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Rouhani in Oman. Will the GCC Crack From Within?

mojahidin goh , hamashoon intori ba khanooma harf mizanan ?
ba khalatam injoori harf mizani ?
fadam shi elahi .
man jaye babato daram , ba ekhtelaf inke man saram be tanam miarze :D

maro bash darim rooye divare ki yadegari minevisim,
Dr jan az shoma baeede intori harf bezani
azat entezar nadashtam mashti
which retard a-rab terrorist sheikh of yours thought you dat word ?

adnan arrrrrurr ? :lol:


maro bash darim rooye divare ki yadegari minevisim,
Dr jan az shoma baeede intori harf bezani
azat entezar nadashtam mashti
azizam , bayad ba MKO mese khodesh harf bezani . vagar na kolahet pase marekast !!

nega kon ba ye khanoom chetor harf mizane :

Dobare Homa shro kard gonde goozi

Seriously, every thread Homa opens up is some sort of "gonde goozi" BS that has no basis in reality.

Age fekr mikoni in akhoonda enghade sareshoon mishe, bargard Iran. Chera az Iran zadi biroon?

Some examples of the above mentioned "gonde goozi" threads:
Whatever’s Happening In The Gulf Is Probably About Iran

Iran gradually becoming prime destination for Muslim medical tourists

How Nuclear Talks Help Iran Dominate the Middle East

Russia Is Prepared to Sell Iranian Oil as Its Own

The Kurdish Factor in Iran-Iraq Relations


kesi ke intori harf mizane chegoori bayad javabesho dad ? shoma begoo
@Sinan , just as a side note, that troll that we talked about it, is currently using his "Insulting in Persian language, Being polite in English language" method about Abii, to insult him and evade another ban again ;) :lol:
@Sinan , just as a side note, that troll that we talked about it, is currently using his "Insulting in Persian language, Being polite in English language" method about Abii, to insult him and evade another ban again ;) :lol:
i think i'm just occupying so much of your life ....
give it a rest , its internet ! ;)
1- Oman supported Saddam during the war with Iran.

2- Oman supported the US Naval Force in the 80s during major confrontations with Iran.

3- Oman gave soft loan to Iraq to help them recover economically.

4- Oman is against Assad, and provided a great help for the Syrian opposition.

5- There is no such thing as having good relations with Iran, Oman knows your art of Taqqyiah, they can never trust you.
Yeah you knew the best. :coffee:
which retard a-rab terrorist sheikh of yours thought you dat word ?

adnan arrrrrurr ? :lol:


azizam , bayad ba MKO mese khodesh harf bezani . vagar na kolahet pase marekast !!

nega kon ba ye khanoom chetor harf mizane :

kesi ke intori harf mizane chegoori bayad javabesho dad ? shoma begoo
I know what you say dude,
feroon hezaran bacharo sar borid hatta miraftan bacharo az tooye shekam madaresh mikeshidan biroon va sar miboridan bazam moghee ke moosa raft bahash sohbat kone khoda be moosa goft ghooloo ghawlan layyena.
be taraf ke MKO migi, be pedaresh va khalasham ke tohin mikoni, astaghferollah,
Adam bayad ba harkasi tebghe shakhsiate khodesh sohbat kone shoma adabo raayat kon chikar dari taraf kiye.
I know what you say dude,
feroon hezaran bacharo sar borid hatta miraftan bacharo az tooye shekam madaresh mikeshidan biroon va sar miboridan bazam moghee ke moosa raft bahash sohbat kone khoda be moosa goft ghooloo ghawlan layyena.
be taraf ke MKO migi, be pedaresh va khalasham ke tohin mikoni, astaghferollah,
Adam bayad ba harkasi tebghe shakhsiate khodesh sohbat kone shoma adabo raayat kon chikar dari taraf kiye.
fadat sham man hargez be kesi ke behem tohin nakarde bashe tohin nemikonam :)
negaran nabash ! hatman ye chizi gofte ghablan ke man alan daram injoori javabesho midam !
mage na @Abii ? ;)

ama shoma rast migi , man nabayad khodamo ham radeye een adam konam

my bad , i am sorry
Actually Kuwait led the request for Iraq to join GCC but Iraq rejected despite 4 out of 6 supporting it, Saudi Arabia and Qatar rejected as expected.

