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Mick in England


New Recruit

Oct 22, 2006
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Asim Aquil quote - it was Emperor constantine's strategic decision to save his power over the Roman Empire and adopt Christianity as the state religion which helped take the message across distant lands..

But he couldn't have done it if Jesus hadn't set the ball rolling in the first place ;)
Then God used Constantine as a tool to carry it on..
Obviously. But what carried on from there may not necessarily be a good thing. What were the changes brought into Christianity at the Council of Nicea? Why didn't the Emperor accept Christianity himself and lived his life as a Pagan till death. Was Jesus considered a messenger of God till that point and then converted for the sake of the Pagan rome as a divine figure for acceptance? What were the spins laid down to justify this new claim?

It's very much possible that Jesus may be a mortal being with a special duty entrusted upon him from God to spread his message. But at the Council of Nicea, since Constantine wanted to bring peace and a common ground between the Pagans and the Christians, he accepted Christianity giving the Pagans a God figure that actually existed.

These are the possibilities about what happened at the Council of Nicea. But whatever happened, Christ's message did not remain the same after that.
What were the changes brought into Christianity at the Council of Nicea? Why didn't the Emperor accept Christianity himself and lived his life as a Pagan till death. Was Jesus considered a messenger of God till that point and then converted for the sake of the Pagan rome as a divine figure for acceptance?

The Council of Nicea simply decided how to re-package Jesus for the masses, but even without them his impact would have been colossal because of what he said and did openly in front of the nation of Israel and the occupying roman army for 3 long years..
It's like saying Elvis Presley would never have been big if not for his agent and record company..
No, Elvis was so mind-blowingly awesome that he'd have become a household name purely because of his own inner power.
Right Elvis?
Elvis wouldn't have been big if there was only one record label out there and it didn't like him. Again it was not Jesus's message that was really accepted but what the new testament gospels stated.

Why was the gospel of Mary rejected? Was she really a prostitute or was that a spin to justify their new immortal, divine Jesus?
Elvis wouldn't have been big if there was only one record label out there and it didn't like him.?

When Christianity began snowballing after the Jewish priests and Romans killed Jesus, they said "Oops quiick, shred all the documents tying us in to his death, and we'll also throw some christians to the lions to scare the rest, then everybody'll soon forget about Jesus"...
Didn't quite work out that way because like I said, Jesus was too huge to be suppressed, just like Elvis :)
Why was the gospel of Mary rejected? Was she really a prostitute or was that a spin to justify their new immortal, divine Jesus?

Another conspiracy theory that's all. Hey it borders on blasphemy, I wonder what our Muslim friends would think of that because they regard him as a prophet so watch your step ;)
There are supposedly lots of those "lost gospels" floating around, but we've already got 4 (Matt/Mark/Luke/John) so there's no need for any more..
We know Jesus loved prostitutes, but only in the spiritual sense, just as I do myself.
If he'd married one he'd never have wanted to keep it secret, why should he?
Personally I couldn't care less if he married a prostitute or anybody else, it'd make no difference to me :)

Here's a little tale I've woven around a Bible incident in John chapter 8 involving a woman we'll call Molly:-

