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Riots in Burma Making Muslims Homeless

Silly Indians don't you know muslims are always the victims. These Buddhists are leading a pogrom against the muslims. India, Isreal, Europe, America, Canada are killing muslims who have never done anything to anyone. 9/11 was an inside job, Pandit Kashmiris still exist and their numbers are expanding exponentially, Sharia law isnt being demanded in the UK. Cultures of the west and India aren't being forced to change to accommodate islam, rather it is the other way around.
Silly Indians don't you know muslims are always the victims. These Buddhists are leading a pogrom against the muslims. India, Isreal, Europe, America, Canada are killing muslims who have never done anything to anyone. 9/11 was an inside job, Pandit Kashmiris still exist and their numbers are expanding exponentially, Sharia law isnt being demanded in the UK. Cultures of the west and India aren't being forced to change to accommodate islam, rather it is the other way around.

An answer to this beautiful post by a islamophobe-

India And Israel are both brothers in crime. They will do anything to tarnish Islam and Muslims. That much is known, which is why they are hated the most in the World. If you say you're Indian and walk out around in the streets of IOK , you will never be seen again. This is the hate Kashmiris have for Indian occupier.

Sharia law is being demanded by a few people in UK, but not enough for the govt to actually see it as a challenge. This rally for Sharia was highlighted by the media just because it said "Sharia" even though the rally was only a few thousands strong.

And cultures keep changing, yeah? Islamic culture was already adopted in Europe and India. Remember the moorish conquest of Spain, the Mughal Empire, the Delhi Sultanates, and the conquest of eastern Europe by the Ottoman Empire?
For example, Eid is celebrated in India, and much of Spanish words are Arabic. Even Madrid, means a fort in Moorish Arabic.
An answer to this beautiful post by a islamophobe-

India And Israel are both brothers in crime. They will do anything to tarnish Islam and Muslims. That much is known, which is why they are hated the most in the World. If you say you're Indian and walk out around in the streets of IOK , you will never be seen again. This is the hate Kashmiris have for Indian occupier.

Sharia law is being demanded by a few people in UK, but not enough for the govt to actually see it as a challenge. This rally for Sharia was highlighted by the media just because it said "Sharia" even though the rally was only a few thousands strong.

And cultures keep changing, yeah? Islamic culture was already adopted in Europe and India. Remember the moorish conquest of Spain, the Mughal Empire, the Delhi Sultanates, and the conquest of eastern Europe by the Ottoman Empire?
For example, Eid is celebrated in India, and much of Spanish words are Arabic. Even Madrid, means a fort in Moorish Arabic.

1st I'm not an islamophobe.

The natural inhabitants of Kashmir are long since dead. What has taken their place are pakistani colonialists. It is a mass migration forced upon by the pak government.

It doesnt change the fact that in the UK their law and order system is being challenged by outsiders. Instead of being humble about their adoptive homeland they hope to recreate what they left behind. If they want sharia go back.
Why isn't China ever part of this Buddhist against Muslim narrative? - when in fact it's China which has the most influence in Burma and China is supposedly closer to Buddhism. Come to think of it China would surely want lesser trouble making Islamists near it's border, also Chinese influence in Sri lanka increases and we see the Sri Lankan Buddhists going after their own Muslim brethren.

and India gets blamed because Zaid Hamid said so..:disagree:

Because we don't make a lot of noise about it. We just handle things quietly. :P

Plus, we never really do things "because of Buddhism".

Buddhism is not a political issue in China, it's just a part of the culture, and a guideline on how to live a good life.
1st I'm not an islamophobe.

The natural inhabitants of Kashmir are long since dead. What has taken their place are pakistani colonialists. It is a mass migration forced upon by the pak government.

It doesnt change the fact that in the UK their law and order system is being challenged by outsiders. Instead of being humble about their adoptive homeland they hope to recreate what they left behind. If they want sharia go back.

The natural inhabitants of Kashmir are converted Brahmins

Islam became majority, and once anti Hindu sentiments rose in Kashmir after Indian occupation, Kashmiri pundits were forced out. In a way, you guys caused it on yourself. Don't cry now.

It's why you never slap a lion?

And UK is progressive, modern DEMOCRACY, something you Indians would not understand.
The UK allows demonstrations.
If Kashmiris were to hold demonstrations in India however, there would be fresh new "unmarked graves", yeah?
India is promoting these attacks and encouraging the Myanmar govt to oppress muslims!

The Democratic Karen Buddhist Army calls the Muslims there "Ma Aye Loh Ka La".Now don't ask the meaning.It does not sound good for an Indian.
The Democratic Karen Buddhist Army calls the Muslims there "Ma Aye Loh Ka La".Now don't ask the meaning.It does not sound good for an Indian.

It means "Indian M*****f*ckers".

It shows that not only is the Myanmar Army murderers and killers, but thy are also very ignorant.
After Christian and Jews we used to hear Hindus name attacking on Muslims.
But nowadays Budhists are coming on lights.
It seems to me Hindus are now more peaceful than Budhists.
So I can compare these two less aggressive groups suppressing one another :)

Another way of looking at this is that now everyone including the hitherto peaceful Buddhists have become anti Muslim ?

Wondered why ?
Because we don't make a lot of noise about it. We just handle things quietly. :P

Plus, we never really do things "because of Buddhism".

Buddhism is not a political issue in China, it's just a part of the culture, and a guideline on how to live a good life.

Like we do elsewhere ;). Congrats in fooling the fools yet again.
You are advocating assassination of an individual on a public forum. If someone takes enough interest it would not take long before the website owners - for no fault of their own- can be asked to give up your IP address. From there on...

I'm scared....where were your voice when peace lady openly said in BBC interview that we Bangladeshi are infiltrating Muslim inside Myanmar and BD is the main cause behind the unrest in Arakan?
Silly Indians don't you know muslims are always the victims. These Buddhists are leading a pogrom against the muslims. India, Isreal, Europe, America, Canada are killing muslims who have never done anything to anyone. 9/11 was an inside job, Pandit Kashmiris still exist and their numbers are expanding exponentially, Sharia law isnt being demanded in the UK. Cultures of the west and India aren't being forced to change to accommodate islam, rather it is the other way around.

The heck did I just read? :lol:
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