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian, Azerbaijani and Georgian air space and hope you don't run out of fuel and get greated by a numerically superior Russian force?

You are saying one of the most foolish things I have ever heard. BTW Russia also has naval vessels in the Caspian Sea and Mediterranean, a large base in Armania and Crimea is heavily defended with SAMs and air bases as well as mainland Russia.

so even if Israel used magic telaporting devices every aircraft would get shot down if it came near any military bases.

3. We have enough air defenses to deal with your crap.

Only in your wet dreams. Just 16 TU-160 alone can fire nearly 200 cruise missiles at once. If you count active duty TU-95s its almost 400 KH-101 modern cruise missiles. Much more of you count older cruise missiles from the TU-95, naval vessels and submarines.

Israel sometimes cannot intercept crude Hamas rockets, it sure isn't going to be able to stop cruise missiles that avoid radar detection and have ECM capabilities.

4. NATO will own your ***:angel:

NATO cannot even conquer Afghanistan after 17 years. NATO in Eastern Europe would get overrun by Russia rather quickly, even NATO admits it but stop trying to change the subject. It was you claiming Israel would attack the Black Sea Fleet and the only logical way to do that is to through Turkish airspace and they would never allow that. So it's Israel that would get into with NATO and not Russia. Russia has force projecting to attack Israeli from international airspace and waters. Israel doesn't have that capability.

They didn't need to because we won every war we fought. Constantly Pantsiring Soviet equipment.

Israel was constantly Pantsiring its dignity by stuffing free money and military equipment from the US and Germany like poor buggers. Israeli was almost decimated several times. It was US support and poor Arab planning that saved Israel.

Israel lost more then half of its tanks in 1973 and lost over 500 armored vehicles. It's Air Force was cut down to a skeleton as well with no fewer then 102 aircraft shot down. Some estimates more then double that number.

3 Pantsirs:azn:
Of course the radar doesn't work, we jammed the shit out of it so they ran away.

We have those bohemoths in the Hermon with a direct line of sight to a huge part of Syria, capable of transferring five gorrillion ni**awatts of EW power to literally fry anything it looks at. It can even be used as a directed energy weapon.

After the IL20 that got shot down, Russia brought in EW and the S-300.
Both are clearly useless:D

You are a real fanboy with a wild imagination thinking some Israeli radar will be a high energy weapon. As for S-300, it's not operational, Syrian crews are still training on it, I wounder why Israel hasn't had the balls to Pantsir it :lol:

Israel can easily level all Russian bases in Syria without a scratch in a single, smooth swipe, and successfully defend itself against any Russian retaliation. Even if Russia used all its conventional weapons within reach against Israel, it can't do it at once, most of the cruise missiles fired in the first waves would be intercepted,

Fanboy, as I said before Israel often fails to intercept crude Hamas rockets. And what is this nonsense talk about Israel intercepting "most" Russian missiles? Russia can easily fire 300-400 cruise missiles at once. There is no way that Israel would intercept even half of those. Within a week or two Russia can fire off over 1000 cruise missiles including hundreds of decoys. Israel would run out of ground launch missiles before Russia would run out of cruise missiles, which is not possible because factories will keep replacing cruise missiles.

the next waves would be much smaller/ even individual launches, making it much easier for Israel to ramp up interceptor production.

Why would a second wave of cruise missiles be smaller? Strategic bombers would just land and be reloaded, vessels in the Mediterranean, Caspian and Black Sea would be resuplied at port or by auxiliary ships. Either way Israel doesn't have the capability to intercept cruise missiles reliably certainly not hundreds at once including decoys. Russia, if it chooses can hit Israeli air defense batteries, air field, military bases and military factories. Israel doesn't have that capability, unless it decides to use nuclear weapons on civilians in which it will be destroyed military and economically by ever country in the region.

NATO would then conquer Moscow. Israel will sink all Russian navy assets in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Russia clearly cannot conquer Israel,

Get off those psychedelic drugs. No one is conquering Moscow and for the last time Israel can not hit Russian naval vessels in the Black Sea or Mediterranean. It simply does not have the means to do so enless you think little Dolphin submarines will magically be able to hunt Russian submarines and warships far beyond its endurance and or physical limitations, do you think Israeli F-16 will magically fly all the way through foreign airspace and not be shot down by Turkish and Russian Air Forces and ground missiles :lol:

Why would we spend 5-10 missiles to hit a Pantsir?

