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Report: India may attack Pakistan

i totally agree we have to fight what we have got and have faith in Allah alot of you seems like doesnt or dont care.....Pakistan was found "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN"
well Israel did loose a number of soldiers/civilians countable in the fingers! and a few merkavas I was recently in Lebanon, so dont tell me that they gained a lot! Cluster munitions is the only gain, maybe the kids can play with it, what say? God Speed

You think so.... how many fingers you have by the way.... before making apocryphal claims, you should check the exact figure....
How callous of you....... is it worth joking??? :tsk:
Ok then its very probable that A-5s were mistaken for Tornadoes.

No my frnd u r rite they r saudi tornadoz but they were not given to us!!!
thy had gone to chaklala AB after they went to kamra AB!!!:undecided:

but this thing happened near 1 yr ago!!!
Source: (visit link for picture)

Tornadoes have been identified over Pakistan. Their brown camo suggests they are from Saudi Arabia. While many have seen these planes flying higher and faster than the F-7s of the PAF, the Tornadoes have been hard to identify. Our correspondents have confirmed with "90%" confidence that these are in fact Tornados. These planes are very likely on "loan" from Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Tornados are BVR capable and could provide an excellent counter to th Su-30MKI of the Indian Air Force. They can more than match the speed, payload and range of the Indian FLANKERs.

Pakistan is in a state of heigtened alert as India continues to play nuclear brinkmanship in the Subcontinent in an effort to pressurize Pakistan to hand over militants allegedly involved in the Mumbai attacks. Pakistan refuses to hand over its citizens without proper evidence. Interpol Secretary General has stated that India has not given any evidence to them as of yet.
YOU see Israelis knows we have more then stones to defend ourselves so i doubt they will try any thing second CIA provides Intel on targets with in Pakistan we move our soldiers out of Fata + NATO supply line cut off iam sure Americans will have there dogs(mossad) on leash just to make sure

Ang Mossad and CIA will come to your door steps and announce out the intel in a loud speaker.
i totally agree we have to fight what we have got and have faith in Allah alot of you seems like doesnt or dont care.....Pakistan was found "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN"

Ahmm Pakistan was founded as "Dominion of Pakistan" :D

Well I dont know If KSA will loan Tornadoes, but they will keep up the Oil Supply, and can be trusted on that. But the Problem starts when India starts preparation for a Naval Blocade!

Pakistan has 3 major ports :D 2 in Karachi and 1 in Gawadar
well Israel did loose a number of soldiers/civilians countable in the fingers! and a few merkavas I was recently in Lebanon, so dont tell me that they gained a lot! Cluster munitions is the only gain, maybe the kids can play with it, what say? God Speed

You mean giving an AZZ whopping to middle east best supplied armed to the teeth army is not a big deal in your eyes.
when you were in lebanon did u happen to see lebnons air force if u didnt that might be because they arent allowed(thanx to uncle sam and saudies) so attacking civilian targets from 30,000 feet and runing off dont make you a strong its a sign of coward also known as state terrorisum.

second lebanons army stayed out of this whole war so israelies werent even fighting a regular army in pakistans case if you are saying they wanna avenge and go home for some reason i doubt that will be a walk in the park.

Any body giving them there air space to attack pakistan will have to face the music
sir i ahve read quite a lot of posts in this forum stating how the PAF is better than the IAF , and how there pilots and fighter planes are superior. well i have never tried to contradict that in any way but reading some of the posts in these thread many members
supported the idea of leasing fighters from the saudis.
my question to all my friends here is if PAF is so much efficient in dealing with an indian attack then why are they even considering the thought of leasing fighters from the saudis?

friends remember iam not in support of the IAF or the PAF,or who is superior and who is not.
its just a simple enquiry about your ideas?

sheesh, i was posting objectively, and u r quoting only half what I said and attacking it.
I said, Pakistan is not Lebanon and attacking it wont be a walk in the park!!!! I guess some of u couldnt understand the plain english I used, maybe I should use sophisticated words! lol
sir i ahve read quite a lot of posts in this forum stating how the PAF is better than the IAF , and how there pilots and fighter planes are superior. well i have never tried to contradict that in any way but reading some of the posts in these thread many members
supported the idea of leasing fighters from the saudis.
my question to all my friends here is if PAF is so much efficient in dealing with an indian attack then why are they even considering the thought of leasing fighters from the saudis?

friends remember iam not in support of the IAF or the PAF,or who is superior and who is not.
its just a simple enquiry about your ideas?

Because we have excellent pilots but our aircarft inventory is not huge...
sir i ahve read quite a lot of posts in this forum stating how the PAF is better than the IAF , and how there pilots and fighter planes are superior. well i have never tried to contradict that in any way but reading some of the posts in these thread many members
supported the idea of leasing fighters from the saudis.
my question to all my friends here is if PAF is so much efficient in dealing with an indian attack then why are they even considering the thought of leasing fighters from the saudis?

friends remember iam not in support of the IAF or the PAF,or who is superior and who is not.
its just a simple enquiry about your ideas?

We have excellent pilots but we need more aircraft..
sir i ahve read quite a lot of posts in this forum stating how the PAF is better than the IAF , and how there pilots and fighter planes are superior. well i have never tried to contradict that in any way but reading some of the posts in these thread many members
supported the idea of leasing fighters from the saudis.
my question to all my friends here is if PAF is so much efficient in dealing with an indian attack then why are they even considering the thought of leasing fighters from the saudis?

friends remember iam not in support of the IAF or the PAF,or who is superior and who is not.
its just a simple enquiry about your ideas?

moscow, Pakistan Airforce is in need of some good Upgrades. Their frontline fighter, the F16 is the best they got, sadly they dont have it in good numbers which would have been a game changer.

The Indian Airforce in the past relied on Numerical superiority, but I Personally feel they got some good Fighters now and is at an advantageous position.

But You must rememeber that once IAF enters Pakistan, its not just the PAF they will face. They will be Facing SAMS, AAF etc. It wont be a walk in the Park Period
moscow, Pakistan Airforce is in need of some good Upgrades. Their frontline fighter, the F16 is the best they got, sadly they dont have it in good numbers which would have been a game changer.

The Indian Airforce in the past relied on Numerical superiority, but I Personally feel they got some good Fighters now and is at an advantageous position.

But You must rememeber that once IAF enters Pakistan, its not just the PAF they will face. They will be Facing SAMS, AAF etc. It wont be a walk in the Park Period

iight so i called my uncle today since i am going to Pakistan i told em to get a rocket launcher when i will be there so i can get on my house roof and shoot down some SU-30MKI and have fun

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