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Rigging by IK

You or me are also not currupt leader because we never got the chance to rule. Imran is better or worse leader is all assumptions which are equally valid
You are correct to some extent but don't forget that there are dozens if not hundreds of politicians who never got the chance to actually rule yet are extremely corrupt.

Its his first time in kpk so time will tell us..
Till now, his party has made quite a bit of immediately tangible progress and laid a lot of foundations for the long term. Better performance than anything Pakistan has seen for a while.

looking at his non stop jalse dharne it seem he is proving himself confuse ,immature egoistic, stubborn politician
His demands are (or at least were) perfectly legitimate. People tend to exaggerate his 'ego' way too much. In actuality, he sincerely believes that what he's doing is for the betterment of Pakistan - and the original demands certainly were perfect for Pakistan's long term democracy. Investigating four constituencies and reforming the electoral system benefits Pakistan and no one else.

The non-stop dharnay and jalse are to be blamed on PMLN - they expected their intimidation and dirty politics to work, well, they haven't till now.
Present performance: tens of people killed in his hometown Lahore, hundreds injured. Same in Islamabad during sit-ins.

People killed due to instigation towards violence. Had there not been the Mullah or IK, none of those people would've been killed. So IK and Mullah are directly responsible for those innocent lives. Here's what's really sad if you want to talk about performance.......the Mullah who got people killed, got a FAT paycheck. He also agreed to "fade away" from the political scene in a "respectful" manner. Now you are seeing him getting "sick" all the time and eventually, he'll go back to Canada. Show ends.
IK is in the similar league, he's used people's money with lies to pay back with heavy returns once he becomes a PM. Well not happening. IK was brought in by Musharraff to be a counter force to NS and PPP. Guess what? the supposed to be counter force, became counter Pakistan and counter democratic system. Still of NO big value and it'll remain so. IK is hell bent on starting a Civil War so he can get his Pashtunistan and can break Pakistan. He needs to be arrested and tried under treason!
You are correct to some extent but don't forget that there are dozens if not hundreds of politicians who never got the chance to actually rule yet are extremely corrupt.

Till now, his party has made quite a bit of immediately tangible progress and laid a lot of foundations for the long term. Better performance than anything Pakistan has seen for a while.

People tend to exaggerate his 'ego' way too much. .

See bold above. Hundreds of politicians who don't get to rule because people don't like their agenda and don't vote for them. So will be the story behind IK after his political career ends in the next few months. Otherwise, he'll break Pakistan through a civil war.

Progress in KPK......and tangible? Like a website where you can go and file complaints online against the police (LOL)? Yahoo sells those types of sites for $ 9 a month!!! What else? small air-run little buckets of water than run on little canals to produce like .5 megawatts of energy :)?? These are REALLY tangible long term. Defined by a total value of less than $ 10.

And I am a witness of his ego many times. Trust me, if you don't know it, you are either lying or are seriously misguided like the rest of you who support him. This guys is flat our rude and mean to innocent poor people. There is no if or but about it. I've literally seen this behavior standing DIRECTLY next to him, within one foot.
PMLN supporters be like:

(about NS)
''Why are you judging Nawaz Sharif by his corruption in the past, that is past, judge him by present performance, bla bla''

(about IK)
''See, PTI asked for seats ten years ago (in an exaggerated political-rhetorical demand), they are evil Yahoodi Nazi Talibans!!''

and yes, IK's past is still spotless when compared to every other politician in Pakistan. He did not commit a crime, he talked about doing something that could have been criminal.

Talking about political/election stuff with other politicians =/= Rigging.

Printing extra ballots, manipulating NADRA and ECP, corrupting magnetic ink, blocking investigations and opposing electoral reform == Rigging.
spotless and no crime?

Under constitution, he's guilty of having sex outside marriage. He even has a daughter, who he refused to acknowledged.
. .
Back again now are we?

When up to eighty thousand votes in a single constituency can be bogus, votes have no value. Not without electoral reform

Progress in KPK......and tangible? Like a website where you can go and file complaints online against the police (LOL)? Yahoo sells those types of sites for $ 9 a month!!! What else? small air-run little buckets of water than run on little canals to produce like .5 megawatts of energy :)?? These are REALLY tangible long term. Defined by a total value of less than $ 10.