MOLLY by Mick

Molly grew up in orphanages never knowing who her mother and father were apart from rumours about a prostitute and a Roman soldier,and by her teens she was a sad lonely little girl.
But then she discovered men liked her and bought her presents and gave her money if she smiled at them and let them love her, and it made her feel good and wanted, even if they went back to their wives afterwards..
She grew into womanhood and still liked being loved by men,but wished she could meet one who wanted to marry her and stay with her for the rest of her life, but by now her bad reputation made a lot of single men stay clear of her.
Eventually people grew tired of her and her ways, so a mob led by the snooty priestly classes kicked down her door and dragged her off by the hair to kill her with stones.
As they pulled her through the streets, people came out to jeer at her, calling her all sorts of names and punching and slapping her, but she refused to give them the satisfaction of breaking down in tears even though her lip trembled and she could feel the blood draining from her face in fear. "I've never cried in my life and i'm not going to start now" she thought.
"But where are all the men who loved me?" she wondered, "why won't one of them rescue me?"
However no-one came forward and the painful dragging through the streets continued. She felt utterly alone and sick to the stomach and wanted to cry out to the mum and dad she'd never known, but realised there was no-one to help her, so in her total despair she muttered under her breath "Oh God, please help me"..
More slaps across the head from the mob knocked her near senseless, and when she recovered her wits she found they'd thrown her on the ground at the feet of a man who she recognised as the young carpenter Jesus from Nazareth.The mob were standing around her with stones in their hands ready to kill her.
"Alright" one of them said to the young prophet, "The Old Law tells us that we must stone adulteresses to death, can you please confirm that to make it all legal and above board?"
"Sure" said the young man, "let whoever's perfect among you throw the first stone"
Hearing this, they dropped their stones and slunk off in shame.
Then Jesus bent down and hugged Molly close to him in an embrace of such beautiful loving tenderness that she'd never experienced from any man before, and she began crying her eyes out on his shoulder.
"I know you won't want a trollop like me" she sobbed, "but I don't ever want to be on my own again.."
"You won't be" he softly whispered in her ear, "whoever comes to me I'll never turn away, I'll be with you always til the end of the world"

John ch 8 -Jesus said "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there"
When Christianity began snowballing after the Jewish priests and Romans killed Jesus, they said "Oops quiick, shred all the documents tying us in to his death, and we'll also throw some christians to the lions to scare the rest, then everybody'll soon forget about Jesus"...
Didn't quite work out that way because like I said, Jesus was too huge to be suppressed, just like Elvis :)
Yeah but the snowballing only started when the Christians got to Rome. One of the reasons Constantine agreed to declare Christianity as the state religion was because they had rioted, fought, killed the pagan Romans.

Back then if there was a Christian Al Qaeda, it did its trick.

Another conspiracy theory that's all. Hey it borders on blasphemy, I wonder what our Muslim friends would think of that because they regard him as a prophet so watch your step ;)
I don't think so. Mary Magdalene may not have been a prostitute as they had made her to be. Just a wife of the Prophet Jesus Christ.
Mary Magdalene may not have been a prostitute as they had made her to be. Just a wife of the Prophet Jesus Christ.

There's not the slightest hint anywhere in the Bible that Jesus was married, it's just nonchristian propaganda :)
Even today many monks of various religions never get married because they don't want a family, I never married myself for the same reason, we holy men don't do family, so why should Jesus?

However as a lifelong bachelor,I often muse on the delights of marriage that have passed me by,such as a sweet wife saying things like:-

"For heavens sake don't let the neighbours know you read the Bible or they'll be calling you 'Holy Joe at number 19"
"Switch that computer off and take me out for once"
"And get your teeth fixed,your mouth looks like something out of the X-files"
"And take that picture of Jesus off the wall in the spare room before the window cleaner sees it"
"Dress properly,a baseball cap,jeans, trainers and t-shirt look ridiculous on a man your age"
"Hmm...that grass needs mowing.."
"No wonder my mothers never liked you"
"Huh! Better get down the doctors first thing tomorrow for some viagra"
"I know I should have married Rick Tannahill but Sue Stokes beat me to him and I ended up with you"
"Get rid of them glasses and use contact lenses to try and look like a proper man instead of Austin Powers"
"That dustbin needs putting out.."
"And we could do with a new kitchen unit.."
"Spruce yourself up, mother'll be here soon!"
Even today many monks of various religions never get married because they don't want a family, I never married myself for the same reason, we holy men don't do family, so why should Jesus?

Maybe this is why they rape boys and molest kids? ;)
Maybe this is why they rape boys and molest kids? ;)

Sure, there are some pervert priests and monks around in all religions including Islam, and their churches try cover up for them, but the truth comes out :)
Jesus said:- " if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matt 18:6)

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