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Report: India may attack Pakistan

Army fights in the name of Allah and not Zardari.

i meant brother that Zardari stop Pakistan army to take further action than.....like just now Drones attack everyday 90attacks have been made since Zardari has become President.
i simply dont trust Russian Technology my Uncle has orderd 1 US made Rocket Launcher we have factory in Pakistan its very effective the total cost we are paying its $6000 i cant seriously wait to go back shot those down myself it would be so exiting hunting down

Dude you are going nowhere with those rockets of yours. Dont underestimate the enemy. flankers are no joke, they are a real pain in the *** for the PAF and PAF is fully aware of that fact.
Also russian technology is equally as good as any american counterpart. Have you ever wondered why we still insist on the russians hardware and have asked them repeatedly to provide us with military hardware.
People really need to avoid these types of sensationalist blogs. They are not doing the people of Pakistan any good.
Fall out of skies? becuase of what .... wrath of Zeus. Is this a hope or a prayer
Pakistan do not have a missile in their inventory to cover entire india. Else please name the missile.....

Its called SHAHEEN and it has a range of 2500km, tested! Keep believing your own bull$**** until it shows up on your @ss and blows you into little pieces!

But if you live closer, we can also throw the GHAURI ro RAAD! Your pick!

For your own good, do a Google on Pakistan Missile types and READ CAREFULLY!

Secondly your fleet of flying coffin's (Flankers) have had a very bad history of crashes in recent years. It may have been Zeus throwing a bolt up your IAF novices @ss to make them literally fall form the sky!
you are right sir, most IAF fighters are old but so are PAF fighters.
as far as i know in the last 10 years iaf have acquired more new fighter jets than PAF has done.
and for every missile pakistan fires india will do the same. the end result is destruction of both the countries
pakistan have to destroy a larger land mass<corresponding to indias size> and india has to destroy a comparatively lesser land mass< corresponding to pakistan s size>
no country will benefit in that scenerio but the important thing post war would be which country recovers quicker from the afteraffect.there i think india has the advantage compared to pakistan because of their better economic position at this point of time.


Simple, do a Google on air crashes for the IAF Flankers (the most number of aircraft) during the last 5 years and then compare it to PAF F-7P crashes.

War is bad, agreed! We will not start it - definitely, but if the Indians out of stupidity do, it will indeed be Armageddon for both & India's aspirations of 'shining' and or becoming the 'regional' superpower will be finished!
I said, Pakistan is not Lebanon and attacking it wont be a walk in the park!!!! I guess some of u couldnt understand the plain english I used, maybe I should use sophisticated words! lol

You are more than welcome to use whatever sophistication you have in your arsenal. one thing i assure you though, Pakistanis will never disappoint you, be it battlefield or cyberfield. so bring it on........:agree:
you are right sir, most IAF fighters are old but so are PAF fighters.
as far as i know in the last 10 years iaf have acquired more new fighter jets than PAF has done.
and for every missile pakistan fires india will do the same. the end result is destruction of both the countries
pakistan have to destroy a larger land mass<corresponding to indias size> and india has to destroy a comparatively lesser land mass< corresponding to pakistan s size>
no country will benefit in that scenerio but the important thing post war would be which country recovers quicker from the afteraffect.there i think india has the advantage compared to pakistan because of their better economic position at this point of time.

Very subtly, you are trying to convey your message. However, one thing you must remember that if india has a bigger land mass, Pakistan has gathered enough babies to cater for that so it doesn't matter much. Secondly, when 20-25 major indian cities are destroyed (if it comes to that) then all your economic might will vanish like thin air because all your political, economic and technological hubs will be gone. On the other hand, Pakistan will start this war with full knowledge that it has limited space, so dear, for Pakistan it will be the final decisive battle. Even if india is left with something, they can't do anything other than collecting the pieces of what would then be left of india. Destruction is the only thing which will rule so you'd be better off not even thinking about it.
Well, israel is not as stupid as you seem to give them credit for. they are threatened (a mild word) by Iran which still does not possess either nuclear weapon or strike capability, you think they want to mess with someone who has both...

Hmm...Israel participating in the attack is far-fetched but cannot be ruled out entirely. :devil: After all, they know that Pakistan will strike back at India immediately but not attack Israel.

Israel will prove to its citizens that it has the b*lls to avenge the rabbi couple murder, and do it in a low-risk fashion. Their citizens are disgusted at their govt for its perceived weakness: failure in the Hezbollah war, failure to rescue Gilad Shalit, being forced to release convicted killers (e.g. Post-Mumbai, many Israeli citizen blogs praised Mumbai commandos for killing the terrorists rather than negotiating with them and compared them to their govts weak stance on hostages like Shalit). The govt is desperate to show that it means business (e.g. both PM candidates Livni and Netanyahu have promised to oust Hamas from Gaza) and what better way to show it...

