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Reusable hypersonic BRAHMOS should be developed: Dr. Kalam

Might be like NASA spacecrafts with vertical takeoff & runway landing where only a tiny protion of missile containing navigation hardware will come back. But still, how will Radars & awacs cope up with them is an issue.
Oh com on guys!stop all these damn speculation!We still don't know whau exactly Mr Kalam told.Remember we have got some dumb fanboys as defence journos who don't know anything about defence and report bulshit.Example-DRDO develops tech to fight alien in the water,DRDO makes interceptor that can intercept bm from 5000km away and so on.Basicaly a reusable missile is not fisible because after u recover it u will have to send it to factory to rearm and by the time it will arrive the war will very well be ended.Besides it will be much costlyer than a normal missile.Most probably he told about a hypersonic ucav which is much more fissible.
This was a new report sometime ago...

Mr APJ Abdul Kalam has stated in an interview that India is trying to build a long-range missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead which can be used nearly 100 times. The design of the missile is in the conceptual stage. It will be completed in 3-4 years. It is a combination of aircraft cruise missile and remotely piloted vehicle. The reusable missile can travel at hypersonic speed. It will be made of composite material to prevent detection by radar. The Defence Research and Development Organisation plans to make a formal proposal to the Ministry of Defence for funding.


This was a new report sometime ago...

Mr APJ Abdul Kalam has stated in an interview that India is trying to build a long-range missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead which can be used nearly 100 times. The design of the missile is in the conceptual stage. It will be completed in 3-4 years. It is a combination of aircraft cruise missile and remotely piloted vehicle. The reusable missile can travel at hypersonic speed. It will be made of composite material to prevent detection by radar. The Defence Research and Development Organisation plans to make a formal proposal to the Ministry of Defence for funding.



As I said earlier,in this article Dr Kalam was talking about the AVATAR Hyperplane,a hypersonic ucav based on ISRO's reusable sattelite launch vehicle powerd by scramjet-rocket propulsion not a reusable missile.Same mistake by our dumb journos asusal.
As I said earlier,in this article Dr Kalam was talking about the AVATAR Hyperplane,a hypersonic ucav based on ISRO's reusable sattelite launch vehicle powerd by scramjet-rocket propulsion not a reusable missile.Same mistake by our dumb journos asusal.

Actually, kalam has said many times that he will use this tech for a missile specifically, To my guess it will could be a UCAV, or it could be a loitering weapon like the Israeli ones Navy has, this tech is feasible.....and thats what he is talking about.
As I said earlier,in this article Dr Kalam was talking about the AVATAR Hyperplane,a hypersonic ucav based on ISRO's reusable sattelite launch vehicle powerd by scramjet-rocket propulsion not a reusable missile.Same mistake by our dumb journos asusal.

You r right bro! It should be AVATAR - Reusable Satelite Launcher.. The journos probably made a wrong interpretation of his msg.. Dr. Kalam Rocks!
er...okay, back to the topic.

How does this "reusable" cruise missile work exactly? I have never heard of such term.

A small correction. No one ever said it is a reusable cruise missile. They mentioned it as aRLV( Reusable launch vehicle)

It was meant for 2 purposes by 2 different organisations. RLV( ISRO) is meant to deliver sats in LEO and return back safely. While RLV(DRDO) is meant to deliver warheads at far off distances at high speeds.

I meant the same. We are talking here about 'hypersonic' missile. how will it deccelerate and then 'safely' come to rest to be able to retreive & reused? Maybe, using parachutes it can be done. But imagine a war scenario, where scores of hostile missiles as well as these returning brahmos will confuse the AWACS.

It doesnt work that way like one speculates. I posted some details in my previous post on how a RLV will be used.

2 basic methods of recovering an aircraft. 1) belly landing using parachute 2) landing on a runway with wheels.
the former makes it simple and cost effective, but needs to be assembled with a booster at the manufacturing plant before every launch while the later is a common method but is costly and design intensive.

