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Royal Saudi Airforce Vs Israel Airforce

This subject is hardly worth discussing :P

Israel - through and through.
Really? I did not know that :rolleyes:
First of all 65 67 and 71 was a time of the past because Isreal and India did not have such strong influences on the globe as they do have today. If today Pakistan or Turkey (god forbids) are attacked by either Isreal or India NO one I repeat NO ONE will come to rescue for anyone because political and military presser will be just too much on these small muslim states to help each other out.
first of all yara please come out of this mentality that others will fight your wars.like India will attack on us and China will put pressure on India.
but i hope that they will send some goodies.:)
I would like to quote a member from WakeupProject.
(for a Islamic reformer to come i.e Mahdi the ummah needs to be in a state that requires reformation.
prior to the fall of the Khalifa, Qu'ran and Sunnah ruled and the Ummah was unified truely under one banner standing for truth, justice and strengh sure it has it issues but when the Khalifa fell the rot set in to where we are today.)
Another point I want to mention, in order for Muslims to unite and form one Khalifa they first have to give up on their sects and which will NEVER happen without the Mehdi and Prophet Isa.
Buddy sects will not vanish even after the arrival of Mahdi.i see many people who say that after the arrival of Mehdi our problems will be vanished.you know before the arrival of Mehdi there will be chaos in Islamic world.we ask arabs about our right but arab will not give us.we will fight with them.then they give our right.in this whole mess some 9 or 11 or 13 i dont remember exact figure was sent on journey in order to find Mehndi.each one of them has 313 followers.they will be the first one to offer their support to Mehdi.
remember te people who create most problems for Mehdi will be muslims.and a person with his army from Syria will came to arrest Mehdi.then earth will suck his army.after seeing this the great people of Allah (qutab and abdal) from sham and Iraq will march for his bayet.after this Mehdi will get stength.we are his biggest supporters.THE ARMY OF BLACK FLAGS.THE ARMY OF KHURASSAN.
then in order to establish true Islam Mehdi will order us to fight with munafiqs.
in short although we muslims wish for Mehdi but we forget that ,that time will be great test for us.
You see this is the problem with people like you, full of hatred! Who are you to decide that? Iran and heck even Saudi arabia will be merged together as one Khalifa when mehdi arrives and thats when all these useless sects will be abolished!
so what we should do untill Mehdi not arrive?why not we kill some flies?:devil:
before establishment of khilafah it is necessary that we make alliances just like eu to face the bullying of west and yanks.it is possible that may be this alliance will turn into khilafat before the coming of Mehdi.
and please dont give much importance to Iranians.
do you know that there are reports that they were behind the mrder of Saudi embassy member.
Iranian have problem with Turks and Arabs also.

Hi buddy, Turkey is even worst then KSA when it comes to talking of ummah. Attaturk was a British agent who assisted them by abolishing Khalifa and established kufr system of Secularism. Turkey is the only Muslim state which has the closest military ties with Israel. And dont give me that BS justification of Turkey to invade or attack Syria just because a crooked leader with his screwed up army is going nuts. Do you know how many innocent civilians will be killed?
before pointing fingers at others why not we see our selfes.there is hadith that there will be khilafat 2nd time.now tell me if khilafat will not be abolished first time how there will be 2nd time khilafat?point to ponder.
Turkey has relation with Israel but many other muslim nation including us sit in the lap of usa father of Israel.so why criticize others.
we will discuss Attaturk i other thread.this topic need separate thread how ottomans got fucked.
regarding syria and Turkey.buddy every thing comes at price.in wars civilian get killed.and how you will justify the crimes of asad on his people?
Agree with this part to some extent.
Yes and thats where that lunatic zaid hamid is F-ed up to the core of his thick head! You think it only takes "allah o akbar" to destroy a regional power like India? Their would be no point of building a strong army by even prophet Mohammed PBUH if thats all was required. You have to be practical! In Pakistan's case we only have enough technology to defend ourselves and not for invading and occupying India!
zaid hammid has nothing to do with it.he was appointed on info warfare front.and he is doing good.there should be some one who get nation from this depression and give them hope,remind them there destiny,what is wrong with it?
do you know that pro-islamic people dont make it beyond brigadier rank.so first we have to select good political leader.current available choice is imaran.then put army under his control.and be patient.we always fight with India for small piece of land kashmir.i hope next battle with india will be for india.:)
definitely lot home work required.
we have to learn from Chinese.remain low profile,work hard and work for your destiny,work for ghazwai hind.

Thats like me saying their are few things that their are few things in Bush that I like. One "World Peace". ??? You have to judge a leader by his words, actions and intention and thats where they both fail.
dont be idealistic.give others benefit of doubt.
back off from them tendency of self destruct.
^ man you are so wrong in almost everything and its just not worth to hold this discussion any further. I am so sick and tired of repeating same abcd over and over again so i will leave you up with your own philosophy.
no offense bye.
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