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Royal Saudi Airforce Vs Israel Airforce

Saudi Arabia Special Weapons
Up to the point before the war we offered to build back the Osirik nuclear facility but then Saddam Invaded us. And as I said it was a failure on our part regarding the Israeli plains and not a "opened their air space for israel" like Israel wants you to believe so they can distance one of its biggest threats in the region from its muslim brothers.

Do not believe the Propaganda that tells that Saudis are in bed with the Zionists. That is just a ruze to make people like you hate us and not stand together and I am sorry that it has worked on so many people. And about allowing US. Bases in KSA and betraying the Islamic Ummah for calling the US to help is rediculous. At that time there was no real Saudi Army since there were no real threats since Iraq was an ally a very close ally at that. But he backstabbed us and I would like to ask you a question. Would you like for Saddam to be your president??

Destruction of the Iraqi reactor was part of the grate plan.There are two three factors.and also the gulf war
1)In arab-israel wars Iraq did not sided with Arabs.Because there was Iran to neutralize Iraq.But with Islamic revolution in Iran balance of the region was very badly shaken.If there was another arab-israel war and Iraq side with Arabs then balance tilts in favour of arabs.Thats why destruction of Iraq was necessary.
2)Gulf war it self was planned by CIA from the very beginning.There was nothing known as Iraq is attacking on Saudia.The objective of Gulf war was
1)Occupation of Saudi oil fields.so that there will be no oil crisis in future.as happened in 70's
2)The balance of power will remain in Israel favour
3)When Americans came to you with satellite imges that Iraq is building its army to attack you they were fake and it was drama.Because Russians also showed images that there was no such thing.

I want you to please answer me following things.
1)You people send your cadets to India.are they are more trust worthy to you then us?
2)By spending 60B$ you people are buying F-15S.Why not spend 10-20B$ and buy 5th generation fighter from China?
3)you said your king is building scientific foundations for your country.In order to have stronger military why not you funding satellite projects of Turks?This will also enhance the ability of ummah
4)Do you people really think that with American and European weaponary you can fight with Israel?
5)Why you people has given free hand to CIA in your country?
6)Which thing is stopping you from kicking American out of your country?
I want you to please answer me following things.
1)You people send your cadets to India.are they are more trust worthy to you then us?
I don't think there is any country in the world we send more cadits to than Pakistan we have been sending cadets and receiving cadets from Pakistan since the 70s.
2)By spending 60B$ you people are buying F-15S.Why not spend 10-20B$ and buy 5th generation fighter from China?
60B$ is not just the F-15S the deal also include some transfer of technology and training and helicopters and logistics and the reason why we did not buy from China is we needed the quickest available option since our pilots already train on F-15s and wont need reorganizing of the entire Air Force for.
3)you said your king is building scientific foundations for your country.In order to have stronger military why not you funding satellite projects of Turks?This will also enhance the ability of ummah
Okay first of all as much as I hate it but Turkey is a Nato country so all its tech will go to other Nato countries which you hate second turkey is in close cooperation with Israel which is not a point in its favor. Third why fund the turks?? they have a better economy than ours even and we are funding our own space program right now.
4)Do you people really think that with American and European weaponary you can fight with Israel?
Well you see Europe now is in a very tight corner and in need of cash and we are using that in our advantage by Buying the typhoon and a full transfer of technology with it which made a first in the amount of technology transfered to any Middle eastern Country including Israel. And hats we picked the typhoon over the rafale the british gave in to our tech transfer demand.
5)Why you people has given free hand to CIA in your country?
After the gulf war America put a huuuuge debt on us to take care of the war price at that time we owned America so much money the people were really suffering but by 2002 we payed all that debt back and now its the other way around with the US actually owes us ALOT of money and I am guessing the F-15 deal is just a way to make them pay us back by lowering the debt with that money which actually mean we kind of got them for free since with the US debt they cant even pay us back.
6)Which thing is stopping you from kicking American out of your country?
it is a slow process of doing so without hurting relations with any another country to just close their embassy and declare jihad is as stupidest as you can get