We can clearly see from Israeli video that they use multiple missiles to hit a single Pantsir. Clearly they would not needlessly use more then 1 missile if there was not a problem with missiles being shot down.

It's always empty because its crew knows it will be bombed and they can't do shit about it:rofl:

It's empty because it exhausted it missiles and guns but not as empty as your head. Like I said Israel use many missiles to attack a single Pantsir indicating that Pantsirs down Israeli missiles.

Except the one that was active, and we launched two missiles at it, but no worries, we jammed the living crap out of it, making its missiles fly like from a shitty 80s anime, so even the first missile we launched at it hit it :rofl::rofl:

Israel posted an edited video, wich showed something fire at an Israeli missile. The video then cut away and showed a completely different Pantsir with its radar in the down position and not spinning, indicating it was not even active.

If we assume that ambiguous video was a Pantsir firing then Israel didn't jam anything. It's radar still fired at Israeli threats, only the missiles flew off course due to jamming once they were close enough. Bullets from the gun can't be jammed.

Also, so what? a crashed Spice bomb, shit happens.

In conclusion, you're just a pathetic vatnik

Golpnik, aka fake Jew, aka Etheopian, aka, immigrant that fled Eastern Europe from tax invasion, racketeering, money laundering, extortion and drug distribution. How do you know under what circumstance it crashed? How do you know it wasn't jammed and flew off course? How do you know it wasn't shot down?

Israeli guided/bombs/ drones with SEADs (EW) capabilities keep getting shot down over Armania. So either Israeli missiles are that much garbage or they keep getting shot down.
It was Pantsir. Only Pantsir has a booster with unpowered second stage.

Nothing edited there. Just two weapons were used in this case and both hit. In other scenarios only 1 weapon was used.

Pantsir never could shoot down anything so far. If Pantsir shot down something they would show it.

3 Pantsirs were destroyed. Thats despite the fact that Israel warns prior attack giving them about 10 minutes to prepare.

In real war there will be no warning and Israel will take out all big radars before.

Delusional senile idiot, if there were 3 Pantsirs destroyed Israel would release the videos of all three destroyed. The only reason you are targeting Pantsirs is because they succesfully shoot down your missiles. Thats why you only managed to hit 2 out of ammo Pantsirs spending hundreds of high cost cruise missiles that worth hundreds of millions USD.
It was Pantsir. Only Pantsir has a booster with unpowered second stage.

Nothing edited there. Just two weapons were used in this case and both hit. In other scenarios only 1 weapon was used.

Pantsir never could shoot down anything so far. If Pantsir shot down something they would show it.

3 Pantsirs were destroyed. Thats despite the fact that Israel warns prior attack giving them about 10 minutes to prepare.

In real war there will be no warning and Israel will take out all big radars before.

1. Israel posted an edited video that showed something firing at an Israeli missile, the video then cut away (probably because missile was hit with canon). The video then showed another empty Pantsir being hit. Poorly put together propaganda.

2. Satellite images only show 1 Pantsir destroyed so far.

3. Israelis used multiple missiles to hit 1 Pantsir which is a clear indication that there is low confidence a single missile will destroy a Pantsir. Spin it however you like but no one fires multiple missiles unless there is hit reliability issues.

4. There has been plenty of photos of Israeli missile parts in the past. You brushed it off as just wreckage from the aftermath of strikes now there is this, of course Israeli boys will spin the story and make excuses just like when Israeli made Harops are being blasted out of the sky by Armanians.

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1. Israel posted an edited video that showed something firing at an Israeli missile, the video then cut away (probably because missile was hit with canon).
You are lying. Nothing edited or cut in that video. It shows missile cam till impact.

The video then showed another empty Pantsir being hit. Poorly put together propaganda.
You are inventing. You don't know its empty. And of oits empty it wasted 8 missiles on nothing + incompetent crew that did not hide.

