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Report: Turkish frigates to confront Israeli ships in Mediterranean

Let me go one step further-

As long as amrika doesn't stops acting like a police- there could be no peace in World-
Its nice to think that Turkey is doing something for the Palestinians but I think its just politics and turks are just flexing their muscle. Going anti israel is always a popular move amongst muslim countries. But we must not forget that PLO in the past were given a lot more time by Greeks than Turks.

I don't think the Turkish govt. will risk the Turkish 'image' and 'reputation' just to appear 'tough' on Israel and win brownie points in the Arab world. Turkey is playing with fire. All it takes is a few months of sustained media-campaign by the Israeli surrogates in American to destroy the Turkish 'image' and 'reputation'. Turkey can be made to look like another Iran in no time. Such is the pull of the American-media.
Also, you need to consider that long before AKP came to power Turkey had downgraded its relations with Israel for almost a decade (when Israelis decided to shift their capital to Jerusalem). Turkey has always had problems with Israel when it came to the Israeli-Pal conflict.
It may well be that Turkey feels shunned by the EU, that now the 'elected' people in Turkey feel confident enough to challenge the Turkish military, that, due to the internet, Turks and the world is more aware of the Palestinian plight; all these are important factor in the Turkish posture.
Well, i hope the Turks know they they are only risking the image and reputation of their nation for the sake of the same people who BACKSTAbBED them during WW1:

Flag of Sharrif Hussein (now the Palestinian flag), the leader of the Arab revolt against the Ottomans
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So long as Hamas is in control of Gaza there will never be peace.

Also whats up with your advertising a Video game gold website? It violates forum rules.

Sorry to bust your reality my friend but the blockade on Gaza was in place before Hamas took over. The simple truth is people of Palestine voted for Hamas as a result of the blockade.
He is putting Turkey in a position to look foolish. All Israel has to do is wait for the ships to enter territorial waters and board them with Turkish ships nearby unable to act.
Israelis will wait till and act only in their own water because they have no choice!! Not because they respect law but more fear the Turks!
''make our navy look foolish'' like you say! Some also might fool themselves, but in reality this is very different then the arrogant Israelis stance during the first flotilla! It is stepping back!! Because IF they make the same mistake again, like killing the activists who will resist! Then at that moment our navy will be near enough to come in action immediatly! So its all to make Israel think twice before making the same mistake again! And letting them know who's really runs the mediteranian!! I think its an excellent move by our country! They will never ever dare again to board any ship outside their 12 mile! Because our navy will be patrolling there!Mediteranian is nobodies fathers farm where they can violate and bully some people! They'll have to obey international law period!
Its nice to think that Turkey is doing something for the Palestinians but I think its just politics and turks are just flexing their muscle. Going anti israel is always a popular move amongst muslim countries. But we must not forget that PLO in the past were given a lot more time by Greeks than Turks.

Same Greeks who made alliances with Israel in no time when Turkey decided to throw them Israelis in the garbage? Think about it! They were anti-Israel because Israelis didnt consider Greeks important at all so they ignored the Greeks! Now when we have problems they jump in and beg Israel to accept them as a equal partner! LOL!
So long as Hamas is in control of Gaza there will never be peace.
How many UN resolutions has Israel accepted thus far ? Dont start comparing some unguided rockets with Israeli state of the art defense hardware ...
what's the purpose of the U.S. Anti-Missile Shield in Turkish soil?????

As Turkey OKs U.S. Anti-Missile Shield, a military conflict between Israel and Turkey would be needless and useless, the soul purpose of Tayip Erdogan's middleast show could be to win the hearts and minds of the unorganised Sunni Arabs and backed by America against shia Iran, on the brink of producing nuclear weapons. In other words, Turkey and the new Turkish and sunni union indirectly controlled and manipulated by America will be used as a shield against shia Iran.
what's the purpose of the U.S. Anti-Missile Shield in Turkish soil?????

Well Iran dares to use PKK as a card against Turkey! It uses the Shia card to destableize the middle east! Then why shouldnt we uses NATO missile shield as card against them! This shield is defensive weapon aslo. Can you guarantee Nuclear armed Iran wont use this against Turkey or any other muslim country in future? Ofcourse they wont dare to use the nukes itself! But sure they will bully the arabs and Turkey!

This anti-missile shield of NATO can be used against Israeli, Iranian and Russian icbms! Its not even particularly against Iran! So Turkey doing the right thing to support it! Besides if cournties have icmb's and nukes it is better for Turkey to atleast have something to counter it! Turkey doing just fine it is excellent to see how they manage to keep the balance NATO vice a vice Russia and other countries!
Well Iran dares to use PKK as a card against Turkey! It uses the Shia card to destableize the middle east! Then why shouldnt we uses NATO missile shield as card against them! This shield is defensive weapon aslo. Can you guarantee Nuclear armed Iran wont use this against Turkey or any other muslim country in future?

This anti-missile shield of NATO can be used against Israeli, Iranian and Russian icbms! Its not even particularly against Iran! So Turkey doing the right thing to support it! No reason to sacrefice our NATO membership for any of those countries! Turkey doing just fine it is excellent to see how they manage to keep the balance NATO vice a vice Russia and other countries!
thats what I am saying as well :tup:
I don't think the Turkish govt. will risk the Turkish 'image' and 'reputation' just to appear 'tough' on Israel and win brownie points in the Arab world. Turkey is playing with fire. All it takes is a few months of sustained media-campaign by the Israeli surrogates in American to destroy the Turkish 'image' and 'reputation'. Turkey can be made to look like another Iran in no time. QUOTE]

Usa has no luxury to turn its back to Turkey,this what you guys still dont understand. Turkey almost cut its ties with Israel and where are the condemnation for it from the west? Would it be the same if Turkey had done this,lets say,10 years ago? Israel has lost its blind support and only some muslims and fanatic jews cant understand it.
Usa has no luxury to turn its back to Turkey,this what you guys still dont understand. Turkey almost cut its ties with Israel and where are the condemnation for it from the west? Would it be the same if Turkey had done this,lets say,10 years ago? Israel has lost its blind support and only some muslims and fanatic jews cant understand it.

Exactly, even the US congress who is very pro-israel is silenced! that should tell us something!
our historical memories taught us not to trust arabs or iranians

But there is a difference, the Iranians were open enemies of the Ottomans, while the Arabs lived under the Ottomans and back stabbed the Ottoman empire, in other words, a traitor is worse than an enemy.
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