The talk back is in red
I don't think there is any country in the world we send more cadits to than Pakistan we have been sending cadets and receiving cadets from Pakistan since the 70s.
Things changed very much.I don't think you are up to date in this regard.We returned some of your cadets on disciplinary grounds.There were the sons of princes.so we fucked up.Indians and Israelis has very close defense relations.Mossad has excellent relations with RAW (Indian intelligence).Don't you think it will be potential security breach.also if you are linked with military you may know that there are Pakistanis in Saudia in armed forces.How they work well with indian trained cadets?what exactly was significance of sending cadets to india?
60B$ is not just the F-15S the deal also include some transfer of technology and training and helicopters and logistics and the reason why we did not buy from China is we needed the quickest available option since our pilots already train on F-15s and wont need reorganizing of the entire Air Force for.
but bro 60b$ is not small amount.with Israel getting F-35 your air force has no chance infront of them.
Okay first of all as much as I hate it but Turkey is a Nato country so all its tech will go to other Nato countries which you hate second turkey is in close cooperation with Israel which is not a point in its favor. Third why fund the turks?? they have a better economy than ours even and we are funding our own space program right now.
Turkey in NATO does not mean NATO=Turkey.
with whom you are doing your satellite project?you you invest in Turkey project,you will get technological know how from a brotherly country and they get money for more R&D.also these little projects bring two muslim countries more close to each other.if kuffar is one nation(hadith) then why we can't join our resources.?
Well you see Europe now is in a very tight corner and in need of cash and we are using that in our advantage by Buying the typhoon and a full transfer of technology with it which made a first in the amount of technology transfered to any Middle eastern Country including Israel. And hats we picked the typhoon over the rafale the british gave in to our tech transfer demand.
you don't get what i want to say.Mean how can you fight with Israel with American and European tech?
Do you know that in British Argentina war french provided source code of their exocet to Britishers and you what happened to Argentina?their navy become useless.similarly every software based equipment coming from west is potential junk?so why can't invest in reliable source like China?
it is a slow process of doing so without hurting relations with any another country to just close their embassy and declare jihad is as stupidest as you can get
who said for closing embassy and went on jihad?
I said why you can't expel American soldiers from your soil.As their are reports they don't respect holy land.and go in no fly zones.
Actually they are here to protect ARAMCO.who are stealing your oil.
Things changed very much.I don't think you are up to date in this regard.We returned some of your cadets on disciplinary grounds.There were the sons of princes.so we fucked up.Indians and Israelis has very close defense relations.Mossad has excellent relations with RAW (Indian intelligence).Don't you think it will be potential security breach.also if you are linked with military you may know that there are Pakistanis in Saudia in armed forces.How they work well with indian trained cadets?what exactly was significance of sending cadets to india?

but bro 60b$ is not small amount.with Israel getting F-35 your air force has no chance infront of them.

Turkey in NATO does not mean NATO=Turkey.
with whom you are doing your satellite project?you you invest in Turkey project,you will get technological know how from a brotherly country and they get money for more R&D.also these little projects bring two muslim countries more close to each other.if kuffar is one nation(hadith) then why we can't join our resources.?

you don't get what i want to say.Mean how can you fight with Israel with American and European tech?
Do you know that in British Argentina war french provided source code of their exocet to Britishers and you what happened to Argentina?their navy become useless.similarly every software based equipment coming from west is potential junk?so why can't invest in reliable source like China?

who said for closing embassy and went on jihad?
I said why you can't expel American soldiers from your soil.As their are reports they don't respect holy land.and go in no fly zones.
Actually they are here to protect ARAMCO.who are stealing your oil.