An AWACS basically tracks 100`s of friendly and enemy aircrafts.It wont be an issue if RLV is equipped with IFF transponder.

A regarding some people questions about the mechanism of launching a missile at hypersonic speeds? So far people have been sucessfull in releasing stores at supersonic speeds.Here RLV wont be releasing missiles, instead just PGM`s with no propulsion.( adding propulsion to PGM`s means more weight) which means less firepower a RLV carries.

DMRJ deisgn has been finished.Soon sub-system assembly will be commenced and its testing will be done. On the most conservative estimates, the first flight of DRDO RLV using DMRJ wont be before 2017.
Actually, kalam has said many times that he will use this tech for a missile specifically, To my guess it will could be a UCAV, or it could be a loitering weapon like the Israeli ones Navy has, this tech is feasible.....and thats what he is talking about.

You mean Herpy and Harop loitering kamikaji drone?I know about them.But they are not reusable.Making a reusable missile is not much feasible especially a hypersonic one for reasons I posted above.Rather a hypersonic ucav is much more feasible.If you see the wiki you will find that the AVATAR will be able to take off and land horizontaly just like an ucav not like a cruise missile which are launched not take off.
Old but related news

Dream missile on the horizon: Kalam


NEW DELHI, May 15: India is trying to develop a nuke warhead compatible long-range missile that can be used again and again for as many as 100 times. According to A P J Abdul Kalam, chief of the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO), the design of the reusable missile is in the conceptual stage. He declined to give details but said the reusable missile "is a marriage of aircraft, cruise missile and remotely piloted vehicle," the technologies for which already exist in India.

Kalam said that in the next "three to five years" the DRDO will be ready to make a formal proposal to the Defence Ministry for funding of the project. "This is our dream missile. We are trying to use several technologies. Someday it will become a competitor to manned combat aircraft," he said in an interview before this week's serial nuclear blasts.

Some main characteristics of this missile include hypersonic speed and ability to escape detection by radar because it will be virtually made of composite material.

Themissile will use a "referential guidance system (RGS)" to hit the target and return to base, a concept that Kalam declined to explain. He said that in order to establish the RGS, one would need a powerful computer with a huge memory. "We are working on this and also in the areas of composite materials and on system engineering and multiple planning," Kalam said. The reusable missile will have multiple paths to carry out its mission "and that is where systems engineering comes in", he said.

The missile will employ air-breathing propulsion system called ramjet and scramjet engines in which air sucked in during flight will be mixed with hydrogen and burned to produce a thrust pushing the missile to seven times the speed of sound (5000 kilometres per hour).
Old but related news

IISc, defence agencies work on recoverable hypersonic missiles

Peerzada Abrar, ET Bureau

BANGALORE: Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), along with Indian defence agencies, are developing technology to build recoverable hypersonic missiles which will be half the size of the current missiles. These missiles will have the potential of hitting a target over 5,000 km away at more than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5) and can also be used to launch satellites at low cost, a top scientist working on the project told ET.

No time frame has been announced as yet on when the missile work will be completed. This is of special significance as institutions like Nasa is experimenting on unmanned projects where they will use hypersonic flights to conduct space exploration.

Missiles which fly at Mach 3-4 (three to four times the speed of sound) belong to the high supersonic class, while hypersonic missiles can fly at more than Mach 5. India's longest-range missile, Agni III, is capable of hitting targets 3,500 km away and the forthcoming Agni V which has a range of about 5,000-6,000 km is expected to be test-fired in 2010.

IISc, defence agencies work on recoverable hypersonic missiles - Economic Times
Ok now I get it.But only one question.If this thing can take off horizontally from a runway,proceed to and destroy its objective,then return to base and land horizontaly on the runway autonomously-then how and why should it be called a missile?This is itself the definition of UCAV!!
Don't you think so????
I Kalam saab says its feasible then it is and will be done by Country's scientists no doubt. I have 100% faith in Kalam saab.
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