I have facts:
1) Power Generation & New Dams

  1. South Asian News Agency | Federal govt assures KPK govt of cooperation to start 25,000 megawatt hydel power projects in KPK
  2. CM Pervez Khattak approved 100 Crore for Kehala small dam in Abbotabad
  3. Two micro hydro power plants inaugurated: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government seeks to restart closed projects, says Imran | Business Recorder
  4. KPK Govt to start work on four energy projects (457 MW total)
  5. Economic ties: Chinese investors to establish 25 hydel power stations in KPK
  6. Imran Khan inaugurated micro hydroelectric power plant in KPK |
  7. Dunya News: Pakistan:p:ak-French hydropower project inaugurated in KPK...
  8. France provides 61mn euros to Pakistan for two hydropower projects (775 MW total)
  9. Galaxy Technologies to invest $2 Billion in Hydro projects in KPK (1000 MW)
  10. K-P govt approves extensive energy plan – The Express Tribune (A total of 365 small hydro projects all over KPK, with 80% funds to be provided by KP govt. 25,760MW will be generated in next 10 years, costing Rs10.38 trillion)
  11. Imran Khan announces 350 small dams all over KPK
  12. 17.4 megawatt Gomal Zam Dam project starts power generation
  13. 24MW hydropower project to bring progress to Mansehra - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

2) Police, Justis (Law & Order):

  1. People can now file FIR online in KPK
  2. KP women to get police help through SMS - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  3. KP police raise Special Combat Unit
  4. Robot comes to the rescue: Bomb defused in Peshawar – The Express Tribune
  5. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police use modern technology - Central Asia Online
  6. KPK police get latest SIM technology to trace stolen vehicles | Pakistan Today
  7. State-of-the-art: Police to be equipped with mobile phone tracking – The Express Tribune
  8. KPK announces its own secret intelligence agency
  9. ‘Justice on Wheels’: Mobile court all set to deliver prompt justice – The Express Tribune
  10. Talking about a resolution: City gets its first Dispute Resolution Council – The Express Tribune
  11. KPK right to information ordinance 2013 | keeping Gov's Accountable | KPK Government Achievements
  12. E-Citizens Grievance Redressal System — a unique justice system implemented in KPK

3) Health:

  1. PTI govt would install Robot Surgery machines in the tertiary hospitals, Minister | Pakistan News
  2. ‘Sehat Ka Insaf’ a complete health package for KP children - Newspaper - DAWN.COM (11 rounds completed so far, with around 5 - 7 Lac kids being vaccinated in each round)
  3. Drop by drop, Sehat ka Insaf fights crippling disease – The Express Tribune
  4. Imran Khan Announced to Establish a Foundation Under KPK Govt. For Orphans, Widows and Disabled Persons
  5. http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/201...n-for-welfare-of-disabled-persons-imran-khan/
  6. Result of successful Anti-Polio Drive, for the first time in history no polio virus found from Peshawar. PPP in Sindh acknowledges KPK's drive and looks to copy it in Sindh.
4) Education:

  1. EDUCATION EMERGENCY DECLARED IN Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - 15 Lakh New Enrollments Target, Scholarship for Female Students from Class 1 to 10th
  2. Education becoming Educated in KPK
  3. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa launch School Enrollment Drive (September 10, 2013)
  4. KP sets 1.8m target for school enrolment - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  5. BBC Report on KPK Drive for Education
  6. KPK enrolment drive gets record response
  8. KPK: 80,000 kanal land purchased for education city.
  9. KPK education city attracts international universities
  10. Foreign credentials: International universities show keen interest in K-P Education City – The Express Tribune
  11. KP government expedites efforts to set up Education City - thenews.com.pk
  12. KPK: Real change. Uniform education system in KPK. | Tune.pk
  13. Introducing uniform education system in KPK, a feather in PTI’s cap
  14. KPK Govt. Decided To Set English Language as the Medium of Education in Schools
  15. K-P to have technical university – The Express Tribune

5) Anti Corruption:

  1. KP Ehtesab Commission at hand as assembly passes bill - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  2. KPK Accountability Commission set up
  3. PTI expels QWP from KPK coalition over ‘corruption’
  4. News from KPK where being a patwari is no longer fun - Zameen Blog
  5. How independent are the police in KPK - thenews.com.pk
  6. KPK is the Only Province where is No Political Interference in Police - IG Nasir Durrani
  7. Caught in the act: K-P to fight corruption with Ehtesab courts – The Express Tribune

6) Economy & Development:

  1. Rs1.4b plan prepared for two industrial estates - thenews.com.pk
  2. Rs19.6 billion projects approved - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  3. Feasibility process for Rapid Mass Transit System initiated - thenews.com.pk
  4. Speedy work on Peshawar mass transit system ordered - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  5. 3 provinces fail to achieve NFC target - Newspaper - DAWN.COM (Only KPK achieves NFC targets)
  6. KP to have industrial estate management - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  7. KP takes its industrial roadshow to Dubai, London - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  8. Workers of the world: Province to have four new industrial zones – The Express Tribune
  9. Fresh start: K-P set to rebuild ‘City of Flowers’ – The Express Tribune
  10. KPK provincial tax collection increased by 216%
  11. ADB promises support for mega projects - Newspaper - DAWN.COM (Asian Development Bank to help mega projects)
  12. PTI govt surpasses previous rulers in getting foreign contribution - thenews.com.pk
While you have lies.