I know the above sounds a bit like a Tom Clancy novel, but I would not rule it out entirely...;)
Why would Israel interfere? Over a couple of Israelis who died in these attacks?
What about all the palestinians being slaughtered by these people?
They're so obsessed with themselves, a wise thing would be to stay out of this issue, instead, let them hold peace talks or form a new cease fire treaty with Hamas/Fatah.
Israel interfering in this issue is highly unlikely, although, you might never know what happens at the background.

i simply dont trust Russian Technology my Uncle has orderd 1 US made Rocket Launcher we have factory in Pakistan its very effective the total cost we are paying its $6000 i cant seriously wait to go back shot those down myself it would be so exiting hunting down

Rocket launchers are ideally for stationary targets. Some people have had success with RPGs vs helicopters.
As far as Russian technology goes.... most of the Chinese weaponary we have is of Russian design.
Very subtly, you are trying to convey your message. However, one thing you must remember that if india has a bigger land mass, Pakistan has gathered enough babies to cater for that so it doesn't matter much. Secondly, when 20-25 major indian cities are destroyed (if it comes to that) then all your economic might will vanish like thin air because all your political, economic and technological hubs will be gone. On the other hand, Pakistan will start this war with full knowledge that it has limited space, so dear, for Pakistan it will be the final decisive battle. Even if india is left with something, they can't do anything other than collecting the pieces of what would then be left of india. Destruction is the only thing which will rule so you'd be better off not even thinking about it.

sir agree with you u r absolutely right about it. thanx
Simple, do a Google on air crashes for the IAF Flankers (the most number of aircraft) during the last 5 years and then compare it to PAF F-7P crashes.

War is bad, agreed! We will not start it - definitely, but if the Indians out of stupidity do, it will indeed be Armageddon for both & India's aspirations of 'shining' and or becoming the 'regional' superpower will be finished!

sir i am well aware of infamous indian record of their aircrashes and bad maintainance but most of the IAF crashes involve the MIGS which are already very old. i did not come across any IAF flanker crashes, infact only recently have the indian fellows started buying flankers all their previous stuff were migs.

i was not trying to boast of IAF power or so because i know they dont have it,they are bringing a bad name to some of the best fighter planes that russia have produced by faulty maintainance and low level of skill.
my point was that pakistan should never underestimate the quality of the flanker its the best that russia have ever produced.
fighter plane skill depends on the sum of mechanical and human skill if either one is lacking the performance goes down drastically.
Hmm...Israel participating in the attack is far-fetched but cannot be ruled out entirely. :devil: After all, they know that Pakistan will strike back at India immediately but not attack Israel.

Israel will prove to its citizens that it has the b*lls to avenge the rabbi couple murder, and do it in a low-risk fashion. Their citizens are disgusted at their govt for its perceived weakness: failure in the Hezbollah war, failure to rescue Gilad Shalit, being forced to release convicted killers (e.g. Post-Mumbai, many Israeli citizen blogs praised Mumbai commandos for killing the terrorists rather than negotiating with them and compared them to their govts weak stance on hostages like Shalit). The govt is desperate to show that it means business (e.g. both PM candidates Livni and Netanyahu have promised to oust Hamas from Gaza) and what better way to show it...

I know the above sounds a bit like a Tom Clancy novel, but I would not rule it out entirely...;)

With your "intelligence", you have been able to answer your ownself in your post. Read it again..... your statement in para one and two are incongruous.... on one hand you dont rule out the possibility and on the other you have mentioned the numerous internal and external problems that they face as of today. You still think that instead of going for low risk option of going after Hamas to prove their authority, they will choose to play with fire which can be a sure recipe for disaster?????? not to forget iran and the internal political turmoil with election nearing each day. They are not dafts my friend and that is why they are israel and india is india.
Pakistan has no enemity or issue with them so there is zero or even less chance that they want to wake the giant unnecessarily knowing fully well that a) GOP is not involved b) whatever the GOI has come up so far is thin air and they have contradicted themselves countless times in just one month for israelis liking. c) Contrary to what you say most israelis think very low of the "marvelous" performance of your commandos because they are konwn to have pulled off few stunners themselves, so are you trying to compare their hostage rescue performance with that of India???? its a non starter my friend, it wont fly even in your dominion of Bhutan and Nepal. :lol:

I wont dismiss your fatuous argument highlighted in bold merely becuase i dont want to disappoint you in your analytical thinking but just compare all these targets with Pakistan and then you decide yourself. you have forgotten iran in this list which wants to wipe them out (remember)
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Yesterday someone posted the image and here is analysis for you. Compare both pictures . What is authentication of picture 1. if anyone can verify this picture has been taken in Pakistan?. Because if its true then,they are Tornadoes.


A picture from foreign source.
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