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Roti and Bodybuilding

^ This guys has the right advice

Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger, now look at Mohammad Ali both in their prime. $200 on Ali beating up Schwarzenegger.


Ali has the power and speed he can take punches and give them out. Light on his feet but stings like a bee.

Schwarzenegger has a body, but his muscles are soo focused on strength that he can't take hits. He has so much muscles, he cant eat with his own hands, he has special extended forks and spoons.)
gorey dont eat roti/pratha three times a day but still they are more healthy and have better life expectancy than people live in sub-continent

I guess roti alone is not balanced diet..you also have to eat fruits/vegs/juices/diary products
gorey dont eat roti/pratha three times a day but still they are more healthy and have better life expectancy than people live in sub-continent

I guess roti alone is not balanced diet..you also have to eat fruits/vegs/juices/diary products

Our foods are too oily, sometimes to disgusting extents. On top of that we love sweet stuff (Mithai) No wonder our health conditions are horrible.
Our foods are too oily, sometimes to disgusting extents. On top of that we love sweet stuff (Mithai) No wonder our health conditions are horrible.

yea true and dont forget about too much red chilli and spices they use which dont help your digestion system

and also too much salt and sugar which is not good for health either
By the way, i just bought ON whey & Casein protien just yesterday.



My gym coach advised me to take, whey in the morning and as post workout at the evening and than casein at Night. Is it Okay ?
By the way, i just bought ON whey & Casine protien just yesterday.



My gym coach advised me to take whey in the morning and as post workout at the evening and than casine at Night. Is it Okay ?

I use both ON whey and Casein but stopped Casein as I have reduced weight training(just stick to push ups, pull ups and squats with weights) and added Yoga to increase the flexibility in my body instead of bulking up too much - Whey is easily disgestable which is needed in the morning to feed nutrients to the muscles quickly after fasting in the night whereas Casein is slow digesting and so will feed the muscles in the night as you are sleeping without your body starving and going into a catabolic state for a long time - Catabolism can contribute to muscle loss and so is the reason they recommend taking Casein in the night.
This is to ask any gym goers/bodybuilders in here.
Roti/Parantha is the most common thing in India,Pakistan anyone knows If it's good for bodybuilding?
I looked up online,some said it had great carbs and 1 57g roti has 4-8g protein and healthy fats!
But does it fit?I have used it in limited quantity since I can't get away from it at all.
Views,Experiences appreciated!:D

Good in what sense?

Rotti is rich in carbohydrate and carbohydrates per se provide energy, which of course is needed in bodybuilding.
I use both ON whey and Casein but stopped Casein as I have reduced weight training(just stick to push ups, pull ups and squats with weights) and added Yoga to increase the flexibility in my body instead of bulking up too much - Whey is easily disgestable which is needed in the morning to feed nutrients to the muscles quickly after fasting in the night whereas Casein is slow digesting and so will feed the muscles in the night as you are sleeping without your body starving and going into a catabolic state for a long time - Catabolism can contribute to muscle loss and so is the reason they recommend taking Casein in the night.

Thanks for explaining mate! Just one more question, some people say you should start taking proteins only if you are lifting heavy weight in gym and doing very hard workout otherwise it wont digest in your stomach and hurt our organs, i just started gym a month ago my weight is 78 and height is almost 6 feet. I haven't started lifting heavy weight at the moment but working on increasing the weight lifting strength what you say, should i wait for 1 more month or start taking protein ?
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Thanks for explaining mate! Just one more question, some people say you should start taking proteins only if you are lifting heavy weight in gym and doing very hard workout otherwise it wont digest in your stomach and hurt our organs, i just started gym a month ago my weight is 78 and height is almost 6 feet. I haven't started lifting heavy weight at the moment but working on increasing the weight lifting strength what you say, should i weight for 1 more month or start taking ?