Trust me,
Says the guy who lies twice after every sentence.

This guys is flat our rude and mean to innocent poor people.
This is a complete lie, unless you consider this to be rude and mean:

I've literally seen this behavior standing DIRECTLY next to him, within one foot.
Yeah yeah, just like you debated him on CNN and speak eleven languages. You might want to start reading the mental health links you keep posting here.

I have facts and you have lies - nothing's ever going to change that except you refuting every one of the facts I provided. Considering you haven't been able to prove me wrong even once, logically I am right and you are wrong.

Be a man like you said you were and stop running away from my arguments. You still haven't responded to the ones here:
King of the jungle: Armed force part of proposed legislation to guard wildlife in KPK! | Page 3
Dama-Dum Mast In KPK | Page 6
Imran Khan: Nawaz has allocated 0.5% budget to "flop sit-ins"

Until you prove those wrong, I will continue copy-pasting from them and shredding your pathetic excuse of an argument.

''Veritas vincit'' - The truth prevails
When up to eighty thousand votes in a single constituency can be bogus, votes have no value. Not without electoral reform. I have facts:

JUSY 80 thousand??? Common man, raise it to like 800K. Everything you, IK say and do is propaganda and a lie so you can increase to astronomical numbers. I am sure no one will mind as everyone's used to hearing IK's grandiose statements in large numbers.
You have "FACTS"......like the ones IK has? Which haven't produced a jack in the supreme court or in front of any other law enforcement....??

1) Instigating people to violence and get injured or killed is unethical, extremism based politics by IK
2) Forcing to stop business activity when the majority of the population isn't even agreeing to violence and civil disobedience, is wrong and it should be punished
3) Abusive language towards others, politicians, their daughters, the Election Commission, the Chief Justice and all.....WHO does that? An educated person or a third class individual who's teaching extremism or violence to young generation
4) No progress in KPK. Nothing really strategic or big projects, just small stuff like a website to complain about the police. You can build that type of stuff through yahoo and they charge you $ 9 to even host it.

You can't gamble on the entire country to get you a PM seat. That's dangerous and will start a civil war. Just like they predicted in India and UK and published a new map of divided Pakistan from 2015!!!! This is where this guys headed with Pakistan.
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JUSY 80 thousand??? Common man, raise it to like 800K.
Eighty thousand in some constituencies.
Everything you, IK say and do is propaganda and a lie
Prove a single one of my statements false with at least one link to a credible news source. I challenge you.
you can increase to astronomical numbers.
The numbers I quote are provided by the ECP, Election Tribunals and our beloved Interior Minister himself. Unless they increase to astronomical numbers, I can't (because my religion and upbringing prohibits lying).

the ones IK has? Which haven't produced a jack in the supreme court or in front of any other law enforcement....??
This is a lie. Let me show you why:

Instigating people to violence and get injured or killed is unethical, extremism based politics by IK
But getting fourteen people murdered is perfectly ethical by PMLN. Hypocrite.

Abusive language towards others, politicians, their daughters, the Election Commission, the Chief Justice and all.
He never abused politicians (unless you consider 'Diesel' to be abusive, in which case I feel sorry for Vin Diesel), their daughters (legitimate and civilized criticism of Maryam Nawaz was in no way abusive) or the election commission or the Supreme court.
That makes 5 lies in one sentence - well done.

No progress in KPK.
This is your seventh lie in one post.
Everything in the quotes below is progress - prove it all false, I challenge you.
1) Power Generation & New Dams

  1. South Asian News Agency | Federal govt assures KPK govt of cooperation to start 25,000 megawatt hydel power projects in KPK
  2. CM Pervez Khattak approved 100 Crore for Kehala small dam in Abbotabad
  3. Two micro hydro power plants inaugurated: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government seeks to restart closed projects, says Imran | Business Recorder
  4. KPK Govt to start work on four energy projects (457 MW total)
  5. Economic ties: Chinese investors to establish 25 hydel power stations in KPK
  6. Imran Khan inaugurated micro hydroelectric power plant in KPK |
  7. Dunya News: Pakistan:p:ak-French hydropower project inaugurated in KPK...
  8. France provides 61mn euros to Pakistan for two hydropower projects (775 MW total)
  9. Galaxy Technologies to invest $2 Billion in Hydro projects in KPK (1000 MW)
  10. K-P govt approves extensive energy plan – The Express Tribune (A total of 365 small hydro projects all over KPK, with 80% funds to be provided by KP govt. 25,760MW will be generated in next 10 years, costing Rs10.38 trillion)
  11. Imran Khan announces 350 small dams all over KPK
  12. 17.4 megawatt Gomal Zam Dam project starts power generation
  13. 24MW hydropower project to bring progress to Mansehra - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

