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Russia agrees to tolerate Israeli attacks in Syria

Why do you show the video of completly different Pantsir, not the one you hit? Do you think everyone here are so stupid to swallow propaganda released by your Baghdad Bob Ministry? :lol:
It was also hit.

At least 3 Pantsirs were destroyed so far.
It was also hit.

At least 3 Pantsirs were destroyed so far.

It was your missile that was hit and shot down. Thats why you show only one Pantsir hit putting two separate videos together.
It was your missile that was hit and shot down. Thats why you show only one Pantsir hit putting two separate videos together.
First Pantsir was hit by two missiles.

Second by one missile.
That's because Russia got Pantsired

Can you imagine what it's going to be like when Israel releases video of the IAF pantsiring an S-300 site?

That's a new word we should use btw, pantsir :
>Pantsir (/pænt-'s?/

>1. (transitive) To damage beyond use or repair a piece of military equipment that was claimed to be unbeatable, humiliating utterly and forever the maker of that piece of equipment.

>Example : When Russia provoked Turkey by cheekily crossing it's border, Turkey responded by pantsiring a Russian jet fighter.

No need to invent a new word. It already exists such a word.

Benya, repeating mantras want change anything. Russia is supplyng weapons and equipment to Iran and Syria. Equipment that is used to shoot down your aircrafts and bomb your cities. And will supply even more. You lost one jet and you will lose more in future. And the only thing your gopnik state can do is watch in frustration how Russia delivery weapons that are used to kill you. Stop bragging here about coincidence with IL-20 like its some kind of your achievment, you pathetic joke. You are scared to even touch any single Russian. Because your pygmy state will be bombed back to stone age. So as i said learn your place, enjoy your nights in bomb shelters and resort to killing children at your border in an attempt to compensate the impotence of your pathetic thug state.
Brother, the more Syrian and Iranian soldiers we kill, the less Syrian and Iranian soldiers there are, this means the probability of Russian troops being killed by rebels or ISIS rises. Also the Russian government blamed us for the death of 15 crew members of the IL-20.
Yes, we lost one jet, unfortunate, but it was a fluke. Out of the hundreds and possibly thousands of bombings we've done. You're just watching us Pantsiring your precious equipment and slaughtering your allies like the good goy you are, vatnik :angel:
Brother, the more Syrian and Iranian soldiers we kill, the less Syrian and Iranian soldiers there are, this means the probability of Russian troops being killed by rebels or ISIS rises. Also the Russian government blamed us for the death of 15 crew members of the IL-20.
Yes, we lost one jet, unfortunate, but it was a fluke. Out of the hundreds and possibly thousands of bombings we've done. You're just watching us Pantsiring your precious equipment and slaughtering your allies like the good goy you are, vatnik :angel:

Are you serious? Syria is overpopulated by 10 million. It would take Israel millions of years to kill 10 million Syrians at this rate, assuming no population growth.
I never said we will kill 10,000,000 Syrians

If rebels or ISIS kill 1 Russian soldier Russia turn Idlib into a dump hole bigger than Hiroshima so it's not in their interest to do that to a Russian soldier. Don't forget. Russia is the world's biggest country. They ain't a match for Russia.
Brother, the more Syrian and Iranian soldiers we kill, the less Syrian and Iranian soldiers there are, this means the probability of Russian troops being killed by rebels or ISIS rises. Also the Russian government blamed us for the death of 15 crew members of the IL-20.
Yes, we lost one jet, unfortunate, but it was a fluke. Out of the hundreds and possibly thousands of bombings we've done. You're just watching us Pantsiring your precious equipment and slaughtering your allies like the good goy you are, vatnik :angel:

The equipment is Syrian not ours. Yes we watch how you attack Syrian equipment and Syrian army while this equipment is used to destroy your equipment, kill Israelis and bomb your cities. Why do you keep repeating this? The problem that we continue to supply equipment that is used to attack you and you can only cowardly watch scared to shit to touch any single Russians. We supply equipment to kill you and you just watch and never attack Russians. What a pathetic cowardice. Maybe you like that our equipment is used to kill Israelis? Ok, we will supply more. Enjoy it.
The equipment is Syrian not ours. Yes we we watch how you attack Syrian equipment and Syrian army while this equipment is used to destroy your equipment, kill Israelis and bomb your cities. Why do you keep repeating this? The problem that we continue to supply equipment that is used to attack you and you can only cowardly watch scared to shit to touch any single Russians. We supply equipment to kill you and you just watch and never attack Russians. What a pathetic cowardice. Maybe you like that our equipment is used to kill Israelis? Ok, we will supply more. Enjoy it.
We're the active ones bombing your allies, while you're the passive ones watching us using your planes as shields, effectively causing the death of 15 Russian solders and we're the pathetic cowards:rofl::rofl:
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