Who the hell did an iraqi person get so deep inside India?? (Bihar). I can understand the coast, but...
There are many Arabs living in non-Arab countries since generations and same is the case with Non-Arabs in Arab countries. For example there is a famous Yemeni singer from the last century born around 1901 in Yemen and brought up in Hadharmout. His name was Muhammad Juma'a Khan محمد جمعة خان. His father was brought to be the ruler's Personal Body Guard. He married a local Yemeni girl. He started to sing in Hadharmi Dialect and almost all his songs were hits in his time. He was called the Shaikh of Hadharmi songs شيخ الاغاني الحضرمية. He once sang a song and used the word شاباش in the lyrics, this word became a hit in Yemen after the song.
Also there are many Hindus from Kutch and other Indian / Pakistani areas in Yemen, but most of them are concentrated in Aden living for generation, some have converted to Islam. They carry the Yemeni nationality.
If anyone of you knows an old Yemeni man ask him about this singer. one of his hits was a song he sang when Oil was found in Yemen in 40s or 50s. Also if anyone knows Arabic and wants to listen to his songs i am ready to post some of Muhamamd Juma'a Khan's songs.
Then again there is another Arab poet his name was Muzaffar Al Nawab مظفر النواب. His family was once ruling one of the Indian states. His family was originally from the arabian peninsula then they settled in Baghdad.. He was from the linage of an imam who died of poisoning during the time of the caliph Haroon Al Rasheed. So the family migrated to India towards the northern states : Punjab - Lucknow - Kashmir and due to their lineage and their educational fame they became the rulers of these states at some stage.
After the Britishers took over India, the family expressed the spirit of direct opposition towards the British occupation causing the British ruler in India to resent towards the opposing family which was hostile towards the occupation and the British dominance. After suppressing the national Indian revolution the Britishers offered the notables of the family political exile and to choose a country which they would like to go to. So they decided to go to Iraq their old home.
Muzaffar Al Nawab was born in Baghdad in 1934 and he like his family was kept running; due to political reasons. He moved from Iraq to Ahwaz (the southern part of Iran now, this was an Arab sheikhdom which was annexed by the Persians, stretching for almost all the south of Iran.) due to the political situation in Iraq He was arrested by the Persians and given to the Iraqi government after torturing him. The Iraqis sentenced him to death and put him in a prison form where he ran away escaping to Beirut and finally settling in Damascus where he passed away.
This is how life goes on, moving and moving and moving