2) Police, Justis (Law & Order):

  1. People can now file FIR online in KPK
  2. KP women to get police help through SMS - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  3. KP police raise Special Combat Unit
  4. Robot comes to the rescue: Bomb defused in Peshawar – The Express Tribune
  5. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police use modern technology - Central Asia Online
  6. KPK police get latest SIM technology to trace stolen vehicles | Pakistan Today
  7. State-of-the-art: Police to be equipped with mobile phone tracking – The Express Tribune
  8. KPK announces its own secret intelligence agency
  9. ‘Justice on Wheels’: Mobile court all set to deliver prompt justice – The Express Tribune
  10. Talking about a resolution: City gets its first Dispute Resolution Council – The Express Tribune
  11. KPK right to information ordinance 2013 | keeping Gov's Accountable | KPK Government Achievements
  12. E-Citizens Grievance Redressal System — a unique justice system implemented in KPK

3) Health:

  1. PTI govt would install Robot Surgery machines in the tertiary hospitals, Minister | Pakistan News
  2. ‘Sehat Ka Insaf’ a complete health package for KP children - Newspaper - DAWN.COM (11 rounds completed so far, with around 5 - 7 Lac kids being vaccinated in each round)
  3. Drop by drop, Sehat ka Insaf fights crippling disease – The Express Tribune
  4. Imran Khan Announced to Establish a Foundation Under KPK Govt. For Orphans, Widows and Disabled Persons
  5. http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/201...n-for-welfare-of-disabled-persons-imran-khan/
  6. Result of successful Anti-Polio Drive, for the first time in history no polio virus found from Peshawar. PPP in Sindh acknowledges KPK's drive and looks to copy it in Sindh.
4) Education:

  1. EDUCATION EMERGENCY DECLARED IN Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - 15 Lakh New Enrollments Target, Scholarship for Female Students from Class 1 to 10th
  2. Education becoming Educated in KPK
  3. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa launch School Enrollment Drive (September 10, 2013)
  4. KP sets 1.8m target for school enrolment - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  5. BBC Report on KPK Drive for Education
  6. KPK enrolment drive gets record response
  8. KPK: 80,000 kanal land purchased for education city.
  9. KPK education city attracts international universities
  10. Foreign credentials: International universities show keen interest in K-P Education City – The Express Tribune
  11. KP government expedites efforts to set up Education City - thenews.com.pk
  12. KPK: Real change. Uniform education system in KPK. | Tune.pk
  13. Introducing uniform education system in KPK, a feather in PTI’s cap
  14. KPK Govt. Decided To Set English Language as the Medium of Education in Schools
  15. K-P to have technical university – The Express Tribune

5) Anti Corruption:

  1. KP Ehtesab Commission at hand as assembly passes bill - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  2. KPK Accountability Commission set up
  3. PTI expels QWP from KPK coalition over ‘corruption’
  4. News from KPK where being a patwari is no longer fun - Zameen Blog
  5. How independent are the police in KPK - thenews.com.pk
  6. KPK is the Only Province where is No Political Interference in Police - IG Nasir Durrani
  7. Caught in the act: K-P to fight corruption with Ehtesab courts – The Express Tribune

6) Economy & Development:

  1. Rs1.4b plan prepared for two industrial estates - thenews.com.pk
  2. Rs19.6 billion projects approved - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  3. Feasibility process for Rapid Mass Transit System initiated - thenews.com.pk
  4. Speedy work on Peshawar mass transit system ordered - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  5. 3 provinces fail to achieve NFC target - Newspaper - DAWN.COM (Only KPK achieves NFC targets)
  6. KP to have industrial estate management - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  7. KP takes its industrial roadshow to Dubai, London - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  8. Workers of the world: Province to have four new industrial zones – The Express Tribune
  9. Fresh start: K-P set to rebuild ‘City of Flowers’ – The Express Tribune
  10. KPK provincial tax collection increased by 216%
  11. ADB promises support for mega projects - Newspaper - DAWN.COM (Asian Development Bank to help mega projects)
  12. PTI govt surpasses previous rulers in getting foreign contribution - thenews.com.pk

to get you a PM seat.
Your 8th lie. I have proven this to be a lie in post #15 here.

