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Rule of law doesn't exist in America

Will be a keeper to find that this money went into financing terrorist groups around the world so americans can stage an invasion in the name of world security.
You are missing the point the corruption in the US and Europe is not like in India or China where local officials ask you for bribes....

Not true... and your 'fraudulent mortgages' quote shows your lack of knowledge on the subject. How much has Chinas currency manipulation cost the world ?:tdown:

Report reveals huge scale of corruption among Chinese government officials

Investigation by People's Bank of China finds more than $120bn has been smuggled out of country since mid-1990s
Associated Press
guardian.co.uk, Friday 17 June 2012 18.08 EDT

Thousands of corrupt Chinese officials have stolen more than $120bn (£74.2bn) and fled overseas since the mid-1990s, according to a report by the country's central bank.

The report, released this week by the People's Bank of China, says between 16,000 and 18,000 government officials and executives at state-owned enterprises smuggled about $123bn out of China between the mid-1990s and 2008.

Officials are accused of smuggling money into the US, Australia, Canada and Holland, using offshore bank accounts or investments such as real estate or collectibles. They masked the thefts as business transactions by setting up private companies to receive the money transfers, according to the report.

China has launched numerous efforts in recent years to curb graft, which is often a focal point of protests and is seen as a major threat to political and economic stability. Corruption among Communist party officials is still common, however.

The report said that aside from punishing guilty officials, China should improve monitoring of asset transfers and revise methods of payment overseas.

Chinese prosecutors have made some high-profile moves in the hope of deterring graft among the rank and file. In China's largest recent corruption scandal, the powerful party boss of Shanghai, Chen Liangyu, was sentenced to 18 years in prison in 2008.
We Americans get the chance to vote Obama, Holder, & Co. out of office in two and a half months. Then we'll see if Americans have had enough of Obama's "executive orders" in lieu of laws that Holder refuses to enforce.
We Americans get the chance to vote Obama, Holder, & Co. out of office in two and a half months. Then we'll see if Americans have had enough of Obama's "executive orders" in lieu of laws that Holder refuses to enforce.

The sad news is that that he might stay as Repulicans don't have any viable candidate to beat him in the election and people might just be stupid enough to vote for obama again despite they had enough of obama's unenforced "executive orders". One thing I am constantly surprised is that in RNC although has many advantages over its opponent in many areas, they fail miserably in grooming a presidential candidate every four years.
We Americans get the chance to vote Obama, Holder, & Co. out of office in two and a half months. Then we'll see if Americans have had enough of Obama's "executive orders" in lieu of laws that Holder refuses to enforce.

Yes, Our dear leader Mitt the Twit will move the Capital to Grand Cayman Islands will stash the law & order there just like his money. All heil RMoney. Now the rule of law will be safe and you cannot tax it no more.

The whole tea baggers are getting hilariously stupid. Watch out a Tea bagger babbling ... he is a judge in Lubbock
Tom Head, Texas Judge: Obama Re-election Could Lead To 'Civil War,' I'm Ready To 'Take Up Arms'! - YouTube
The sad news is that that he might stay as Repulicans don't have any viable candidate to beat him

Sure they do. This is going to be a pretty close race.

One thing I am constantly surprised is that in RNC although has many advantages over its opponent in many areas, they fail miserably in grooming a presidential candidate every four years.

Five of the last eight presidents were Republicans. Not bad.
I think China's Ministry of Propaganda is reallocating/increasing the number of US Internet specialists.

lol, have you ever heard a station called "Voice of America"? It's interesting there's nothing ever on that's actually about America.
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