No request by any member state of the GCC has been made. Iraq begged to join the GCC, but it has been vetoed as we don't welcome failed states run by crooked politicians, some of which who even rejected to allow an airplane from Lebanon to land in Iraq as it wasn't carrying the son of the Minister of Transportation. It would be a disgrace to allow such regimes in.

Plane refused entry to Iraq after minister's son misses boarding - CNN.com
GOING GLOBAL EAST MEETS WEST : Iraq wants to join the Gulf Cooperation Council ...

This is an organization of monarchy leaders, kings & emirs that back each other up and need each other to suppress their own population

Suppressing own populations? :lol: :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh: :D

Iraqi Dinar Facts Economist accuse al-Maliki following the policy of “oppression” | IQD

Coming from an Iraqi, who's country know no order, and with a government that vies to crush any opponent away, I find you're comments to be extremely laughable.

It is called oppression!

Why do you think Morocco from the other side of the world is trying to join, add to that Jordan you have all Arab monarchy states trying to join the GCC

In 2011 Egypt was also interested in joining the GCC despite the fact that Egypt is a republic, it was welcomed.


The UAE, Kuwait aren't fully functioning monarchies which counters your claim. Same goes to KSA as it happens to have a Council.

this also is a reason why the small GCC states supported Iraq to join it, they want a balance of power instead of Saudi hegemony

That's not what your mother said.

No body wants Iraq, not even in million years buddy. If there is going to be a counter for something, then we all have to counter Iraq's death squads spreading all way from Syria to Lebanon to Bahrain.

Did you really think that the UAE or Bahrain would ever give a rat about Iraq? Didn't you hear about them summoning your ambassadors?

Theres no vision for complete unity among them

Dream on :lol: your wishful thinking will get you nowhere.

Suffice to say that we do have a central defense command, a joint security decision making strategies, and above all we co-exist with one another in harmony. The only language you know on the other hand is violence.

Actually Kuwait led the request for Iraq to join GCC but Iraq rejected despite 4 out of 6 supporting it, Saudi Arabia and Qatar rejected as expected.

This is an organization of monarchy leaders, kings & emirs that back each other up and need each other to suppress their own population. Why do you think Morocco from the other side of the world is trying to join, add to that Jordan you have all Arab monarchy states trying to join the GCC. Yet despite all that theres no unity among these states as the largest state is trying to expand it’s influence and the smaller Gulf reject this, this also is a reason why the small GCC states supported Iraq to join it, they want a balance of power instead of Saudi hegemony. Theres no vision for complete unity among them, neither can it be forced by Saudi Arabia since there are US troops all over the small gulf states that protect them.

@JUBA @Arabian Legend @Full Moon @BLACKEAGLE @al-Hasani
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No request by any member state of the GCC has been made. Iraq begged to join the GCC, but it has been vetoed as we don't welcome failed states run by crooked politicians.

Kuwaiti ministers asked Iraq to join the GCC, they have told this to the minister of defence Ad Dulaimi, this news is all over the internet a simple Google search will get it News sources say 4 out of 6 states agreed.

If Iraq begged they wouldn’t have had rejected, infact there is nothing in that organization for a republic, this is why Egypt won’t join either. After all these are respectable states, Iraq and Egypt are real states with a civilization and historic identity unlike the bedouin garbage you’re from lol, you would still be the same if not for the oil discovery which you still rely on for the large majority despite not having any wars, 100 years of stability, the chance to develop different industries yet what did you Saudis do ? you’re still a joke.

Suppressing own populations? :lol: :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh: :D

Coming from an Iraqi, who's country know no order, and with a government that vies to crush any opponent away, I find you're comments to be extremely laughable.
Theres more freedom here then in that hellhole of yours for sure lol, as for the chaos and terrorism this is a result because of the many wars and sharing a border with Saudi Barbaria.
It will be better in the future something you’re clearly against.

In 2011 Egypt was also interested in joining the GCC despite the fact that Egypt is a republic, it was welcomed.


The UAE, Kuwait aren't fully functioning monarchies which counters your claim. Same goes to KSA as it happens to have a Council.
I don’t care what kind of monarchy they are as if I even care whatever the **** they call themselves, be it Emir or king or slave. All I said is that they are a monarchy which is correct.

That's not what your mother said.
Well I don’t understand what happened to your mother, you hate and despise us so much did the Iraqi forces rape her in the 90’s to start with ? All you do on PDF is type hate comments and that you spend almost your entire day on, don’t you have something better to do. You follow me everywhere on the forum and start about Iraq while it is completely irrelevant from the subject. So tell us what did we do with you that makes you cry daily.