''Adhuc sub iudice lis est''- The case is still before the court
spotless and no crime?
I said:
when compared to every other politician in Pakistan

Under constitution, he's guilty of having *** outside marriage. He even has a daughter, who he refused to acknowledged.
It was outside Pakistani jurisdiction in a case he refused to fight - there was no proof against him. To apply those sections of the constitution, they'd need to get a DNA test from him and his 'daughter'.

By all means, they can go ahead.
The law is hard, but it is the law. Apply it properly or don't apply it at all.
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I said:

It was outside Pakistani jurisdiction in a case he refused to fight - there was no proof against him. To apply those sections of the constitution, they'd need to get a DNA test from him and his 'daughter'.

By all means, they can go ahead.
The law is hard, but it is the law. Apply it properly or don't apply it at all.
do you know the meaning of spotless? and no?

I'm sorry, I didn't know people in Britain didn't know meaning of spotless and no.

Here, I'll paste the definition for you:

  1. absolutely clean or pure; immaculate.
    "a spotless white apron"
    synonyms: perfectly clean, ultraclean, pristine, immaculate, shining, shiny, gleaming,spick and span
    "the kitchen was spotless"


Also, what he did, he's not allowed to hold public office. Lets say you're a constitution breaker and everyone knows about it, but since it's allowed in US, it doesn't mean one can't be held responsible in Pakistan, especially when he's holding public office.

Oh and on a final note, apply properly or don't apply law at all? Crazy talk there. I'd like to know what you're smoking. Just because some people are above law doesn't mean law needs to be gotten rid of. Even Briton has problem, with those ministers facing child abuse charges. The law wasn't applied onto them (hence they got away with it for years), but Briton is not thinking of abolishing of law because it wasn't applied properly.
It was outside Pakistani jurisdiction in a case he refused to fight - there was no proof against him. To apply those sections of the constitution, they'd need to get a DNA test from him and his 'daughter'.

The law is hard, but it is the law. Apply it properly or don't apply it at all.

1) So someone commits a crime outside of Pakistan and that's ok? How about you leave the UK and go somewhere else where they support such extremists type, disloyal mentality where you think you can commit a crime in the West and run away to Pakistan. And THAT's OK?
The guy lied about his own daughter, he lied to the entire nation about rigging and is STILL lying to everyone on daily basis. He wants to break Pakistan into ethnic pieces and be a PM of the Pashtunistan in 2015. Seems like you are with him on it.

2) So IK has the ability to be above the law? You said above "Apply the law properly or don't apply it at all".

Wow, and you and your IK has the right to determine which law should be applicable and what "quantity" is rightly applicable or not?? What about the legal court system?

Obviously, the top paragraph of yours tells us you and your IK don't care about the Western law system (as IK was convicted in the US, but he keeps talking about the good things within the Western law system on top of the container) and then, he breaks the laws in Pakistan and you are ok with him just breaking laws? What kinda illiterate mentality is that?

So the question is, IK commits crime in the West and you say "its ok, it was outside of Pakistan", so he's above the law when he clearly violates the Western law. Then, you say that he can attack the parliament, get people killed and put the entire country on the path to destruction.....and THAT's ok too. Because you and IK don't think law is being applied right........what are you and IK from 14th century?

This entire explanation tells me people like you and IK, don't care about the law overall. Whether its in Pakistan or in the West. But you pretend to follow the laws in the West so to make $$ and so you can support this lawless activity in Pakistan.
Try attacking a parliament or something in the West. I can assure you, you'll spend the rest of your life in a cell without internet. And here you are, showing total disrespect for multiple legal systems and a convicted criminal like IK breaks whatever law he wants to (by both, the US courts and from the Pakistani courts at this point).
Only way to stop this is if this weakened government put Imran Khan Niazi in jail, to this call of civil war.

Basically with focus on Punjab, Imran Khan with rigging and then looting rich Punjabis dry with funds to satisfy his own ego of power. A complete fool of making innocent Punjabis follow him everywhere, a great justice and service of Niazi, the (Punjabi side) of Imran Khan Niazi is doing to them by this. Can PTI and IK think of a better peaceful strategy to wheel jam to weaken government more, y this civil disobedience sham again & again?

Imran Khan is calling for civil war, Wheel Jam in Punjab and Karachi Sindh only, means more destruction, more loss of infrastructure, waste of continuous money and nothing of that sort in KPK, ever wondered why?

Today is 2 December 2014, 30th November gone,

for you i just want to say hehehehehehehe

Mission PM ship since 1996

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