I tend to stick to lots of proteins in each one of the meals I eat(I am in my 30s - so reduced carbs a bit and added proteins while limiting saturated fats to a certain extent but eat mono/poly unsaturated fats) but I eat more complex carbs and take separate fiber powders(I take flax seeds grounded and added to my rotis which has Omega 3s and Fibers) as well to provide more fibers to aid in digestion. And I take Liv52 in a year(Liv52 is such a good Indian medicine that people who take steroids use it for cleansing the liver but I suggest staying away from Steroids as it is very detrimental to the body) for a month or two to clean up my liver to clear off any toxins accumulated. But the thumb rule is take protein from the day you are doing weight training as proteins and carbs are needed to heal the muscle and contribute to muscle growth - you need not wait to take proteins.
@ shashan..you seem to know this subject thoroughly...This potein stuff has always cofused me...hope you can help.
I want to know is this potein supplement bad for your kidney health ?? secondly , I cant digest normla whey protein, is the soy protein equally effective and safe ? and lastly, can the potein supplements be taken by people who do not do weight training and if they do will it harm their health ?? sorry for so many questions togethe but thats pretty much all i always wanted to know.

thanks in advance
I tend to stick to lots of proteins in each one of the meals I eat(I am in my 30s - so reduced carbs a bit and added proteins while limiting saturated fats to a certain extent but eat mono/poly unsaturated fats) but I eat more complex carbs and take separate fiber powders(I take flax seeds grounded and added to my rotis which has Omega 3s and Fibers) as well to provide more fibers to aid in digestion. And I take Liv52 in a year(Liv52 is such a good Indian medicine that people who take steroids use it for cleansing the liver but I suggest staying away from Steroids as it is very detrimental to the body) for a month or two to clean up my liver to clear off any toxins accumulated. But the thumb rule is take protein from the day you are doing weight training as proteins and carbs are needed to heal the muscle and contribute to muscle growth - you need not wait to take proteins.

Ah! Yeah i forgot to tell you that i was also advised to take Himalaya Liv 52 DS, two tablets everyday (morning & evening) along with these Whey & Casein protein.


And for steroids, no way, i am not even married yet, not going to take em before i have 2 or 3 kids. lol

Anyway, thanks for reply mate, i will start my protein shake from tomorrow on :)
@ shashan..you seem to know this subject thoroughly...This potein stuff has always cofused me...hope you can help.
I want to know is this potein supplement bad for your kidney health ?? secondly , I cant digest normla whey protein, is the soy protein equally effective and safe ? and lastly, can the potein supplements be taken by people who do not do weight training and if they do will it harm their health ?? sorry for so many questions togethe but thats pretty much all i always wanted to know.

thanks in advance

I have heard that and in fact I test my urine during the yearly physical checkup for high protein traces in my urine(My mom passed away in her 20s due to failed kidneys and my father had problems in in his 60s due to diabetes and in his last year was not allowed even a small quantity of protein in his diet as it was affecting his kidneys) but I heard my physician say that high proteins will not affect healthy kidneys - I checked some sites like livestrong.com and found it consistent with my doctor's views.

But my personal belief - Indians normally eat less proteins than westerners and so when they eat more proteins they match up with the westerners in their protein intake. For example, we take eggs with breads or rotis or idlis/dosas in the morning but the westerners take sausage,egg,bacon along with bread or oatmeal in the morning. If you can't digest whey protein due to lactose intolerancy as many have that problem - I suggest musclemilk from cytosport - I am prejudiced towards Soy protein as I read it can increase estrogen( though I am not convinced, it has made me prejudiced) - Also I read that Soy has natural MSG which is not a good one.
I have heard that and in fact I test my urine during the yearly physical checkup for high protein traces in my urine(My mom passed away in her 20s due to failed kidneys and my father had problems in in his 60s due to diabetes and in his last year was not allowed even a small quantity of protein in his diet as it was affecting his kidneys) but I heard my physician say that high proteins will not affect healthy kidneys - I checked some sites like livestrong.com and found it consistent with my doctor's views.

But my personal belief - Indians normally eat less proteins than westerners and so when they eat more proteins they match up with the westerners in their protein intake. For example, we take eggs with breads or rotis or idlis/dosas in the morning but the westerners take sausage,egg,bacon along with bread or oatmeal in the morning. If you can't digest whey protein due to lactose intolerancy as many have that problem - I suggest musclemilk from cytosport - I am prejudiced towards Soy protein as I read it can increase estrogen( though I am not convinced, it has made me prejudiced) - Also I read that Soy has natural MSG which is not a good one.

thanks for he prompt reply mate.

musclemilk..hmm will try that..and yes I cant tolerate lactose or caffein at all.

Just want to know your views , my cousin advised me to take "Amino fuel Liquid" (he is already taking it) and so far his results are quite impressive. His 'dola' is above 16 inches now.


What you think about it ? It says, Anabolic Liquid, it isn't steroid ? right ? Please tell me what you think about it.

Thanks :)
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