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Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

Anyone with a pair of eyeballs can tell that the PAK FA is a joke. :lol:

Once again, here's Bill Sweetman's opinion.

Chinese J-20 Stealth Fighter Advances | AVIATION WEEK




No Sir, You Clearly Failed To Understand. I don't Know Why Are You Posting Bill Sweetman's opinion.... :)
Low observability, radar, thrust to weight ratio, speed, service ceiling, WVR, although the Rafale might have more automation in EW.

Low observability and versatility

I Hope You Are Intelligent ENOUGH to Know That BOTH Jf17 and J10 Mount Weapon's EXTERNALLY

Some Indians talking about the supposed superiority of Rafale like they already have it in their hands, truly hilarious. Then you got the usual idiots that scream copy and paste, without bothering to check facts.
As for MKI, it has two huge glaring weaknesses: excessive weight (not agile) and early 80's Soviet-era avionics / cockpit. In both these factors, JF-17 blows it out of the sky. In a war, 1 MKI is not much better than 1 JF-17 and 2 JF-17 is easily superior to 1 MKI.

Return of the troll .... JF-17's gonna counter MKI's N011 BARS + R-77 adders with what , eh ?

Cockpit looks don't win you wars , neither does talking rubbish without any technical info ....
Rafale would be a fantastic Addition for India in 2018 congrats

Meanwhile let us get our 300 JF17 thunder and 100 J10B + F16 upgrades we all win something in end
Some Indians talking about the supposed superiority of Rafale like they already have it in their hands, truly hilarious. Then you got the usual idiots that scream copy and paste, without bothering to check facts.

Indians are not talking about that, that Chinese news presenter was.:lol:
Indians are not talking about that, that Chinese news presenter was.:lol:
The same guy that peg Rafale's capability to Su-30MKK? Heh that's super credible right there.
GUYS DONT GET ME WRONG but this is what i think
Let not underestimate the Su3o MKK MKI RAFale Mig29 J10 JF17 all have there saying, every plane are different from each other somehow
everyone is proud of the there own airforce but you have to realistic also at the same time
you cannot show off and talk about price tag every one has there needs and wants for the air force
the needs of Bangladesh Airforce is different from Pakistan air force and India air force needs are different from Pakistan
F16 JF17 J10 is Pakistan answer to India air force i guess
but the Rafael is very advance fighter i am waiting to see the Next move of Pakistan and China they might come out with Advance version of J10 somethinlike that to counter the Rafael

i would also say dont underestimate the air force of India Pakistan and China
but i would say good luck to all topgun
J-10B is first and foremost, an aircraft designed for air superiority with very limited A2G capability in mind. The Su-30MKK on the other hand, is specifically modified by Russia at the request of China for maritime strike. As a result, Su-30MKK is quite clumbersome (for a Flanker) in air combat due to its role. The fact that the show host is comparing these two together shows nothing more than ignorance. Unfortunately, most Chinese media workers can't tell an aircraft carrier from a canoe.
j11b far superior to su30MKI?
smoking too much cultural revolution grade opium apparently

this is what excessive nationalism does to you. clouds your judgment and makes you retarded. saying "China can dominate the skies above New Delhi" is like saying "Taiwan can dominate the skies above Biejing" which would make more sense since they are a lot closer to each other
LOL at indian brainwashing. Look at a map. China is 200 km away from New Delhi. We are now deploying J-10B to airbases in Tibet mere hundreds of kilometers away from New Delhi. In a war, Red Fort will be destroyed right away and the entire city center will need to be bombed away. For bombing, we'll use H-6K of course.



You don’t even know the RCS figures for J-10, you are just making stories up. As for radar, what radar does the J-10B use again?
LOL at your obvious jealousy at China. J-10B has AESA, and we've just deployed it. Meanwhile, Russia hasn't deployed an AESA radar on a production fighter aircraft yet. :lol:

Nobody knows RCS figures for J-10. PLA doesn't publish these things.

You have to be kidding. The SU-30 have a combination of TVC and canards. As well as good T/W ratio; not to mention the Flanker airframe broke over 40 world records. The SU-30 is capable of 10G turns. The JF-17 is out of its league.
Canards are the weaknesses of the flankers. That's why Russia did not go for canards on the Su-35. They saw the problems on the MKI (good move by the way). China was lucky because we didn't go for the canard flanker option -- we wanted something safe. Note that we only have canards on the J-15 because it's naval and needs more lift. (Of course there is nothing wrong with canards itself, like the J-10, it's just that the flanker airframe plus canards is not ideal.)

MKI doesn't have real TVC either, but limited 2D TVC at best. Low T/W is a major problem for the MKI, it's even lower than 90's era MKK.

As for avionics in the SU-30, firstly it can not have ‘early 80’s avionics’ because the SU-30 was created in the 1990’s. Secondly, the SU-30mki cockpit is a mix of French and Israeli systems. So the joke is on you.

And the JF-17's is very limited to its small random and extremely small radar.
A huge aircraft like the MKI has a bigger radar yes, but it's also a bigger target iself on its adversary's radar!

Look at JF-17's cockpit to see the difference in avionics generation between JF-17 and MKI. I'll tell you what's really a joke -- indian attempts to integrate French and Israeli systems into a Russian aircraft :rofl:


Anyone with a pair of eyes can see that you are a joke and Sweetman is a magazine editor, try pulling up some academic sources and then talk.
Now you're just being stubborn. Sweetman is a respected military expert. He has much better credentials than you -- you are some random Russian guy. He gave an expert opinion saying J-20 is a real deal stealth fighter like F-22 while PAKFA made some obvious major compromises to stealth. That is credible. Your envious, stubborn nay-saying is not.

Which Chinese aircraft in the 80s sported this kind of cockpit?

Sukhoi 30 MKI

Chinese Sukhoi-30 MK2 cockpit.

See JF-17 cockpit above. It beats both MKI and MKK.

Return of the troll .... JF-17's gonna counter MKI's N011 BARS + R-77 adders with what , eh ?

Cockpit looks don't win you wars , neither does talking rubbish without any technical info ....
LOL..... R-77 adders are nothing compared to China's SD-10A!


JF-17 has an extremely advanced KLJ-7 X-band mechanically scanned radar too. A physically large target like MKI would be easily tracked.
The PAK FA is like a normal Flanker with internal weapon bays.

I encourage Russia and India to buy as many as you can afford. :lol:




LOL..... R-77 adders are nothing compared to China's SD-10A!

Nothing , eh ? This when the SD-10s are cheap rip-offs of R-77s with a chinese motor ....

JF-17 has an extremely advanced KLJ-7 X-band mechanically scanned radar too. A physically large target like MKI would be easily tracked.

N011 Bars will track the J-17 much earlier and at a longer range -- hence its advantages in BVR.

Seriously, fanboy-ism is touching new heights here @ PDF ..
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