No body wants Iraq, not even in million years buddy. If there is going to be a counter for something, then we all have to counter Iraq's death squads spreading all way from Syria to Lebanon to Bahrain.
The issue is that what you bedouins want is completely irrelevant, the cretin parents of many Saudi and other Gulf states were educated in Iraq since you’re universities were a joke, complete backwardness. We don’t want anything from you, the issue is you’re obsessed with us, you’re obsessed with Iran.

Do you see Iranians giving as many fucks about Saudi as you give about Iran? name them

Did you really think that the UAE or Bahrain would ever give a rat about Iraq? Didn't you hear about them summoning your ambassadors?
Who actually cares what the UAE and Bahrain think, these are US clients of the region among Qatar and Kuwait whom host thousands of US soldiers/marines. 30 years ago the UAE was a desert, today it runs on a foreign workforce, as for you´re state you’ve had about 100 years of stability but all these bedouins could do is sell oil, not even build you’re own car. With that I mean a real automotive industry, not some clown car or a copied/licensed/western engineered military vechile you’re going to reply with. Iran under sanctions and an 8 year heavy war came far further then you, a simple fact you have trouble accepting.

You boast about F15’s and Typhoons while you can’t even reverse engineer let alone draw the canopy of that thing.

Dream on :lol: your wishful thinking will get you nowhere.

Suffice to say that we do have a central defense command, a joint security decision making strategies, and above all we co-exist with one another in harmony. The only language you know on the other hand is violence.

Kuwait has a large Shi’a minority, they’re against you’re sectarian hatred on the Shia, Kuwaitis in general are also fed up of their bedouin population holding dual passports Saudi and Kuwaiti, they live 9/10th of the year in Saudi Arabia and visit Kuwait only to vote for their bedouin brothers or spread vermin at the holidays. Also which states rejected sending forces to Bahrain ?

We see what’s happening with Qatar ?
do you knew when foreign backed terrorist wanted to do the same as they do right now with Syria it was us who answered the Sultan of Oman and sent troop to throw out the terrorists

The Shah's air-strike back then was ordered by the U.S to crush the communist activisits in Thafar (part of Oman). Can't really see this being close to what is going on in Syria.
Actually Kuwait led the request for Iraq to join GCC but Iraq rejected despite 4 out of 6 supporting it, Saudi Arabia and Qatar rejected as expected
Forgive me for saying it, but please also take Iran's objection into consideration. It can’t be overlooked when we talk about post 2003 Iraq.

I hope that doesn’t offend.
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Forgive me for saying it, but please also take Iran's objection into consideration. It can’t be overlooked when we talk about post 2003 Iraq.

I hope that doesn’t offend.

I have no issue with you. Though you can thank Yzd khalifa for people bashing Saudi Arabia here, besides the mentally ill person is following me around on the forum quoting me insulting my country out of nowhere.

Iran has influence yes, that’s no news. However the reason for Iraq rejecting is not because Iran would not be pleased, it’s Iraq joining an alliance and having the entire Iranian front become an enemy, something unfordable especially with the weak military and people are sick of a repeat of the 80’s, despite being in the middle of the warzone being neutral is the only option at this given moment.
I have no issue with you. Though you can thank Yzd khalifa for people bashing Saudi Arabia here, besides the mentally ill person is following me around on the forum quoting me insulting my country out of nowhere.

Iran has influence yes, that’s no news. However the reason for Iraq rejecting is not because Iran would not be pleased, it’s Iraq joining an alliance and having the entire Iranian front become an enemy, something unfordable especially with the weak military and people are sick of a repeat of the 80’s, despite being in the middle of the warzone being neutral is the only option at this given moment.

Fair enough.
Kuwaiti ministers asked Iraq to join the GCC, they have told this to the minister of defence Ad Dulaimi, this news is all over the internet a simple Google search will get it News sources say 4 out of 6 states agreed.

I don't need to search for a damn thing. The news is out there. The Iraqis wanted to join and we said no. It is a simple fact.

Saturday, 02/06/2012

Iraq wants to join the Gulf Cooperation Council

Baghdad, Defense Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi said that his country is seeking to enter the system Cooperation Council countries, Persian Gulf.

said this hope as Iraqis, and we will be an active and important role in the Council, criticizing what you eat some of the media about the situation in Iraq, which plays the tendon difference does not explain the elements of convergence between the people Iraqi Arab and the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula.