You know I prepared a long reply for you with link and stuff but I deleted it all. I figured only time will answer all your questions.
Saudi Arabia Special Weapons
Up to the point before the war we offered to build back the Osirik nuclear facility but then Saddam Invaded us.
This was a mere propaganda tool for face saving. Let me give you another example, In Iraq War-II KSA territory was used by the allied forces to invade and bomb Iraq back to stone age and many innocent Muslims were killed in the process. Their is also enough evidence to conclude that KSA has also funded both Iraq wars. And then here comes the face saving trick by the saudis, they then spend just a small amount on rebuilding war torn nation.
And now KSA has given green lights to US and Isreal to attack Irani nuclear plants if required to do so.
And as I said it was a failure on our part regarding the Israeli plains and not a "opened their air space for israel" like Israel wants you to believe so they can distance one of its biggest threats in the region from its muslim brothers.
How is KSA the biggest threat to Isreal when US has been allowed by KSA government to have one of its biggest military bases over seas? Half of Military 90% of KSA military hardware comes from West and you think they dont come with strings attached or they are not monitored? The only threat to Isreal at the moment is from Iran not Pakistan KSA or Syria..
Do not believe the Propaganda that tells that Saudis are in bed with the Zionists.
Actually the zionists wants Muslims to believe in that KSA is an enemy to Isreal and not a friend so that they can deceive the Muslims and continue its sinister business.
That is just a ruze to make people like you hate us and not stand together and I am sorry that it has worked on so many people.
KSA seems to have sided with more non-muslim states then Muslims ever since its creation. The British armed you against the otoman empire and watched the destruction of Khalifa by the hands of Saudis.
And about allowing US. Bases in KSA and betraying the Islamic Ummah for calling the US to help is rediculous. At that time there was no real Saudi Army since there were no real threats since Iraq was an ally a very close ally at that. But he backstabbed us and I would like to ask you a question. Would you like for Saddam to be your president??
It does not matter how weak your military was and it is totally against Islamic principles to take refuge under non Muslims military umbrella.
I highly dislike Saddam or lunatic ahmadinejad or curropt Saudi kings and infact every other so called Muslim leader of modern age.
Btw you have ignored the hadis that i provided which perfectly describes this situation.

Are you a supporter of Zaid Hamid? Because in that case your posts are contradicting his funny lectures about his imaginary muslim world.
Actually the zionists wants Muslims to believe in that KSA is an enemy to Isreal and not a friend so that they can deceive the Muslims and continue its sinister business.
The Sauds control assets worth TRILLIONS of dollars, yet cannot boast spending one dime to convince their fellow Muslims that Israeli Jews just might be good human beings after all. What kind of "friend" is that?

Can't some Pakistanis here figure out that their perceptions of reality are way way off and say out loud, "Hey, I might be wrong, I'll look at everything with an open mind"?
The Sauds control assets worth TRILLIONS of dollars, yet cannot boast spending one dime to convince their fellow Muslims that Israeli Jews just might be good human beings after all. What kind of "friend" is that?
Their friendship is pretty special "secret".
Can't some Pakistanis here figure out that their perceptions of reality are way way off and say out loud, "Hey, I might be wrong, I'll look at everything with an open mind"?
Hold on a second, this also reflects yourself and you know that.
y saudi wont do anything because they have "wehn" in their hearts ..love for this life,money n badshahat at any cost!!
isreal remembers y they r there!!
You know I prepared a long reply for you with link and stuff but I deleted it all. I figured only time will answer all your questions.

well then you did a great zulm.lol
But at least give me hint what is in your mind.In what direction your country heading?How you people perceive us there?

Are you a supporter of Zaid Hamid?
well exact answer is beyond your capacity to understand.in short you can say to some extant.
Because in that case your posts are contradicting his funny lectures about his imaginary muslim world.
i don't get you here.Muslim world is not imaginary thing.There is a hadith
"muslims are like a body,when one part is in pain whole body feels pain"
i hope you understand this unless you are shia.
Can't some Pakistanis here figure out that their perceptions of reality are way way off and say out loud, "Hey, I might be wrong, I'll look at everything with an open mind"?

Thanks for your advice.you told us a thing which we dont know.:D
But you should mind your business and dont poke your nose in others matter.
well then you did a great zulm.lol
But at least give me hint what is in your mind.In what direction your country heading?How you people perceive us there?

Unlike egypt syria and the rest of the other arab world we do not look at ourselves as Arabs. No we look at ourselves as Muslims we feel for other muslims weither they be in Pakistan or Russia. Pakistan is seen in two different views. One is of the Old uneducated Saudi who sees Pakistan not different from poor countries because he doesn't know their achievements. and the other is of the educated one who sees them as a model for the Muslim world and the latter is becoming more visible than the first. And about the direction my country is heading I started a thread called "Future Saudi Arabia" in world affairs you should check it out.
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