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Reports of Noshki FC HQ under attack

In this modern age ... the enemy searches for the weakness of the foe and uses them....this attack is a message to China to rethink CPEC when the PM is on a solidarity trip to China. But our politicians have no vision and no policy for mineral rich province. Now we look at every uprising and public protest through the lens of terrorism. But, never search the cause. This showdown will be concluded soon, what next ....wait for the next one ???????????????????... a vision needed
oh please give us a break, we dont need anymore of your candid input, you should rather be worried about the basturds mullahs living in Iran.

What would you term the above as? (If true)

Due to poor economy? Lack of awareness? Incompetence? Unwillingness to act due to political/public image repercussions?
This a concern even bigger than actual attack on HQs.
QAU, GCU, BZU and other universities with Arts/Pol. Sci./Mass. Comm./etc programs are breeding center of anti-Pak/anti-Islam propaganda. I have seen a close friend when went to a cadet college became a marxist in one of major university. Ironically, this marxism/feminism/etc is not coming from Russia (the old soviet union) but USA & Co. Similarly, RAND prepped up a favorable version of Islam via malleable "Imams/Scholars". That should be enough as a starting point for asking question to trace this ideology.

Yes, it is poor economy, lack of awareness, incompetence, unwillingness to act due to political/public image repercussions but the real question is why these short-comings exist. And, that is the question my friend you are not allowed to ask.

For me, attacks on FC HQs/GHQ with explosions and flying bullets that shake me to the core. It's the silent kaferization and indoctrination that leads youth to believe in manufactured religions/ideologies believing them result of a genuine though process. The attacks (see recent Kazakhstanis riots) are just the drop-scenes of a long choreographed play.
TBH from this whole thread, it seems Pakistan is heading in the same direction as India - Where blaming any problem in the state is the same as going against the country and Hindu religion or going against BJP.
Half of the posts are YES our boys attained shahadat good for them more should follow and half of them are blaming Bajwa and top brass.
The main worrying point in this discussion is simple is the life of Pakistani soldiers this low that these scums and can take it whenever where they want? Was this attack the first of its kind has these attacks have not happened in this area or in-state recently? what has the military leadership learned from all this as they are the ones sending these young chaps to take or give life for the country,
Shahadat is one of the highest owners but aren't we throwing that life too cheaply. WHY attack after attack military still hasn't at least done any sort of inquiry how these attacks are happening heck why at least not a civilian in Pakistan has gone to courts to ask why these young soldiers are losing daily and for what cause? to Protect Pakistan fine but why only attack whom have attacked you already the weapons, and all the equipment they brought didn't look hand-made in some cave to me, which a person who lives caves in Balochistan should have easy access to Someone has been supplying them why no action against those.
Even if the dead cant asks, the families of those cant ask, InshAllah Allah will ask these generals what were they doing.
oh please give us a break, we dont need anymore of your candid input, you should rather be worried about the basturds mullahs living in Iran.
love your mullah obsession dude,,, i thought Afghan and Indian handlers run the show today in Baluchistan...


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TBH from this whole thread, it seems Pakistan is heading in the same direction as India - Where blaming any problem in the state is the same as going against the country and Hindu religion or going against BJP.
Half of the posts are YES our boys attained shahadat good for them more should follow and half of them are blaming Bajwa and top brass.
The main worrying point in this discussion is simple is the life of Pakistani soldiers this low that these scums and can take it whenever where they want? Was this attack the first of its kind has these attacks have not happened in this area or in-state recently? what has the military leadership learned from all this as they are the ones sending these young chaps to take or give life for the country,
Shahadat is one of the highest owners but aren't we throwing that life too cheaply. WHY attack after attack military still hasn't at least done any sort of inquiry how these attacks are happening heck why at least not a civilian in Pakistan has gone to courts to ask why these young soldiers are losing daily and for what cause? to Protect Pakistan fine but why only attack whom have attacked you already the weapons, and all the equipment they brought didn't look hand-made in some cave to me, which a person who lives caves in Balochistan should have easy access to Someone has been supplying them why no action against those.
Even if the dead cant asks, the families of those cant ask, InshAllah Allah will ask these generals what were they doing.
Stop talking sense. Half of the members just accept Shahadat as an imaginary cure to our problems the more the merrier. Yet anywhere else in the world serious questions would have been put front to the local commanders then to the government lastly the chief.

The usual statement we get is we respect our soldiers long live my bank account and my post.

It's obvious the top brass hardly gives a shite. Because we got the Shahadat card. This does not just apply to the army or FC Brass but more importantly to these sick f$cks in government positions.

Just today the British envoy to Pakistan was given a tour so to speak of Balochistan. The army was like look man so peaceful so under control. whilst probably some miles away FC was being turned into butter spread.