The al-Dulaimi, that some media are mouthpieces paid its industry differences and heat up with the Gulf States and then deepened in order to deprive Iraq of returning to the Arab world to play the role expected of it in Arab development and to compensate the errors of the past through the creation of Arab alliance is strong.

Some newspapers write sometimes Topics painful about Iraq as if they were talking about the country gave up its Arabism and the loss of any link with the Arab world, if One of them went to Basra will find that art and culture and fashion are all Gulf, and even the tone of the population as well because it is our gateway to the Gulf.

The al-Dulaimi, said his country is seeking to launch tools and new ideas, calling the Gulf States and Arab building security system in common, and said a nation without security coordination can not promote, because the challenges are many, and we have to cooperate in this aspect, because the challenges are great and the enemies are waiting for the region.

criticized the absence of Arab integration, considering that the project server of the Two Holy Mosques to shift from cooperation of the Federation and integration model for projects that must be adopted by the Arab countries as a group, and the form of bilateral and within the scope of the university in security cooperation as the beginning of the implementation of the security system of joint Arab.

Went Dulaimi said we talked a lot about economic system of the Arab world is not achieved because there is considerable of development in some countries, while in others there are economic problems, and these things because of the different natural resources, but in the security aspects of the total has the willingness and desire and can take part in the system that may be the beginning of cooperation in other aspects.

If Iraq begged they wouldn’t have had rejected

Why not? The first and the last word to decide whether should Iraq become a member of the GCC goes to the member states of the GCC.

infact there is nothing in that organization for a republic,

I don't think we are interested to let a country which has been going under a civil war for 10 years to join us.

this is why Egypt won’t join either

It is an insult to human intelligence to compare coal with gold.

After all these are respectable states, Iraq and Egypt are real states with a civilization and historic identity

The civilization of slaughtering one another? Or the civilization of starving a nation to death or the civilization of violence, and violating international law?

you would still be the same if not for the oil discovery

Without oil, Iraq would have been forced to drink from the gulf's water, and eat the grass.

you still rely on for the large majority despite not having any wars, 100 years of stability, the chance to develop different industries yet what did you Saudis do ? you’re still a joke.

Illiteracy is a bless. We have sat out an industry that goes far beyond your comprehension. From India to China across the UK, to the Atlantic to the US.

While Iraq can't even secure its oil, even the Kurds smuggle your oil, and get away with it.

Everybody takes Iraq as nothing but an utter joke. Be it, the Iranians, the Kurds, the Turks, even the. West refuses to do business with you due to the astronomic lack of security.

Theres more freedom here then in that hellhole of yours for sure lol, as for the chaos and terrorism this is a result because of the many wars and sharing a border with Saudi Barbaria.
It will be better in the future something you’re clearly against.

Talk about your past, you miserable failed, and you will continue to do so, leave the future aside.

I don't see any sort of freedom in a country which forces over half a million of its people to move from one place to another.

I don't see any sort of freedom in a country which uses the Criminal Code of 1969 to shut down any body who speaks against the regime. We don't have this of barbaric kind of codes to criminalize the MSM :lol:

I don’t care what kind of monarchy they are as if I even care whatever the **** they call themselves, be it Emir or king or slave. All I said is that they are a monarchy which is correct.

No body said you should care. We are just here to school you as you seem to have no knowledge.

Well I don’t understand what happened to your mother, you hate and despise us so much did the Iraqi forces rape her in the 90’s to start with ? All you do on PDF is type hate comments and that you spend almost your entire day on, don’t you have something better to do. You follow me everywhere on the forum and start about Iraq while it is completely irrelevant from the subject. So tell us what did we do with you that makes you cry daily.

I don't hate you nor do I like you. I'm just responding to the allegations you have made, and to counter your lies. You claimed that Iraq was invited, and I just wanted to make it clear that nothing has ever happened on any sort. It is you who spends his whole life defending the un-defendables.

The issue is that what you bedouins want is completely irrelevant, the cretin parents of many Saudi and other Gulf states were educated in Iraq since you’re universities were a joke, complete backwardness. We don’t want anything from you, the issue is you’re obsessed with us, you’re obsessed with Iran.

No body said anything about Iran in this discussion.

