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Report: Turkish frigates to confront Israeli ships in Mediterranean

our historical memories taught us not to trust arabs or iranians

But there is a difference, the Iranians were open enemies of the Ottomans, while the Arabs lived under the Ottomans and back stabbed the Ottoman empire, in other words, a traitor is worse than an enemy.
Sorry to bust your reality my friend but the blockade on Gaza was in place before Hamas took over. The simple truth is people of Palestine voted for Hamas as a result of the blockade.
No, blockade was declared one year after Hamas election, when they drastically increased the rocked fire.

what's the purpose of the U.S. Anti-Missile Shield in Turkish soil?????
The purpose is simple: Turkey allowed US radar against Iran (thus officially burying Erdos "zero problems with neighbors" policy), and in return US allowed Turkey some bitching against Israel.
and in return we are breaking irans influnce in Gaza as well
So long as Hamas is in control of Gaza there will never be peace.

Also whats up with your advertising a Video game gold website? It violates forum rules.
AS long as your country supports Israel there will be no peace ....correct yourself
Usa has no luxury to turn its back to Turkey,this what you guys still dont understand. .

Sorry but wtf is Turkey to the USA? Would any one in the US even notice if tomorrow all diplomatic ties were cut?

I think Turky is doing great things economically, industrially and have always thought its a great place but your not Saudi or China.

The worst thing anyone can do for the Palestinians is when Isreal is lossing support is start a shooting war and give Israel the chance to be the victim of Muslim agression.

Never thought i would suggest it but the army needs to put dogman back in his box to cool off.
Angel 1 Lift off :rofl:

Well i think that the time has come for drastic action
Israel must be told that they can no longer bully Palestinians without facing consequences

You are all brave in words, but will not be so much when missiles start flying around. You sound like boys with wet dreams about war.

Israel is more than quite capable to defend itself and pretty much brink to their knees all of its neighbours together at the same time.
You are over at the other side of the world and you don't quite realise that in eastern mediterranean the balances are very well kept and once a balance is lost.. something is taken or regained. Always ..

If Iran, could, it would, if Syria could, it would, if Turkey could, it would, if Egypt could, it would, if anyone could they would, the don't because they cannot.. and stop counting how many missiles and how many planes and what not, wars are not fought by numbers on a piece of paper, strategy, timing, training, information, surprise, understanding of one's enemy .. all play a key role in deciding the outcome of a confrontation. On paper a lot of things should have happened that never did.
Angel 1 Lift off :rofl:

Well i think that the time has come for drastic action
Israel must be told that they can no longer bully Palestinians without facing consequences

You are all brave in words, but will not be so much when missiles start flying around. You sound like boys with wet dreams about war.

Israel is more than quite capable to defend itself and pretty much brink to their knees all of its neighbours together at the same time.
You are over at the other side of the world and you don't quite realise that in eastern mediterranean the balances are very well kept and once a balance is lost.. something is taken or regained. Always ..

If Iran, could, it would, if Syria could, it would, if Turkey could, it would, if Egypt could, it would, if anyone could they would, the don't because they cannot.. and stop counting how many missiles and how many planes and what not, wars are not fought by numbers on a piece of paper, strategy, timing, training, information, surprise, understanding of one's enemy .. all play a key role in deciding the outcome of a confrontation. On paper a lot of things should have happened that never did.
AS long as your country supports Israel there will be no peace ....correct yourself

Hence the crux of the problem. one side wants Israel totally destroyed and only willing to offer a "Hudna" temporary truce. Which it can then use to build up and fight another day. And the other will not give up Jerusalem. In the end there will be no peace but only war. It's only a matter of time before a country thinks it has the ability to take out Israel and be the hero of all Muslims. Thier problem is America stands in thier way in acomplishing the job. And as much as you wish America to go into the dust bins of history. It is not going to happen in any forseeable future.
Will confront........, might confront........, will be aggressive... its been some weeks.. can anybody there push the missile button instead of all these loud talks????
Will confront........, might confront........, will be aggressive... its been some weeks.. can anybody there push the missile button instead of all these loud talks????
Angel 1 Lift off :rofl:

Well i think that the time has come for drastic action
Israel must be told that they can no longer bully Palestinians without facing consequences
Sorry but wtf is Turkey to the USA?
Too much. I will not waste my time. There are dozens of articles about it.

