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Hassan Nisars thoughts about Pakistan

Are you Agree with Hassan Nisar?

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    Votes: 16 28.1%
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    Votes: 32 56.1%
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    Votes: 9 15.8%

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He is a $tupid critic.

Ask him if his grand father lived better than him. if his grand father had a bigger house and a bigger car (heck even if he had a car)

heck even his father lived better than him.

The answer will be big fing no


you need to come Pakistan and visit here first.

Don't rely on self haters to view Pakistan.

Thank you

Brother I am not dependent on him to form my opinion, rather its you people who help me around to know about Pakistan.
Secondly I take his criticism in positive manner n even wanted some one here(India) to have same critical acumen as him when it comes to awake the masses.....

Surely I would like to visit Pakistan oneday when our(indo-Pak) relationship normalize.....
And Indians love him so much for that when it comes to bashing Pakistan.

Nope that's not true ... Check my post above post ..
Exactly,plus his knowledge on history and islam is so extensive that these extremists just melt in front of him:lol:

I can still remember watching one particular program in which the Mullah was literally dancing on his chair and looked agitated as Hassan Nisar was delivering one of his discourses.:laughcry:
I can still remember watching one particular program in which the Mullah was literally dancing on his chair and looked agitated as Hassan Nisar was delivering one of his discourses.:laughcry:

The guy has an extensive knowledge,i am totally impressed by him.As i said before the things he talks about are equally applicable to india too:cry:
Every Pakistani was aware of the problems - heck, even 90 year old grand mothers were aware of the problems before this guy chose to become a "national philosopher and thinker". Who in this country didn't know that food was impure, life saving drugs were fake, politicians were corrupt and Mullahs were paedophiles? Didn't people know about these problems before this "thinker" started to harping about these problems in every single program? Instead of appreciating Ibrar for helping flood victims he is barking like a rabid dog (talking about the video somebody has posted above). At least people like Ibrar go out and do whatever they can do to help common people unlike this moron who just sits and criticizes everything for the sake of criticism.

No, the majority of people don't know or don't care. This kind of stuff should be rammed down their throats, to live in a society with all these ills and yet still take no action against is worse then committing them. If, like you say every Pakistani knows these problems, then please tell me why do we still get the same politicians voted in? Why are the Mullahs still carried on shoulders and treated like demi Gods?

"Mirror's work is to show the real reflection of the object in front of it.... you cant blame a mirror for the scars which you have on your face.... rather you should accept the problem and should get the scars treated...."
You should be proud for having such a shiny and heavy silver nitrate coated mirror which makes you aware of your problem which no one else does...
Nope that's not true ... Check my post above post ..

Go to Youtube and check Indian comments.. You will find out.
Go to Youtube and check Indian comments.. You will find out.

Society consists of all kind of people.. Secondly before coming here in pdf I also used to view Pakistan same way but here people like you helping me changing the perception(but my stance on proxy terrorism/ violence by Pakistan remain unchanged)...
Society consists of all kind of people.. Secondly before coming here in pdf I also used to view Pakistan same way but here people like you helping me changing the perception(but my stance on proxy terrorism/ violence by Pakistan remain unchanged)...

I exactly think like you. My view on proxy war & terrorism by India is the same. You cannot clap with one hand.
I exactly think like you. My view on proxy war & terrorism by India is the same. You cannot clap with one hand.

Brother terrorism is subjective debate which is not the subject either now......
Brother terrorism is subjective debate which is not the subject either now......

You are probably right. But think of my point as well.
Every Pakistani was aware of the problems - heck, even 90 year old grand mothers were aware of the problems before this guy chose to become a "national philosopher and thinker". Who in this country didn't know that food was impure, life saving drugs were fake, politicians were corrupt and Mullahs were paedophiles? Didn't people know about these problems before this "thinker" started to harping about these problems in every single program? Instead of appreciating Ibrar for helping flood victims he is barking like a rabid dog (talking about the video somebody has posted above). At least people like Ibrar go out and do whatever they can do to help common people unlike this moron who just sits and criticizes everything for the sake of criticism.

The problem with Pakistan's liberals, they know how to criticize but they have no solutions.
No, the majority of people don't know or don't care. This kind of stuff should be rammed down their throats, to live in a society with all these ills and yet still take no action against is worse then committing them. If, like you say every Pakistani knows these problems, then please tell me why do we still get the same politicians voted in? Why are the Mullahs still carried on shoulders and treated like demi Gods?
They hate Nissar, they hate Malala, they hate Najam Sethi among numerous others because of some weird form of Omerta operating between Pakistanis where in they think not talking about it means no problem exists.

If everyone knew the problem then why has the problem not been rectified.

I would have loved it if Hassan Nisar was an Indian citizen and criticized India or Sethi was an Indian. They are assets to any society they go to. Arundhati Roy is exponentially more extreme than these gentlemen and I still feel that people like Roy are needed in every society.

If only these people - including Malala - would take up Indian citizenship it would be a win-win. The patriotic Pakistanis would be happy to remove 'traitors' from their midst and India would be a better place for having them.
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I don't agree with what he's saying. What he's saying seems meaningless to me.
Boohoo times are bad, boohoo woe is me it's not my fault. Okay, so now what?

Don't get me wrong, I bash our people all the time. Just not like he's doing.
And still say Pakistan k auqaat nhi muje kuch dey sakey..ungrateful bast...

One minute calling Pakistan mother, the next...
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