And so sorry for disappointing you, but by the time where Iraqis were at each other's throats prior to your revolt, there was only two Unis in KSA. All Saudis who went to study abroad went to the US, the UK. Why on earth would they go to Iraq :lol:?

Who actually cares what the UAE and Bahrain think, these are US clients

Iraq itself is a client to the US and another state :rofl:

30 years ago the UAE was a desert, today it runs on a foreign workforce, as for you´re state you’ve had about 100 years of stability but all these bedouins could do is sell oil, not even build you’re own car. With that I mean a real automotive industry, not some clown car or a copied/licensed/western engineered military vechile you’re going to reply with

1- Iraq wouldn't have been what it is - although it is now in a horrible shape - without oil.

2- Iraq itself relies too on foreign workforce, most of the countries all around the world do, no harm.

3- Comparing Iraq to the UAE is a huge embarrassment!

4- We built our on cars, while you couldn't.

5- All GCC states are head and shoulders above Iraq by every single category bro.

You boast about F15’s and Typhoons while you can’t even reverse engineer let alone draw the canopy of that thing.

Why on earth would WE reverse engineer the ET when we happen to be an official member of the Typhoon program?

Same goes with the F-15s which we are building many major components of locally.

Kuwait has a large Shi’a minority, they’re against you’re sectarian hatred on the Shia, Kuwaitis in general are also fed up of their bedouin population holding dual passports Saudi and Kuwaiti, they live 9/10th of the year in Saudi Arabia and visit Kuwait only to vote for their bedouin brothers or spread vermin at the holidays. Also which states rejected sending forces to Bahrain ?

So what? They are a minority after all. Who controls Kuwait is what matters.

I love the Bedouin thing, though I'm an urban, I see nothing of being a Bedouin as long as they don't kill one another like Iraqis.


Kuwaiti ministers asked Iraq to join the GCC, they have told this to the minister of defence Ad Dulaimi, this news is all over the internet a simple Google search will get it News sources say 4 out of 6 states agreed.

If Iraq begged they wouldn’t have had rejected, infact there is nothing in that organization for a republic, this is why Egypt won’t join either. After all these are respectable states, Iraq and Egypt are real states with a civilization and historic identity unlike the bedouin garbage you’re from lol, you would still be the same if not for the oil discovery which you still rely on for the large majority despite not having any wars, 100 years of stability, the chance to develop different industries yet what did you Saudis do ? you’re still a joke.

Theres more freedom here then in that hellhole of yours for sure lol, as for the chaos and terrorism this is a result because of the many wars and sharing a border with Saudi Barbaria.
It will be better in the future something you’re clearly against.

I don’t care what kind of monarchy they are as if I even care whatever the **** they call themselves, be it Emir or king or slave. All I said is that they are a monarchy which is correct.

Well I don’t understand what happened to your mother, you hate and despise us so much did the Iraqi forces rape her in the 90’s to start with ? All you do on PDF is type hate comments and that you spend almost your entire day on, don’t you have something better to do. You follow me everywhere on the forum and start about Iraq while it is completely irrelevant from the subject. So tell us what did we do with you that makes you cry daily.

The issue is that what you bedouins want is completely irrelevant, the cretin parents of many Saudi and other Gulf states were educated in Iraq since you’re universities were a joke, complete backwardness. We don’t want anything from you, the issue is you’re obsessed with us, you’re obsessed with Iran.

Do you see Iranians giving as many fucks about Saudi as you give about Iran? name them

Who actually cares what the UAE and Bahrain think, these are US clients of the region among Qatar and Kuwait whom host thousands of US soldiers/marines. 30 years ago the UAE was a desert, today it runs on a foreign workforce, as for you´re state you’ve had about 100 years of stability but all these bedouins could do is sell oil, not even build you’re own car. With that I mean a real automotive industry, not some clown car or a copied/licensed/western engineered military vechile you’re going to reply with. Iran under sanctions and an 8 year heavy war came far further then you, a simple fact you have trouble accepting.

You boast about F15’s and Typhoons while you can’t even reverse engineer let alone draw the canopy of that thing.

Kuwait has a large Shi’a minority, they’re against you’re sectarian hatred on the Shia, Kuwaitis in general are also fed up of their bedouin population holding dual passports Saudi and Kuwaiti, they live 9/10th of the year in Saudi Arabia and visit Kuwait only to vote for their bedouin brothers or spread vermin at the holidays. Also which states rejected sending forces to Bahrain ?

