Forget ISIS, AQ, IM, SIMI, radical Hindus or Khalistanis in India, the security agencies are on top of these fools it is these radical/missionary Christians that really scare me when it comes to India. Not only are they flying under the radar for the most part but they are being funded by Americans with deep, deep pockets and possibly even backing from the US government.
My eyes were opened to the threat they pose when it was revealed how it was these missionaries who were behind the Kudankulam protests. Then the GoI, to their credit, did take some action against NGOs who were actively supporting anti-national activities.
I'm telling you this $hit needs to be tackled head on, not only do they pose a security threat to India but an economic risk also- they are stalling economic development and losing India untold fortunes.
Brother, as a Sikh I agree with you that it is all the same- all paths to the same end point. But I am totally against this BS missionary work and the religions who pursue this most aggressively are Islam and Christianity and it makes me sick to my stomach.
Good work should be done for the sake of helping others not to convert others, there should be no strings attached. Certain Muslim and Christian groups/organisations are f*cking pariahs I've seen it for myself here in the UK.