2. Satellite images only show 1 Pantsir destroyed so far.
Do u have satellite images of second Pantsir location?

3. Israelis used multiple missiles to hit 1 Pantsir which is a clear indication that there is low confidence a single missile will destroy a Pantsir.
So far 4 missiles were used against 3 Pantsirs. All 4 successfully hit.

There is zero evidence that Pantsirs managed to shot something.

4. There has been plenty of photos of Israeli missile parts in the past.
You are lying again.

Congrats. Out of hundreds strikes Russian newest air defence managed to shot down 1 slow flying glide bomb. Only Boeing 747 is easier target than that.

And Israel also warns prior strikes.

Delusional senile idiot, if there were 3 Pantsirs destroyed Israel would release the videos of all three destroyed. The only reason you are targeting Pantsirs is because they succesfully shoot down your missiles. Thats why you only managed to hit 2 out of ammo Pantsirs spending hundreds of high cost cruise missiles that worth hundreds of millions USD.
All 3 videos are released.

1st was destroyed in Mezzeh and 2 other near Damascus airport.
So far 4 missiles were used against 3 Pantsirs. All 4 successfully hit.

There is zero evidence that Pantsirs managed to shot something.

Poor delusional troll. Israel released edited videos showing that only 2 Pantsirs were hit and one video with failed attack. There must be Putin's agents working in Israeli government trying to make a laughing stock out of you :lol: You should immediately demand the release of third Pantsir hit video :lol:
Poor delusional troll. Israel released edited videos showing that only 2 Pantsirs were hit and one video with failed attack. There must be Putin's agents working in Israeli government trying to make a laughing stock out of you :lol: You should immediately demand the release of third Pantsir hit video :lol:
You are lying. Nothing "edited" in videos. All 3 videos show continuous missile cam till impact. All 3 Pantsirs were successfully destroyed.

Another thing. Russia installed its newest jamming devices in Syria. Yet as we can see missiles transmit video without any problem.
You are lying. Nothing "edited" in videos. All 3 videos show continuous missile cam till impact. All 3 Pantsirs were successfully destroyed.
3 videos showing the hit of only 2 Pantsirs without ammo. The attack against active Pantsir failed and Israeli missiles were succefully intercepted :lol:

Another thing. Russia installed its newest jamming devices in Syria. Yet as we can see missiles transmit video without any problem.

On its own base in Latakia.
3 videos showing the hit of only 2 Pantsirs without ammo. The attack against active Pantsir failed and Israeli missiles were succefully intercepted :lol:
The firing Pantsir was hit by 2 missiles.
On its own base in Latakia.
No they were delivered to Assadists after Russia shot down its own plane.
It was never hit. Missiles were succefully intercepted. Sorry to bust your delusions.
First hit at 0:16 second missile itself hits at 0:21

Also in Latakia
No they were set all over Syria.

"В результате сегодня мы контролируем ближнюю зону до 50 километров и дальнюю зону — основное направление, с которого происходили заходы на сирийскую территорию — контролируем на 200 километров", — сообщил министр.


Russian clown in general uniform (who did not serve in army even for 1 day) claims that they control 200 km zone around Syria with their super duper jamming.
First hit at 0:16 second missile itself hits at 0:21

First intercept and second. Thanks to Israel for releasing this video.

No they were set all over Syria.

"В результате сегодня мы контролируем ближнюю зону до 50 километров и дальнюю зону — основное направление, с которого происходили заходы на сирийскую территорию — контролируем на 200 километров", — сообщил министр.


Russian clown in general uniform (who did not serve in army even for 1 day) claims that they control 200 km zone around Syria with their super duper jamming.

Thats all near Russian bases in Latakia
Thanks for showing that you are a coward liar. Everyone can see impacts at 0:16 and 0:21.

oh those sweet delusions sorry that i busted them :lol:

No they were delivered to Assadists.

And deployed near Russian bases to shoot down Israeli planes if you attempt to pull something again there.
oh those sweet delusions sorry that i busted them :lol:

And deployed near Russian bases to shoot down Israeli planes if you attempt to pull something again there.
U act like retarded kid, video shows clear impacts yet you claim they were intercepted.
U act like retarded kid, video shows clear impacts yet you claim they were intercepted.

now you can start repeating mantras but it want change the reality. thanks to Israel for releasing video clearly showing intercepts. enjoy your butthurt :lol:
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