We see what’s happening with Qatar ?
I don't need to search for a damn thing. The news is out there. The Iraqis wanted to join and we said no. It is a simple fact.

Why not? The first and the last word to decide whether should Iraq become a member of the GCC goes to the member states of the GCC.

I don't think we are interested to let a country which has been going under a civil war for 10 years to join us.

It is an insult to human intelligence to compare coal with gold.
Iraq rejected Kuwait’s invitation.

The civilization of slaughtering one another? Or the civilization of starving a nation to death or the civilization of violence, and violating international law?
Slaughtering Saudis and their terrorists is the current process to clean the land, even Pakistan suffers from your terrorism, almost every state does, you’re people are taught to be terrorists.

Without oil, Iraq would have been forced to drink from the gulf's water, and eat the grass.
At least we have grass, without the oil you’d still be eating a lizard, should a Saudi really start about the oil story ? you had nothing before the oil, the UAE was a desert. Iraq is not in your desert/bedouin category get it through.

it’s funny how Saudis even manage to compare their shit to regional ME states, especially Al-Hasani that covers it all up under Semetic since Saudi Arabia has never been a civilized place of progression.

Illiteracy is a bless. We have sat out an industry that goes far beyond your comprehension. From India to China across the UK, to the Atlantic to the US.

While Iraq can't even secure its oil, even the Kurds smuggle your oil, and get away with it.

Everybody takes Iraq as nothing but an utter joke. Be it, the Iranians, the Kurds, the Turks, even the. West refuses to do business with you due to the astronomic lack of security.
You have no major industry, all you have is oil and gas despite the 100 years of security. Illiteracy is something that defines the history of your state and people.

Talk about your past, you miserable failed, and you will continue to do so, leave the future aside.
Our past is supposed to be shameful ?
We aren’t the ones with a history that defines our identity of roaming a desert and eating lizards.

I don't see any sort of freedom in a country which forces over half a million of its people to move from one place to another.

I don't see any sort of freedom in a country which uses the Criminal Code of 1969 to shut down any body who speaks against the regime. We don't have this of barbaric kind of codes to criminalize the MSM :lol:

No body said you should care. We are just here to school you as you seem to have no knowledge.

You can’t school anyone, therefor noticed the fellow cretins. You spend your time here hating on Iraq and Iran, you’re clearly obsessed and fear them.

I don't hate you nor do I like you. I'm just responding to the allegations you have made, and to counter your lies. You claimed that Iraq was invited, and I just wanted to make it clear that nothing has ever happened on any sort. It is you who spends his whole life defending the un-defendables.
I said Kuwait invited Iraq, I didn’t say it was an official invitation where a simple yes from Iraq would be integration, read instead of assuming.

And so sorry for disappointing you, but by the time where Iraqis were at each other's throats prior to your revolt, there was only two Unis in KSA. All Saudis who went to study abroad went to the US, the UK. Why on earth would they go to Iraq :lol:?
Why don’t you ask your buttfriend @BLACKEAGLE he knows how you cretins were studying here.

Iraq itself is a client to the US and another state :rofl:

1- Iraq wouldn't have been what it is - although it is now in a horrible shape - without oil.

2- Iraq itself relies too on foreign workforce, most of the countries all around the world do, no harm.

3- Comparing Iraq to the UAE is a huge embarrassment!

4- We built our on cars, while you couldn't.

5- All GCC states are head and shoulders above Iraq by every single category bro.

Why on earth would WE reverse engineer the ET when we happen to be an official member of the Typhoon program?

Same goes with the F-15s which we are building many major components of locally.

So what? They are a minority after all. Who controls Kuwait is what matters.

I love the Bedouin thing, though I'm an urban, I see nothing of being a Bedouin as long as they don't kill one another like Iraqis.


Your state is a garbage desert, accept it and get on with it. Again all I see here is you comparing Iraq after all the wars and sanctions to your garbage state since it would be embarrassing to do so before the wars. The things you’re proud of are also garbage it’s just that you don’t see it, Iraq and Iran achieved all that shit decades before you have while all you do is buy it from the US.

You’re no one to talk when you’re a Saudi, it’s the most backward society with half of the youth homosexuals that turn into pedophiles when they grow up, are you denying this ? even a gay Saudi Naifov joined this forum, a defence forum not exactly one that attracts them yet a Saudi gay managed to slip in here lol.

Disliking bedouins & Saudis isn’t racism, backward people just aren’t my favorite.
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