Yeh Hain Hamari frustration.
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@Windjammer did you notice one thing in the picture I shared earlier and asked for expert opinion except from those who knew the business? Same as like the pics you shared and notice that these rats had no chance to use their ammo. Not even to reload next mag let alone claims of fighting for hours. You will find all the ammo RPGs and grenades well intact to the pouches/bandolier.
Well, problem is that everyone in this thread thinks they got some golden ideas to stop militancy which even military doesn't know.

Half of the people are betting on drones. Fact of matter is till date hundreds of thousands of terror attacks have happened all over the world. How many attacks are foiled or detected by drones ?. ZERO.

If a HQ is near populated area, near road, there is no way on earth a drone can detect between explosive laden car from a normal civilian car. Drones do not have x-rays, these cannot check which of the guys are terrorists, or which ones are only decoys sent to grab "drone's" focus while real party of terrorists carry out the attack on another location in same city.

Even if I agree for a moment that ok drones are the solution. then no body here seems to understand the scale we are talking about. To properly look down an area which is connected with populated areas a drone camera has to be focused down to few 100 meters. Otherwise, it will not be able to detect anything. You have to focus down to objects closely to see or monitor the behavior. That means even for a small village you needs 1000s of drones. Perhaps unlimited number for long Baluchistan border, and all routes within the province, villages etc. See below google map photos, one is of Nushki & other is of Dera Bugti. So I have zoomed at a level where only 10% of the city is visible and even then at this zoom you can't see anything, you will never foil an attack from this zoom level.. Drone operator will have to zoom down at particular location or object (that means all other area will be ignored) terrorists can bring multiple decoys to fool the drone.



So instead of drones.. Why don't you guys suggest heavy fortification of the posts & HQs. Sensors right their on ground. Better assault rifles, sniper rifles, armoured protection and more.

See, I am not against drones but people suggesting that drone as utlimate solution are simply wrong.
Yes drones can be helpful if HQ is located at center of the desert. But on a populated centers no use at all.

Now we all know, india invested at Chahbhar port. They brought route from Afghanistan to Iran and through Iranian port as alternative to CPEC. Now since they were packed up in Afghanistan, the iranians / indians do not want CPEC to flourish as well. The indian agents through iranian border (likes of Kulbushan) are active. Only possiblity to nab it with full cooperation of Iran.. But, We are in center of AFG, Iran & India.. Each country do not want us to progress. We simply cannot fight each one of them at a time. I say Pak / China as to give monetary incentive to Iran, so it aligns its success with ours. This is against our emotions but practical way forward. Just tell Iranian regime, look if CPEC becomes a success, we will have a road connectivity with Chahbahar and will use that port as well for x amount of the trade. Otherwise, those greedy MFs won't stop shaking their tail to indian masters.

See the link detailing indian plans for Chahbahar: https://byjus.com/free-ias-prep/chabahar-port/
@Windjammer did you notice one thing in the picture I shared earlier and asked for expert opinion except from those who knew the business? Same as like the pics you shared and notice that these rats had no chance to use their ammo. Not even to reload next mag let alone claims of fighting for hours. You will find all the ammo RPGs and grenades well intact to the pouches/bandolier.
Indeed, after them firing their initial salvos, they never had a chance to disperse or gain any momentum.
In one of the image, you can see three of them lying on top of each other. Which again explains that they never had a chance to move out of their pre-assault position to disperse and attack from various sides.
No doubt we lost some precious lives but not before they stopped these scumbags in their tracks.
Also notice the NATO equipment under use of the terrorists.
@Windjammer did you notice one thing in the picture I shared earlier and asked for expert opinion except from those who knew the business? Same as like the pics you shared and notice that these rats had no chance to use their ammo. Not even to reload next mag let alone claims of fighting for hours. You will find all the ammo RPGs and grenades well intact to the pouches/bandolier.
Is there any indication how long the actual fire fight during the assault at naushki and panjgur actually lasted?

Im not talking about clearance ops.
Graphic post…….
dispatched to hell, the glove has come off now. Notice most of them are headshots. Look at that arm and wrist, that's why you use 7.62 to fuckup whatever comes in front


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Is there any indication how long the actual fire fight during the assault at naushki and panjgur actually lasted?

Im not talking about clearance ops.

It could have been 1 & half to max 2 hours to the best when they were totally put to silence but that could be guessed only when you start with clearance. For example, they began assault but none could fire more than 30 bullets or an average of 20 or 25. They would have hardly started the assault from main entrance with a diversion for entry from 2 more points, then started to spray from 2nd point and then 3rd allegedly with 20 to 40 minutes laps but plan failed since they were all pinned at their first entry. Their movement would have been stopped in initial 20 to 30 minutes on each entry point. Just the guess work. Can't comment in regard to official observations.
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