Would any one in the US even notice if tomorrow all diplomatic ties were cut?
Average Joes,no they wouldnt care but if you are talking about the guy in Washington DC reading Washington Post while drinking his coffee and probably knows Turkey and its history better than me,yes he would terribly care.

I think Turky is doing great things economically, industrially and have always thought its a great place but your not Saudi or China.
Who said we are?Or who said we want to be?

The worst thing anyone can do for the Palestinians is when Isreal is lossing support is start a shooting war and give Israel the chance to be the victim of Muslim agression.
Good point. Thats why there is no such a thing as war. Its your hysteria.

Never thought i would suggest it but.
I am not surprised.

the army needs to put dogman back in his box to cool off.
I think you are the dogman to cool off since you are writing a story and worrying about it at the same time.
Sorry but wtf is Turkey to the USA? Would any one in the US even notice if tomorrow all diplomatic ties were cut?

I think Turky is doing great things economically, industrially and have always thought its a great place but your not Saudi or China.

The worst thing anyone can do for the Palestinians is when Isreal is lossing support is start a shooting war and give Israel the chance to be the victim of Muslim agression.

Never thought i would suggest it but the army needs to put dogman back in his box to cool off.

It is obvious then that you have no idea about the geo-strategic reality of Turkey. There is a reason that Turkey is considered the crossroads of civilizations, where West meets East & hosts one of the most important merchant channels in the world.

In history empires have waged war to claim Istanbul & Asia Minor and at least 3 empires have made Istanbul their capitol in the past because of it's location, the Russians have in the past waged constant campaigns of conquest to take Istanbul from the Ottomans.

The USA minus the goons in congress knows just how important Turkey is, Turkey today is seen as the Muslim equivalent of the USA, it is a regional hegemony where no other power except Turkish power reigns, the land army of Turkey is larger then Russia and it provides military and economic aid to at least 16 nations, guarantees Macedonian and Azerbaijan independence, is involved in rebuilding Russia's post USSR economy by actively investing in it & was actively working to find a permanent peace between Palestinians and Israel, the US after Iraq and Afghanistan is viewed unfavorably in the region and actively today works closely with it's key and only Muslim majority ally in an attempt to bring peace into the region.

So the question you should ask is not WTF is Turkey to America but just how much America stands to lose if they dismiss the Turks.

Turkey is heavily integrated into NATO and whenever the need for NATO involvement is deemed necessary in foreign conflicts Turkey is expected to do the rebuilding & promote the name of the Western alliance this is especially true in conflicts that involve Muslim majorities & the fact is if America loses Turkey then NATO then loses credibility to the some 1.5 billion Muslims of this world, this is especially true today given that most Muslims around the world look to Turkey to resolve the Palestinian-Israel conflict.

The US never trusted Russia even after the communist land based superpower broke apart and the USA is worried about a possible future Russian re-emergence and it expects Turkey as a NATO key ally to counterattack as the only other major land power other then the US itself leading the charge should hostilities in the future between NATO and Russia break out.

Turkey is despite what propaganda may tell you is the USA closest ally, we have been with the yanks in every conflict backing them in every conflict and 5000 Turks in Korea have saved the US 2nd division from destruction by stopping over 30,000 Chinese & North Korean troops dead in their tracks.

You should educate yourself further do a simple Google search for "Superpower Turkey" and have a look at what George Friedman of STRATFOR states about Turkey (ignore his future predictions of war but everything else he has claimed is coming to pass).
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