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ROC Navy to launch new prototype missile boat


Oct 30, 2007
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A domestically produced prototype missile boat will be launched later this month as part of Taiwan's efforts to beef up its naval defense capabilities, the Navy said Sunday.

The launch ceremony for the prototype, which is around 500 tons, is slated to take place March 14 in Suao in the northeastern county of Yilan, the Navy said.

The Lung Teh Shipbuilding was commissioned to build the high-performance boat, a type of patrol craft.

The Navy is planning to to add eight to twelve of the new missile boats to its fleet, according to an anonymous source.

The boat is expected to be equipped with weapons including the Hsiung Feng III and Hsiung Feng II missiles, the source told CNA.

With a range of about 150 kilometers, the supersonic Hsiung Feng III is described as an "aircraft carrier killer." It is manufactured by the Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology in Taoyuan, the Defense Ministry's main research and development unit.

The project to build a new missile boat was implemented as China continues to expand its naval fleet and develop aircraft carriers.

Taiwan to launch new prototype missile boat later this month|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com

Hsun Hai-class corvette




ROC first stealthy missile corvette was christened today 14-03-2014, a development that is expected to give the country's navy a capability to counter larger enemy warships.The 500-ton Tuo River is the first of possibly 12 ships to be built locally under the Hsun Hai (Swift Sea) class program.

The Lung Teh Shipbuilding Company has delivered the corvette in early 2014, in spite of earlier doubts if it had the capability to do so. Further Navy tests will confirm.

The twin-hull corvette , 60.4 meters in length and 14 meters wide, has a maximum speed of 38 knots (70 kilometers per hour) and a range of 2,000 nautical miles. Its speed and low radar signature allows the corvette to get close to enemy targets..

Its armaments include Hsiung Feng II and Hsiung Feng III anti-ship missiles and a crew of 41.

The christening ceremony was held indoors in Suao, Yilan County and the ship will undergo final tests and reviews before it is officially launched. It is expected to be deployed in the first half of 2015.
This is more of a missile boat than corvette.

And everybody's hyping it up like it will destroy Chinese navy. Some are even calling it a carrier killer.

But then again I have heard Filippinos calling for their "Navy" to engage and destroy Chinese navy, and that they are in fact more advanced than China and can built better ships.

So maybe this little ship can be the end of the Chinese navy.
This is more of a missile boat than corvette.

And everybody's hyping it up like it will destroy Chinese navy. Some are even calling it a carrier killer.

But then again I have heard Filippinos calling for their "Navy" to engage and destroy Chinese navy, and that they are in fact more advanced than China and can built better ships.

So maybe this little ship can be the end of the Chinese navy.

It is to counter JMSDF and Pinoy Navy. What makes you think it will fight PLAN? With 2000nm, its good enough to to reach Japan and Pinoy shore.
This is more of a missile boat than corvette.

And everybody's hyping it up like it will destroy Chinese navy. Some are even calling it a carrier killer.

But then again I have heard Filippinos calling for their "Navy" to engage and destroy Chinese navy, and that they are in fact more advanced than China and can built better ships.

So maybe this little ship can be the end of the Chinese navy.

It is to counter JMSDF and Pinoy Navy. What makes you think it will fight PLAN? With 2000nm, its good enough to to reach Japan and Pinoy shore.

actually,Missile boats work very different way than you think.these boats are effective to perform some incursion,quickly track any target,launch its missile and scoot.if effectively performed,this technique can do some heavy damage to enemy infrastructures and warships.about some 43 years ago,India performed this technique against Pakistan Navy.Both Operation Trident and Python sunk several Warships,inflicting hundreds of casualties.same can be said against Egypt's success of sinking Israeli Frigate Eilat.its kind of hit and run technique.and as now ASCMs are far more capable and lethal,danger has increased multifold.

against these boats,generally number and class is deceiving.see,India used 3 missile boats in Operation Trident and one in Operation Python and fired all total 13 P-15 missiles,of which 12 hit its target and destroyed 1 minesweeper,2 destroyers(1 sunk,one write off),several other ships of PN and other shipings,Karachi's Fuel Tank and inflicted heavy casualty(according to reports,some casualty was over 2500 dead and injured) and forced PN to remain at port.

now,as these new Missile Boats are coming up,these will too pose a greate threat.China has its Type-22 which can be armed with C-801 family missiles or Long Range Land Attack Cruise Missiles,and ROC is having this new SWATH designed Missile Craft,both'll have formidable platforms to perform this kind of attack.
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