In some cases I'd say this was an accurate statment. When you have draconian laws suxch as "stand your ground" and the like being passed where cold-blooded murder can be easily passed of as "self-defence" when you have cases such as Trayvon Martin where a murderer used such a defence to murder a young,innocent teenage boy through no fault of the later. Where it is only after huge public prsssure that the police actually do their jobs and investigate the death. In a nation where there are politicians actually calling for MORE guns to be owned by untrained citizens with little to no checks on who is getting these weapons or their intentions for owning such a weapon nor checks done on their mental health. Where members on the TERRORIST WATCH LIST are not allowed to board an airliner but are allowed to buy a gun/guns. In a nation where almost anyone in some parts of the nation can walk around with a deadly weapon on their hips in the open. Then YES, the rule of law doesn't exist to some extent.